Preparing .app for iTunes - iphone

I know this is a basic question, but the Apple Developer Guide just refers to it as "your binary."
I have built it in Xcode 4.2 and it runs fine on my device, I'm ready to upload it to iTunes but I can't figure out how to create my binary. How can I do this?

"your binary" is referring to your App file in iTunes Connect after you have uploaded it. To create this binary, all you need to do is upload a release build of your App to iTunes Connect, and then your "binary" will exists.

After you built your app for a release right-mouse-click on the product name then choose Show in Finder now zip does two files there and this is your binary that you will have to upload.


How to show iPhone app to the client without submitting to the app store (ad-hoc distribution)

I want to show my app to the client without submitting to the app store. I was following the below instructions. But my app doesn't display in iTunes. Could you please help me?
Login to the iPhone developer portal website.
Add their iPhone UDID to the list of devices. Generate a provisioning profile that includes your own test phone and theirs. Download the file (ends with .mobileprovision).
Double-click it to install it on your development machine. Quit and restart Xcode, then set your code signing identity to the name of this profile. Build the binary.
In the left side of Xcode "Groups & Files" bar look for Products (may need to expand the folder).
Select {yourapp}.app. Right click and choose 'Reveal in Finder.' Now take that .app file and the .mobileprovision file you downloaded, zip them both up and send it to the client.
They will need to unzip the archive, then drag-drop the .app and .mobileprovision onto their iTunes and sync the phone. Your app should show up and run.
The portal site has more detailed instructions, but this is basically it in a nutshell.
TestFlight is a great free service to do most of the hard work here for you. Follow these instructions for generating an IPA file and distribute it to whomever you like, without having to go through iTunes.
You still have to follow steps 1, 2 and 3 from your existing instructions.
First create distribution profile using apple developer portal you can follow this tutorial.
After installing profile follow this to create a binary that you will send to you client.

Format of applications submitted through Application Loader?

When I am using Application Loader to upload the app binary to the Apple do I submit a .zip file of my whole application or the .ipa file. I am confused about this process.
For iOS applications you just need to submit a zipped .app, the same .app generated by Xcode is enough, no need to put it into an IPA before archiving it.
For Mac OS X applications (Mac App Store), you need to submit the PKG generated by Xcode's Organizer Share/Save To Disk… command.
Alternatively, you can use the Build And Archive command and submit via the Xcode Organizer window… as another user points out.
If you have Xcode 3.2.5 then you can verify and upload your application through Organizer.
1.) Xcode -> Run -> Build and Archive
2.) Xcode -> Organizer -> Your Application (under Archives) -> Verify / Submit
Your app must already be setup and in waiting for upload mode in iTunes Connect.
I was able to create the archive in XCode 4, export as .ipa and upload that using Application Loader.
You have to submit a .zip file containing your Release build (the .app file inside the build/Release-iphoneos/ folder).
There are several options.
One that worked for me is to use the Finder to find and select the .app bundle, then use the Finder menu item to Compress this .app bundle. You can then select the resulting compressed file in the Application loader when your app is marked "Waiting for upload" in iTunes Connect.

Finishing an app - getting the binary file?

I've finished developing my app and I want to release it. What is the binary file that apple is looking for in the submission for in iTunes connect?
Zip the app bundle, or better yet, use the Organizer to upload.
Check in the Build directory inside your project folder. There should be a folder in there called "Release". Inside that folder is Zip it up and send it in.
You need to visit apple provisioning portal to generate a distribution certificate for your app, then download it to your machine and in the end you have to build it up it with this certificate in xCode.
There some tutorials on the provisioning page. So I hope you can make it.

"The binary you uploaded was invalid. the file was not a valid zip file" Error message uploading app to iTunes Connect

I'm trying to upload an iPhone app binary to iTunesConnect and keep getting the following error message "The binary you upload was invalid. the file was not a valid zip file". I had an app upload ok recently but this app is having problems. So after a while I carefully went through the following steps trying to make sure everything was ok. Any help is appreciated.
The steps:
renamed the project
(Project->Rename... enter name into
Rename project to:) to release name
making sure the name has no spaces.
Cleaned project
Make sure
references in build setting reflect
new app name
Create new app ID
matching project name in iPhone
Provisioning Portal
Destroyed old
developer and distributer
provisioning profiles in
Provisioning Portal, in XCode and on
Create new development
provisioning profile using new app
Install development
provisioning profile into XCode 8)
Build (Release) for iPhone OS 3.1.3
(highest my phone will upgrade to,
I'm assuming current released
Builds, Installs and Runs on actual
iPhone: To me this implys App and
developer ID's are OK.
Create a distributor provisioning profile
using existing Distributer ID.
Install distributer ID into XCode
Checked that "Code
Signing Identity" and "Any iPhone OS
Device" lines in Build settings are
set to Distributor ID
Build for
release for OS 3.1.3
Check Build
results to make sure code is signed
with Distributor Profile
.app file and compress (alt click >
Compress "")
to iTunes connect
Gives "The binary you uploaded was invalid. The file was not a
valid zip file"
Here's some additional steps I try: Quit Xcode after clean (or clean all) then delete the Build folder. I don't "Build and Go", just "Build". The is generally in the "App Store" folder (or whatever you name your build configuration for App Store release. I right click only that file and choose "Compress" in the Finder.
You could also try uploading it with Safari.
It seems like your problem isn't with the provisioning profiles, but with the way the file is being zipped (or maybe uploaded). Try repeating that part, changing details.
Thanks for the help. It turned out the problem was to do with the fact my project folder was on an ntfs HD. As an experiment I copied it onto my macs HD and it worked perfectly. I don't really understand why this is.
NTFS (New Technology File System) is a windows format. You may like to read this:
Now if you will have a NTFS format iTunes will not recognize that format. And iTunes will support or recognize mac extended versions.
So try not to use NTFS or FAT format for ziping up the projects.

How can I create a Installer package for iPhone?

How can I create a Installer package for iPhone ?
You should expose your question in a detailed and better way. Are you using xcode? It has everything you need to build your app for the iPhone.
You just code the app, and hit the button "build" or "build and run" and the .app file is automatically generated.
There is no such thing as an "installer package" for iPhone. As a developer, you create an app bundle, containing the executable and all resources, and just zip that and upload it to the App Store via iTunes Connect.
Detailed instructions for uploading an app to the App Store are available in the iPhone program portal.
Installation of an app on the device is handled by the iPhone OS and the App Store or iTunes (or by Xcode during development).