App Facebook Page - facebook

I have a Facebook page for my app, however it still says "Create Facebook Page" at the bottom of my Facebook App settings. If I click that can I connect my current page to my app page?

No it will not connect your current Fan/Product Page with your Application,
it will create a new, dedicated page for your Application.


link an app with an already created page?

I just created an app on facebook in order to publish the content of my website in a fan page, but I created the fan page before the app, now I don't know how to link my new app to my prev page; I just have the option of create a new page.
Hi Fran kinldy follow the below steps to link your apps with Fb page.
Fill canvas url and other details in the app settings.
Make the app to live & copy the app id and change the below URL. appid&pages=1
Then check your FB Page.Your apps will be linked.

Invalid Submission Before setting up your app detail page...specify how your app integrates with Facebook

When I'm trying to "Submit App Detail Page" I have this message
Invalid Submission
Before setting up your app detail page, you must specify how your app integrates with Facebook. Click here to vist your apps settings page to manage your integrations.
But If I Click on the link on the page
For : Select how your app integrates with Facebook
Website with Facebook Login is checked and green.
Anyone has this problem too ?

How to redirect your "Go to app" button to lead users to your website

i set up a new app-- when my users recieve the permission scree, after clicking "Go to app" i want it to redirect to my own website ( instead its redirecting me to my website within facebook.
Since my website is not compatible within facebook, i need the app to lead users to my site- how can i do that?
The url that the users are being redirected to once the clicked the allow button is the url you provided in the "redirect_uri" parameter when you sent the user to the oauth dialog.
Instead of specifing your fb app url ( you can use (as long as it's the same as what's in the app settings).
Another thing that you can do is to just reload the page using javascript:
top.location.href = "";
With all of that said, you should not be doing that.
It cleary says in the Facebook Platform Policies:
The primary purpose of your Canvas or Page Tab app on Facebook must not be to simply redirect users out of the Facebook experience
and onto an external site.
If your app has a Canvas presence, then the Go To App button will redirect to your canvas landing page. For example
If your app is strictly a Connect app then the Go To App button will redirect to your site outside of Facebook for example
If your app has both Canvas and Connect implemented, it will go to the Canvas page.
The relevant settings in the Facebook developer app are under "Select how your app integrates with Facebook". You do not need to have any canvas presence within You can just check the box for Website and then the Go To App button will take users directly to your site. Be aware that if you do this you lose the ability to use a few important API features such as Bookmarks and Requests.

How to add facebook application to profile page

I developed a facebook landing page with an iFrame and now I want to add the page to my facebook profile page. When I click "Add to my page" at the application's profile page, my profile is not listed there.
Can anyone give me a tip please?
From the comments above :
"To my personal profile." – enne87
You can not have this functionality. You can only add application to facebook pages, not to peoples profiles.
When you created your application it should also have created an app profile page. You can add your application there. To find your application profile page you can navigate to this URL{APPLICATION_ID}
Or, in your application settings click on the "View app profile page" in the bottom left sidebar.

How can I disable my App Profile Page

I am using Facebook Connect on an external website. I don't want to show an App Profile Page on Facebook for this app. The main reason is because I have a Fan Page of the same name on Facebook and I am trying to get "Likes" for the Fan Page.
But when you search for the Fan Page by name both the App Profile Page and the Fan Page show up in the search results. And there would be nothing of use to show on the App Profile Page since all I am using it for is Facebook Connect.
Is there a setting in the app setting to not show the profile page? Or better yet, to use the Fan Page as the app profile page?
There currently doesn't exist a way to disable your App Profile Page or associate your app to a Facebook Page. We are planning to enable this soon after f8.
Yeah, I hated this… so I tossed up a super simple redirect app. Toss this up as your default tab for the application and put the link to the page.
Also let me know if there's an error. :)
You can migrate app pages to regular fan pages now (go to your app page for instructions). App pages will be disabled by February.
Removing App Profile Pages By February 1, 2012, we are removing App
Profile Pages. You can migrate Likes and the Vanity URL of this Page
to an existing Facebook Page with the same name and of Product/App
Click here to migrate to an existing Facebook Page
Unfortunately not. We ended up asking all of our fans to move over to become fans of our application page and then deleted our fan page. The only thing you can do is set your app in sandbox mode but then obviously nobody except developers can access it.