OpenFeint integration on iOS application - iphone

I am trying to integrate OpenFeint 2.12.5 into my app. I already read this tutorial and this one.. I read the Getting Started page in documentation and follow their indications.
I am using xcode 4.2 whit iOS 5.0 and 2.12.5 framework version of OF; tried to clean, rebuild, RECOMPILE whole thing, nothing works. I get several errors, like:
Use of undeclared identifier 'OFLog'
error: use of undeclared identifier 'OFDelegate'
'OpenFeint/OpenFeint.h' file not found
and a warning on [OpenFeint applicationWillResignActive];
Class method '+applicationWillResignActive' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
Can someone help me or indicate a tutorial or something??

openfeint changed significantly a few months ago - looks like those tutorials are referencing the old version. for example, there is no [OpenFeint applicationWillResignActive] anymore. in the past you integrated OF by dragging all the OF source into your project, but now the preferred way is via including the OF framework.
i'd recommend starting the integration over and using only the official OpenFeint documentation as a reference.

I found a solution: openfeint-with-sparrow


'sharedApplication' is unavailable: not available on iOS (App Extension) for Segmentio/Analytics Pod

Running Xcode version 8.2.1, Swift 3, and Cocoapods version 1.1.1 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to resolve this issue. I need to use the analytics library but can't get past this error in the UIViewController+SEGScreen.m class:
Without forking, is there another solution here?
What exactly do you need to figure out? The API is not available when targeting iOS extensions. There is no solution but fixing the API. If this is an open source, the fix looks really simple (wrapping in a custom macro such #ifdef TARGET_EXTENSION). If not, time to use a properly written analytics framework, that takes into account all aspects of iOS development, not the most trivial ones only.

How to solve Apple LLVM compiler 4.1 error?

I am a beginner in iPhone developing. I want to integrate Instagram in my app and for that purpose I downloaded the api of Instagram from Github but it gives the error of Apple LLVM compiler 4.1 error Command
/Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Please give any suggestion which how to solve this error.
I found this is the simplest and step by step tutorial for integrate instagram in my iOS app
How To Create an App Like Instagram With a Web Service Backend – Part 1/2
I had the same ARC problem but if you will follow this you will its so easy and helpful
btw for the error you having just look below word, in that page and see you need to made some changes in Xcode for Libs, and you will get it working.
Thanks to raywenderlich :)

iPhone twitter integration: NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found error

Im very new to iPhone programming, and am facing this really weird issue with importing the Twitter+OAuth libraries for implementing some basic twitter integration into my program.
My SDK is iPhone 3.1.3. After i drag-drop the twitter+oauth library, i add the header path and the library search path
[$(SDKROOT)\usr...whatever as i found in this tutorial ]
I then added the libxml2.dylib framework to the project. When i compile the project, i get six errors, all the same from different .h files that say
"NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found".
Please help! :(
From the documentation of NSXMLParserDelegate
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
It simply wont work if you are using SDK 3.1.3
See this question for further info

Unable to use OAuthConsumer (SecKeychainItemRef undeclared) - iPhone

I'm trying to use the OAuthConsumer framework ( but when I try building it among my iPhone app, xCode tells me that SecKeychainItemRef is undeclared. I previously added the Security framework to my target but it doesn't fix my problem.
What should I do to fix that?
Finally I manage to get rid of the error using this :

CoreServices.framework missing in iOS 4 sdk

I wanted to use CFHttpMessage and CFHttpRequest types in my application. I used it and found from documentation that to use it I will have to include CoreServices.framework in my application. When I tried to add that framework to my application, it was no there in the list of framework. I also checked the frameworks directory in finder but its not there. So its problem in the iOS sdk. I am not able to use the CFHttpMessage and CFHttpRequest types in my application, because it can not find the framework thats why it gives the linking error. At installation time of iOS sdk I chosen all the options and made full installation. So from where can I bring the CoreServices.framework in my application.
It doesn' exist: