Facebook browser statistics [closed] - facebook

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm looking for an authoritative source on which browsers people browse facebook with. Specifically, I'm curious what percent IE6 and IE7 are at.
I constantly run into issues with IE7 on Facebook, and am trying to determine if it's worth my time to search for solutions.

I doubt if Facebook would release that private information.
You could use your own web server's log files (the server that hosts your facebook app) and get stats from those files. But I presume, you don't have access to those. So you might be able to make a guess by checking out the global stats here: http://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php or http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
Some information from a hosting company about its Facebook stats. However, this information is from 2009. :|

Facebook has announced they are dropping support for IE7 (they already no longer support IE6). They have not announced numbers as far as I know. I doubt it will be worth it for you to support it as well for your Facebook app.


What are the programming languages for stalking facebook friends [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like your guidance. Could you suggest me a programming languages capable of monitoring my Facebook friends activity?
By activity I mean:
Know when they get online
Know when they post something
Know which are my friends that contribute more in likes/comments in my profile in the last X hour
I could think of following two ways:
You will need to use Facebook Graph API to monitor posts by user https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v3.0/post. But for that, the user should give permission to your app or the post should be public. Graph API SDK is available for PHP, Javascript, Android, and IOS.
Another way I could think is by using automation testing tool like Selenium. Selenium is available in Java, C#, Ruby, Python, and Javascript. You will need to write Selenium code to open Facebook, log in to your account and check the status of your friends. To do this you will need to either keep your system running or use a headless browser and host it on a server.
I hope you are not doing this to spam or annoy people on Facebook.

Getting fb.me URL [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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How do I go about either making, or retrieving facebook short url's (fb.me) from a page, profile, event etc? I want to update my url shortener site - but if the user links to a facebook page I want to just return a fb.me link instead. Does facebook make their short urls on the fly, or does each page automatically already have one?
Facebook uses Bit.ly's services to shorten links from their site. While pages that have a username turns into "fb.me/<username>", other links associated with Facebook turns into "on.fb.me/*****". To you use the on.fb.me service, just use your Bit.ly account. Note that if you change the default link shortener on your Bit.ly account to j.mp from bit.ly this service won't work.
You can use bit.ly api to create facebook short urls find the documentation here
I'm not aware of any way to programmatically create these URLs, but the existing username space (www.facebook.com/something) works on fb.me also (e.g. http://fb.me/facebook )

Skimming another website for data to display in iPhone App (will apple approve app? ) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am thinking of putting together an app that will be pulling data from a very popular website. I have already looked at search and responses from the site and believe it can be done.
The only one question I have is, will apple have a problem with me doing this? The website more than likely will NOT give me permission to skim, but its public information so.... Will apple reject my app because I am skimming another site for data?
I would setup my own server to do the skimming but I am sure this website will see my ip hitting their servers a billion time a day (hopefully :) and ban my ip, so I plan on having the iphone itself skim the site.
Apple probably won't have an issue with this, but the website probably will. Most websites hate scrapers and put it in their terms of service that you're not allowed to scrape.
Apple only reject apps like this if they scrape Apple websites. Apple aren't bothered if you scrape someone else's site.

What alternatives are there to forums? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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During a conversation about a site (with a forum) I am about to launch, a friend raised the point that Facebook and its ways have more or less killed off forums.
Probably "killed off" is too harsh in explaining it, but he did have a point. I have heard many people saying that they would rather go to a Facebook page than visit a different website. Especially the young crowds (whom my site is more or less aimed at).
I was wondering what alternative ways of involving users are out there (aside from Facebook Connect and OpenLike and the sort).
Topic sites (such as this one). Wiki sites. Social sites with voting/commenting such as Digg / Slashdot
You're just behind on the "scene" man, I hate it too, but Facebook IS "the computer" or "the internet" to most kids these days.

How can I allow my dynamic website to be crawled by Adsense, or are there better alternatives? [closed]

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Closed 14 years ago.
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The problem is that AdSense has to crawl your pages to make suitable ads. If I have dynamic content or user-generated content, then AdSense is not suitable. How can I modify my site so that it is accessible to the Adsense crawlers, or should I approach the problem of monetizing my site from another angle?
does your content require a login?
If not then theres no reason Google can't crawl it. Just because its dynamic or user generated doesnt mean google can't see it.
If it doesn't require a login and Google still cant crawl your site, then you have done something wrong and your site is not SEO'd very well in the first place.
As far as other ad networks go, heres a few off the top of my head
Burst Media
ValueClick Media
Casale Media.
Though keep in mind these are usually much harder to join then Adsense.