Is it possible to see comments made by a Facebook Page? - facebook

If anyone could tell me how to see comments made by a Facebook Page on other page's that would be great. When I go to a particular page I can see all the comments they make on their own one, but I'm more interested in seeing the likes/comments they make on other pages - if that's possible!


Facebook Comments on a Website (Making it work with diffrent pages on the site)

I have set up the facebook comments on a site I am developing. I am working in ASP and have a header and footer. I placed the code in the footer. It shows up and works fine except that each page shows the same comments. I was hoping to have each page have its own comments. Does anyone know how to do this?
example: I comment on the home page, it shows up on the comments for the whole site.
I would also like the comments to show up on the facebook page.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Look at a few of your pages in the debugger. My guess is you have a single canonical url for all pages.
Getting comments to show up on your Facebook page is not supported with the comments plugin. You need to create an app and post Open Graph actions to your page to do that.

Moving app comments to page

I've set up an app and I'm running comments on my website. I would now like to setup a Facabook page and display the comments made to the app. I've read this:
Posting comments to Facebook Fan Page
Which shows me how to do this but i'm not sure that the comments will carry over to the page as they have been made to the app?
The same goes for 'likes'
Any ideas out there?
No, they will not be carried over when you change the values in your plugin.

Facebook Canvas Page Like/Non-Like Content

I would like to have my canvas page on facebook display different content for visitors that have liked and not liked yet.
I ran across this article but it uses FBML:
Facebook "Like" to see canvas page
It's my understading that facebook is phasing out FMBL support.
Does anyone know how to do this without using FBML?
Thanks for the comments. This probably won't matter since they're making everyone go to a timeline, the fangated pages are pretty much going away.

How do I make Facebook comments public for all on my website?

I've added facebook comments to my website using the following steps:
I created a new app here
In the auth dialog page for the app, I set 'default activity privacy' to 'Public'
I got the code for the comments box here
I used the HTML5 version of the code and added it to my site in the two places specified - right after the body tag and where I want the comments to appear.
I then opened the comments moderation tool for my new app.
I clicked on 'Settings' and turned on 'Make every post public by default'
I also listed myself as a moderator.
I also added
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}">
inside the head tags for the page.
When I go to my site - the comments box appears to work ok. I can make a comment, but I can only see comments made by me. I cannot see comments made by people I am not friends with. How do I fix this problem? I'd appreciate any help.
Every comment you leave on a facebook-comments driven web site is public, the same way it is on a fan page. Even a non facebook member can leave a comment.
I am looking for a way to turn it off and get the same permissions you have on your facebook wall. Currently, everybody who has the link can see the page content and all previous comments.
Had the same issue and figured out that Facebook grabs urls differently for displaying and submiting comments.
If the url you're providing him in data-href (e.g. short url) is different than the window.location url (url in address bar), then it's probably the case.
P.S. I know that the question is from 2011, but someone else may show up with the same problem.

How does twiends check if you have liked a fan page?

Twiends is a website which allows you to follow other fan pages and gives you credit for liking a page.
Now what I dont understand is how do they check if you have liked a fan page. They use something like fql to get that. Does anyone know how its done or any links to doing the similar. Thanks
I'm not sure how Twiends was doing it but obviously giving the users "credits" to like pages that they may not even visit is not ethically right.
Not sure if it's also illegal but it seems it is!!
Check this link: We're closing our Facebook features