iPhone 3D Engine for a WebGL Bike Configurator [closed] - iphone

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have developed a WebGL bike configurator demo using Three.js. Given the fact that WebGL is not yet supported on iOS Safari, I have to port my app to Objective-C. Which 3D engine do you recommend?
What do you think about NinevehGL and iSGL3D framework?
EDIT: I need free/opensource frameworks
EDIT 2: I have found a great comparison of open source frameworks althought NinevehGL framework is not mentioned:

Given that you are comfortable with javascript I would suggest using Unity3D so you can code in UnityScript which is also ECMAScript derived.

After trying myself NinevehGL and ISGL3D by doing a small demo for my needs I can say the following:
-NinevehGL 0.9.2: It's an easy to use framework. It's great but it lacks of many features yet. However, when more features gets added, it will be a great framework. I'm sure! The API is fully documented and you can install documentation directly on XCode.
-ISGL3D 1.2.3: It's more difficult to use. It has a lot of features. However, it has bugs which are not being solved. The reason for that is main developer don't have time to mantain code. Other developers has shown interest in continuing his work and have moved code to Github. But activity there is very low. What is active is isgl3d google group. The API is very well documented on framework's web.
So now I will try Unity like #ade suggested me...
-Unity: It's really a great framework. I have already done a demo and I like it over the rest. It is my choice now because 3D file importing system is very great and you can export your work to multiple platforms. If you like JavaScript you will like it. What is important is that if you have doubts or errors in your code, there is a lot of material online to help you in Unity answers ( http://answers.unity3d.com/ ). Finally, to get started check out this URL: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/12321/how-can-i-start-learning-unity-fast-list-of-tutori.html


Creating CrossPlatform Animated Video Rendering Application [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am planning to create a cross-platform (Windows,Android and iOS in future) application just like Plotagon, where we can add/modify 3d model characters in some background scene, apply some animations & sound effects to those characters and finally produce rendered video of it.
When it comes to CrossPlatform, right now I can think of two technologies.
As far as I have researched, currently Xamarin has excellent support for Android and iOS. But, handling 3d Models and rendering becomes nightmare.
Since Unity can be used to develop Apps apart from games, Handling 3d Models and animating it becomes easier task. And I think its the way to go.
But, I have no clue of how to deal with rendering stuff.
Am I going in the wrong direction? If yes, can someone suggest better technology for accomplishing all the requirements.
How can we render a video inside the app?
Little background:
I have 3+ Years of experience in developing enterprise applications(Web based) and few desktop applications using Java and .Net platform. Now started learning Unity3d.
Note: I am trying to avoid C/C++ languages.
I had a similar question when I was making my first game. I would strongly suggest going with Unity3D. I did and was very happy with it. Unity3D has a rich set of tools to help you develop your app and it is great for cross-platform distribution. And, in the case that it does not have what you need built-in, there is a store (the AssetStore) that has an enormous amount of helpful tools and assets.
Take a look around https://assetstore.unity.com to see what it has. You can search for "movie" and get multitude of hits (everything from video capture to movie theater models). As a note, not everything in the AssetStore is free.

Can i create a tennis game with unreal engine? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The question is above...im newbie with unreal engine and just want to start a hobby...so i'd like to spend my time with gameccreation. How can i do sports game like tennis with unreal? what can i do or could someone write links or just explain how it works? Or i just try with different engine? I tried download ffrom the webpage and istalled it...but i dont know. And i have to write c++ or i can use other program language? Blueprint what is it in this engine? And if i want like a tennis game what can i choose? SSo all in all it would be useful if someone explain how it works the whole thing. Thank u very much!!!
You can make any game in the Unreal Engine. I highly recommend you check out https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Videos for some video tutorials on UE4 to get started. You do not have to touch any C++ when you use Blueprint, but it is highly recommended to learn some C++ eventually so that you can add your own functionality to make the engine do more than it was originally intended.
That said, designing a game even with a game engine is an incredibly difficult endeavor. Especially for people who are new to the whole scene. Just make sure to watch a lot of video tutorials if you are a visual learner or read lots of documentation on how to do different things. Don't expect to make any huge projects, such as large open world MMOs. Try to make really small, simple projects. You can use those to learn different aspects of game development and eventually be able to work your way up to larger and larger projects.

