How to add facebook application to profile page - facebook

I developed a facebook landing page with an iFrame and now I want to add the page to my facebook profile page. When I click "Add to my page" at the application's profile page, my profile is not listed there.
Can anyone give me a tip please?

From the comments above :
"To my personal profile." – enne87
You can not have this functionality. You can only add application to facebook pages, not to peoples profiles.

When you created your application it should also have created an app profile page. You can add your application there. To find your application profile page you can navigate to this URL{APPLICATION_ID}
Or, in your application settings click on the "View app profile page" in the bottom left sidebar.


App Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page for my app, however it still says "Create Facebook Page" at the bottom of my Facebook App settings. If I click that can I connect my current page to my app page?
No it will not connect your current Fan/Product Page with your Application,
it will create a new, dedicated page for your Application.

Creating a new App on a company page

We are developing an iPhone app for a company which uses facebook connect. When adding the app to FB we normally login to the company's account at and set up the app of that account.
In this case, an employee at the company has set up a facebook page for the company, but uses his personal account. He made me an admin for the facebook page, but I don't see a place to add the APP. Of course I can add the app on our company's account or this employee's account, but if we do, when the our iphone app is set up using FB connect the personal account will show up as the developer account.
How do I associate the facebook connect app with the company's page? Do they need to create a new FB account for this app or for the company?
Thanks in advance!
To connect your Facebook application with your Facebook page, you will need to create a custom tab and to access your Facebook Developers account where you set up the Facebook app. The custom tab settings let you add the application as a tab to any Facebook page, including your own pages.
Go to and click the "Apps" option on the top menu bar. You may be prompted to sign in to your Facebook account if you're not already logged in.
Go to the left sidebar and click the application title you want to edit. Click the "Edit" link near the upper-right side of the "Settings" bar.
Click the "On Facebook" link from the left sidebar. Copy the website address from the "Canvas URL" in the "Canvas" section to the "Tab URL" field of the "Page Tabs" section. Next, copy the "Secure Canvas URL" field from the "Canvas" section to the "Secure Tab URL" field in the "Page Tabs" area. Click the "Save Changes" button.
Go to and type the name of your app in the top search box. Select the "See More Results" link from the drop-down list.
Go to the left column of the application's About page and click the "Add to Page" link. On the pop-up screen, click the "Add to Page" button next to the Facebook page you want it added to. Click the "Close" button.
Visit your Facebook page and you will see a new tab on the left sidebar below the profile picture. The tab should have the title of your app. If you click on the tab, it will load your application on the Facebook page.

Unable to add applications to a facebook business page?

I have a facebook business page - a page which has not facebook user profile associated with it. Now the problem is that I am not able to add any custom application apart from the standard apps provided by facebook (Links, Discussions, Events, Images, Videos) to this page.
I wish to add my application, and static FBML app to this page. I simply dont see the option to do so. Is there something which I am missing.
Firstly, you can no longer add new static FBML tabs to any Facebook page.
To add an application you need to go to that applications profile page and click on 'Add to my Page' - a pop up will then appear with your page - then click on the respective 'Add to Page' button.
If you're having trouble finding you applications profile page in search the links are of the form:

Adding my facebook application to my profile; my profile not showing up as a page to add to

Exactly as the title says:
I'm trying to add my facebook application to my profile; but my profile does not show up as a page to add to via the facebook app page. It's an app that shows as a tab.
I can add it to my other pages, just not my own profile, any idea?
It sounds like a Facebook page app that allows you to add tabs to your Facebook pages. If that is the case, you won't be able to add it to your personal profile.

add tabs to user's facebook page through facebook api

Can a facebook api add tabs to users' facebook page, if yes then HOW??
you can't add tabs to a users profile page, it has to be the user who adds them.
However, you can add a link to make the process easier, see Add Profile Tab from Facebook developer blog.
you can add a tab to you application by filling profile tab part in facebook integration
how to go there
choose the application (if you have any) --> edit settings --> facebook integration
then fill tab profile.
unfortunately , profile tabs will no longer be allowed see this link.