Facebook Canvas Page Like/Non-Like Content - facebook

I would like to have my canvas page on facebook display different content for visitors that have liked and not liked yet.
I ran across this article but it uses FBML:
Facebook "Like" to see canvas page
It's my understading that facebook is phasing out FMBL support.
Does anyone know how to do this without using FBML?

Thanks for the comments. This probably won't matter since they're making everyone go to a timeline, the fangated pages are pretty much going away.


Is it possible to see comments made by a Facebook Page?

If anyone could tell me how to see comments made by a Facebook Page on other page's that would be great. When I go to a particular page I can see all the comments they make on their own one, but I'm more interested in seeing the likes/comments they make on other pages - if that's possible!

Do Facebook fan pages with a fan gate get indexed by Google?

I'm working on a Facebook fan page app (a page tab) with a 'like' fan gate (users that like the page see the real content, and users that don't see only a "like us" image).
The thing is I need the fan page to be found on Google's search.
Should the fact that only fans can enter the app in any way affect the Google bots?
I am currently assuming that it does, but I want to be sure.
And if it does it mean that I have no control over the fan page's SEO?
I have read about SEO, but I haven't found anything about this.
I would be very happy if someone here could help me, even refer me to some documentation or anything about it.
Your presumption is correct. Here are two workarounds:
Detect Google's User-Agent and display the un-gated content when
Gate the page with a div overlay so that all the ungated content is
still there, but simply unavailable to the user until she clicks Like.

Facebook iframe is showing up in the middle of my Joomla article

Facebook iframe is showing up in the middle of my Joomla article. I am wanting to make it go away and have tried nearly everything I could think of. Please help! the article link is http://blowingrocknews.com/community-life/general-news/2658-tis-the-season-forgetting-your-teeth-knocked-out.html
You should probably remove the old FBML style of Facebook commenting, and instead switch to using Social Plugins, like https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/

Links in iFrame tabs won't work in Facebook application in Timeline

I had links that worked before timeline, and since we moved to timeline, they don't. We are using the Facebook iFrame for our content.
What is going on? When we click on the link, it seems like something is blocking the browser from changing the page.
Edit : I'm still investigating that problem; One thing I should mention is that only links that go to another Facebook App don't work. The ones that go to something else than Facebook (A blog, Twitter and Linkedin) work fine.
TommyBs Wrote:
Is the target of the links the same frame? I find sometimes that facebook doesn't let you redirect to an iframe of facebook. E.g - Make sure you either set the link to target="_top" or make sure it is a full url of an app and not the app on facebook. Otherwise you're basically loading an iframe of facebook, with an iframe of your app within the existing iframe
Yup, putting a target="_top" on my links worked. Thanks!

Moving app comments to page

I've set up an app and I'm running comments on my website. I would now like to setup a Facabook page and display the comments made to the app. I've read this:
Posting comments to Facebook Fan Page
Which shows me how to do this but i'm not sure that the comments will carry over to the page as they have been made to the app?
The same goes for 'likes'
Any ideas out there?
No, they will not be carried over when you change the values in your plugin.