How may I know framework behind an iOS Game? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to know which framework or development tools,IDE behind for any iOS Game.
I have tried on google but i didn't found any clue. Please help me for knowing framework behind iOS games.
I have listed some games here. Please let me know if any body know development tools,framework,IDE behind listed games.
1)Grand Defense.
2)Tower Defense.
3)Castle Defense.
There are many games such like listed games. I want to know development tools behind particular iOS Game. I will appreciate for any help.
Thanks In advance.
If you want to precisely know which game uses what, do the following:
Download the game. Decrypt it using some common cracking tools (I do not encourage piracy however!)
Run the class-dump utility on it (google it!), this will generate a list of classes the game has inside.
Compare the class names to the most common game engines to see exactly which one used in the particular game.
you say Frameworks means Opensource and Game Engine??
if right, refer a following site:
In Generally, If you are using objective-C, IDE is xcode. I recommend.
See GameSalad without code development Game.
Tower Defence using a cocos-2d Tutorial following below:
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part1
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part2

Good tutorials for the awe6 game framework? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Just recently I stumbled upon the awe6 game framework for Haxe and I want to give it a try, but the only "tutorial" on the site is a prebuilt FlashDevelop project template that also appears to be quite complex already.
I've tried to dissect the template but some things are quite weird and I can't figure out why the template seems to work, so I'd rather prefer a tutorial (or at least a very simple "Hello World" example) that sets everything up and runs without assuming a specific IDE. I've also tried Google but almost all of the results were leading back to the FlashDevelop template.
Are there any tutorials/examples/simple demos with source code for awe6 that are not burried in a IDE specific template and are step-by-step and/or otherwise easy to understand?
We are working on a suite of tutorials (and videos). In the meanwhile please see this very simple Hello World example which leads on to the templates (now also available as Linux bash scripts):
This isn't exactly an answer, but the framework's author Rob Fell did a presentation a few weeks ago at the WWX conference:
Valerie Elimak's presentation has a couple of good examples http://workshops.elimak.com/awe6june12/

Developing plugins for AutoCAD? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm thinking about starting to develop a plugin for AutoCAD, but I have absolutely no knowledge of the field. How does the plugin system work? What are the licensing terms? What programming platforms are available?
I'd really appreciate if somebody could give me a primer, or, even better, link to some resources for the total beginner I am.
Prior to AutoCAD 2014, there were three basic plugin types for AutoCAD:
AutoCAD 2014 also provides:
4. Javascript API. You can find a link to the documentation at the AutoCAD DevBlog.
AutoLisp can be used with DIESEL scripts/macros to accomplish and automate basically anything that a user can due through the UI, and a maybe a little bit more, but .Net and ObjectARX are much more powerful, allowing you to create your own entities and more advanced behavior.
ObjectARX is a C++ interface, and the .NET classes are actually wrappers to the ObjectARX interface. The .Net interface abstracts things fairly well, but you still have to be concerned with the threading and possibly some other things as you develop more complex applications.
As previously mentioned, Through the Interface is a great blog for .NET stuff.
For ObjectARX, there is a good introduction at ObjectARX & Dummies, but for the deeper material the Developers Forums are a good resource.
If you are developing anything for people other than yourself, you should also seriously consider getting a registered developer symbol to prevent conflicts among different plugins. You can do that at the Symbols Registration page on the AutoDesk website.
Depending on your resources, you may also want to join the AutoDesk Developers Network (ADN), which provides access to software technical support, and early and beta access to upcoming AutoDesk products and APIs.
What type of application are you thinking of writing? I've written a couple WPF user controls that communicate with AutoCad. To do so, I used the AutoCad .NET Developers Guide found here:
This is a great blog to with some good video tutorials on it too.
This is a GREAT video if you just want to get started!