Unable to add applications to a facebook business page? - facebook

I have a facebook business page - a page which has not facebook user profile associated with it. Now the problem is that I am not able to add any custom application apart from the standard apps provided by facebook (Links, Discussions, Events, Images, Videos) to this page.
I wish to add my application, and static FBML app to this page. I simply dont see the option to do so. Is there something which I am missing.

Firstly, you can no longer add new static FBML tabs to any Facebook page.
To add an application you need to go to that applications profile page and click on 'Add to my Page' - a pop up will then appear with your page - then click on the respective 'Add to Page' button.
If you're having trouble finding you applications profile page in search the links are of the form:


One Facebook app multiple users

I'm thinking of a facebook app that fetches a website's content (already developed with my own web builder) and display in a custom facebook fan page format. Clients already using the Web builder will only have to add the App to their fan page and they have their website's content already plugged into facebook.
The problem I'm having is knowing how exactly to automate this process. I can't seem to find the "Add app to page" menu when you click the Gear Icon, and the link below gives an approach I can't be explaining to every client (video further down in the link)
My head might swirling from everything I've read so far, but I'm just easing into the facebook app development. Help/insight would be much appreciated.
If I understand, your central problem is to make it as user-friendly as possible for your users to add your app to their fan pages?
Bottom line is they would need to visit the link mentioned in your tutorial:
However, since you're the one creating the Facebook Tab Application, then you would already have and could supply to your users the "app_id" and "next" parameters, so all they would need to do is click on the custom link you provide. You could even give them a button in your web builder. Your users would just click a button, go to this link, and pick their fan page in a drop down menu.

Displaying iframe content on a facebook page from a custom url

I am trying to create a system which allows customers to add a Facebook page as an add-on to what our business offers. Ideally I want users to click a button from our site which creates a page for them on Facebook which contains an iFrame in which content is served by us from our site.
I've never done any work with Facebook before, I don't really understand how the whole app thing works (I don't really use it personally as well) and I'm not sure what the best way to achieve what we seek. I have read a few tutorials on the fb developer site, which were all completely out of date, but I created an app of type 'App on Facebook' that displays a canvas url with an iframe which displays some content.
However, what I really want is to do one of the following:
1) Create an app that can be added to someone's page, which takes a custom url and displays this url in the iframe on the canvas page.
For example, a user called bob initialises the facebook integration from our site, we automatically create a page for them, add the app we have created, and provide a url like http://ourcustomurl.com/bob which is a link to some content from our site which is then displayed in the iframe.
2) Another option I thought would be possible would be creating a new app for every user who enables the facebook integration from our site, and just setting the canvas url on creation. But this option doesn't sit well with me, we don't really want to create an app for people, but a page.
You can't create a Facebook Page or an App via the API
If i understand correctly you want page admins to install your app into a tab on their page, and have different content displayed on that page tab depending on which page it is.
Check this document: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/
The main takeaway you should have is that you can use the signed_request which is sent to your app to determine which Facebook Page the App is being loaded from and decide on your side which content to display based on that

I have a facebook page for my site, and now added an APP but that also has a page and a wall can I combine them?

I have a facebook page for my site that was created a while ago. And now added an APP for authentication to my site, but that also has a page and a wall can I combine them?
Application profile pages are tied to each App Id, and are separate to any existing page for your brand. There's no way to merge them, but many developers change the settings on their App's profile page to disallow posting, hide various tabs, etc.
You could then add a static HTML tab to the app profile page which directs users to your existing page, and set that tab to be the default landing tab for users who arrive at the page.
This is one of the confusing things about the platform. There are two separate pages for the same thing. I started getting a lot of likes on the app page, so it seemed to go with that over a regular page, but the app page exists out of the system of business pages.

Adding my facebook application to my profile; my profile not showing up as a page to add to

Exactly as the title says:
I'm trying to add my facebook application to my profile; but my profile does not show up as a page to add to via the facebook app page. It's an app that shows as a tab.
I can add it to my other pages, just not my own profile, any idea?
It sounds like a Facebook page app that allows you to add tabs to your Facebook pages. If that is the case, you won't be able to add it to your personal profile.

add tabs to user's facebook page through facebook api

Can a facebook api add tabs to users' facebook page, if yes then HOW??
you can't add tabs to a users profile page, it has to be the user who adds them.
However, you can add a link to make the process easier, see Add Profile Tab from Facebook developer blog.
you can add a tab to you application by filling profile tab part in facebook integration
how to go there
choose the application (if you have any) --> edit settings --> facebook integration
then fill tab profile.
unfortunately , profile tabs will no longer be allowed see this link.