How to set up my iphone application with twitter? - iphone

How to Set up my application with twitter and then register the application with twitter so that people can send tweets from my app.
Please, can anybody help me in resolving this problem.

OAuth is a pain in the butt. Thankfully, Twitter-OAuth-iPhone combines both MGTwitterEngine by Matt Gemmel and OAuthConsumer (which makes MGTwitterEngine connect to Twitter using OAuth — basic authentification will eventually be taken down by Twitter). The package features a pretty simple example, too.
Don't forget you'll need to register your app as an oauth-client with Twitter to get your API key and secret, which authenticates your app with Twitter OAuth.

You could use MGTwitterEngine by Matt Gemmel. Here's a version and a tutorial with built in OAuthConsumer Library!

Checkout this free open source Twitter client made for iPhone.. it implements OAuth authentication and API calls for accessing all timelines:
Its a git repository. To download it to your mac, install a git client, and then open up a terminal and type:
git clone
Next open up this project, go to Project > Edit Project Settings. Select the Build tab, and select the iPhone SDK you are using from your list. Select Build > Run and you should be good to go.
I've studied this code very extensively for a similar client I had to build. Let me know if you have any questions on which files to use.

I think it's explained in Twitter api docs and there's a link in faq - see link in


Xamarin.Forms OAuth/ Facebook SDK login

Dear Xamarin developers,
I'm new to the Xamarin world and I like Xamarin.Forms.
When a developer find out a new platform (for me Xamarin(.forms)) he/ she wants to let the user login via OAuth (Facebook/ Google/ Twitter).
For Xamarin you have Xamarin.Auth, but I can't get it to work with Facebook or any other provider.
And for Xamarin.Forms there is no library or guide to do this.
So my question is; how do I implement OAuth(2) in Xamarin.Forms to use Facebook as provider?
Thanks in advance,
I have used Xamarin.Auth to authenticate against Dropbox with OAuth2 following this guide
As the documentation of the API was not sufficient when it came to error handling, I pulled the branch from Xamarin.Auth at github to be able to debug it. Later I switched back to the nuget version once I understood the main problems.
For Microsoft Authentification, I had to redefine some of the methods to be able to use it.
Hope this helps to get you started.

Facebook Login with WebWorks

I have been trying for some days now to login to facebook via a webworks application, I undesrtand that the FB.login can't work beacuse of a popup, and the oauth login has to go through a web server, I am currently trying to implement this plugin
but the readme file isn't really clear about how to implement, I understand that you need an ext directory in the app folder but not sure if I need to add something to the config.xml file or to any other.
Please help!
I created some examples of how to integrate your app with Facebook, Twitter, and foursquare via OAuth. They're targeted for BlackBerry 10, but should work on earlier versions as well.
Note: I'll be updating them (for BlackBerry 10) to make use of the new ChildBrowser API.
OAuth Samples are available on GitHub #

OAuth integration in iphone app

I have one problem regarding OAuth integration in iPhone App.
Can anyone help me how to integrate OAuth 2.0 with facebook in iPhone ?
I have referred so many sites about OAuth but I haven't got satisfied answer yet. I referred this question of stackoverflow. There is one good option about ShareKit. But my client wants only OAuth 2.0.
I downloaded framework from google code. I integrated it in my application. But How to use it ? Without guidance I can't implement it in proper way.
I have got stuck between my application and 0Auth 2.0 since last 3 days. Please can anyone give me idea or demo project or any another tutorial ?
Rather than implement OAuth for Facebook, make use of the Facebook iOS SDK which makes handling Facebook Auth and Requests much easier. You can read about it and download it here...
I just done a research
This post will really help you
Also please look at the below posts
OAuth and Facebook iPhone SDK
The framework you mentioned in your post is not for OAuth 2, but for OAuth 1.0a.
You can try the OAuth2Client we developed for talking to the SoundCloud API. It's build against draft 10 of the spec. I'm not sure which one is used by Facebook. Unfortunately the spec is not final yet and over the years different services adopted different drafts of the spec.
If you're able to argue with your client I'd try to convince him to let you go with the official iOS SDK. This gives you many benefits like automatic token refresh, single sign on via the official app & much more.

Photobucket IOS integration

could anyone assist in authenticating to photobucket and uploading an image from and iPhone app? I am currently configured with many networks but I can't really find good documentation for the photobucket process. I guess the process is only authenticate and upload using customer key then username and password of the user?
Any help here would be amazing! Thanks in advance!
Jim, the Photobucket (PB) process for authenticating is modified OAUTH. If you start looking at OAUTH examples you will find that you can authenticate on PB by simply converting a sample over to PB. e.g.: There's an OAuth starter kit set up for LinkedIN by Lee WHitney on Github courtesy of Kirsten Jones. Register an app with PB, get your keys and plug in the keys & correct PB URLs and you will be working. The URLS you need are:-
requestTokenURLString = #"";
accessTokenURLString = #"";
userLoginURLString = #"";
This will get you logged in but there's a lot more to come. PB have a code page and there is an Objective-C library including a modified OAUTH but it's missing docs so you need to work it out by studying the code. Bitbucket Photobucket code for objective-c
The issue I have is to do with their usage of sub domains and trying to get OAUTH to work with that.
UPDATE: Solved: I have at last worked out how to get a part of the provided API working in my own Xcode project. Basically I added the special Oauth files which enable the requests to be set up correctly to get round the subdomain stuff.
eg: OAuthASIHTTPRequest etc
I'm now getting full album info.
Official documentation for Photobucket API is available at: . You can find examples for login and media uploading.
Client libraries for Photobucket API are at: . There is a Objective-C one, like SundialSoft mentioned in answer.

OAuth for iPhone SDK

I have project which wants to login with OAuth authentication link the twitter and Facebook OAuth. Is there any library available for OAuth in IOS for the login purpose. If any one know how to do or where to get this library please help me. I tried a lot to create a library with the help of twitter OAuth, but no luck.
i got the library f oAuth in iPhone application .this the link for svn,you cn copy paste this svn link to mac terminal and enter,it will utmaticlly download the entire library in your system
svn checkout mpoauthconnection-read-only