Facebook iframe is showing up in the middle of my Joomla article - facebook

Facebook iframe is showing up in the middle of my Joomla article. I am wanting to make it go away and have tried nearly everything I could think of. Please help! the article link is http://blowingrocknews.com/community-life/general-news/2658-tis-the-season-forgetting-your-teeth-knocked-out.html

You should probably remove the old FBML style of Facebook commenting, and instead switch to using Social Plugins, like https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/


Disqus in MediaWiki

I used to have the Facebook Comments extension on my wiki but it didn't work very well and I couldn't moderate it so yesterday I switched to disqus. With Disqus, I need to add tags to every page, while the FB comments were added automatically everywhere.
How do I make the disqus render on every page like the FB plugin did?
The alien's reply worked: Did you see this Disqus extension? It adds the Disqus comment box to every page.

Facebook Like Box not working for specific facebook page

I'm trying to embed a facebook like box to my website and am using the facebook developer like box too. I find that when pasting in the facebook page no activity, posts or anything appears in the box.
I've tried testing using different facebook pages and it works fine for those. Just not the facebook I want.
I'm really not sure why the facebookpage is https://www.facebook.com/thelopesarms?fref=ts
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you
I had the same problem.
Clear all your cache.
It's like a recent problem on like-box. But after I fixed with this, my plugin shows one more face than before :S

Where do I put the code for the like button on facebook on my facebook page?

I don't know where to put the code onto my facebook page. I have searched everywhere and no one and no site gives me a specific answer enough for me to understand.
Well, here is facebook's official page. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
It explains all the tags and how to use them as well as a generator for whatever facebook url you might want.

Facebook Canvas Page Like/Non-Like Content

I would like to have my canvas page on facebook display different content for visitors that have liked and not liked yet.
I ran across this article but it uses FBML:
Facebook "Like" to see canvas page
It's my understading that facebook is phasing out FMBL support.
Does anyone know how to do this without using FBML?
Thanks for the comments. This probably won't matter since they're making everyone go to a timeline, the fangated pages are pretty much going away.

Facebook iframe embed in profile pages - what the heck

We're looking for a way to embed an iframe and specific content into a fan page (not a profile). Apparently it's not directly allowed using the fb:iframe tag but I did find some hints here: http://www.facebook.com/PagesDesign#/profile.php?fbhref=iportfolio.html%3F_fb_fromhash%3D53f3ede8dd88aad33d3bc346401a683c&id=92993272816&app_page=1&v=app_96944267235
Looking for a more direct way though.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's a good way to do that: iframes are specifically blocked in fan pages. If you've got an iframe application and you want to have a tab show up, you can force it to work as FBML by appending fb_force_mode to the query string.