'sharedApplication' is unavailable: not available on iOS (App Extension) for Segmentio/Analytics Pod - swift

Running Xcode version 8.2.1, Swift 3, and Cocoapods version 1.1.1 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to resolve this issue. I need to use the analytics library but can't get past this error in the UIViewController+SEGScreen.m class:
Without forking, is there another solution here?

What exactly do you need to figure out? The API is not available when targeting iOS extensions. There is no solution but fixing the API. If this is an open source, the fix looks really simple (wrapping in a custom macro such #ifdef TARGET_EXTENSION). If not, time to use a properly written analytics framework, that takes into account all aspects of iOS development, not the most trivial ones only.


Is there a way to run AudioKit on watchOS?

I am trying to use AudioKit for a WatchOS app I'm working on. I tried both building from git and using pods but neither has worked. I know on their website it shows support for only iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and tvOS but I wanted to know if there is a workaround for watchOS? I only need to use the Core components.
Last I checked on this, the necessary APIs in AVFoundation were simply not available, so we didn't bother to make a port to this platform.
Looking at the latest API documentation however, it looks like they may have filled in some of these gaps in later watchOS releases so it might be possible now - might be worth revisiting though there hasn't been a whole lot of demand for it.

Firebase SDK (v2.5.0) in OSX framework

I'm trying to link to the Firebase SDK (v2.5.0) within my OS X framework, but it keeps telling me I am trying to link to a framework built for iOS.
It seems to state pretty clearly on the Firebase docs that the iOS framework can be used to build OS X clients as well, so does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
ld: in /[...]/Firebase.framework/Firebase(Firebase.o), building for OSX, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture x86_64
As of 2.4.0 (changelog), Firebase no longer ships a single binary for iOS and OSX, but instead has multiple frameworks (Firebase.framework for iOS, FirebaseOSX.framework for OSX). Similarly, the iOS Cocoapod is named Firebase, while the OSX Cocoapod is named FirebaseOSX. This is due to several changes in our build process, such as adding bitcode support (which only makes sense on iOS).
We still build and release iOS and OSX through these channels, and continue to support OSX, though it's not heavily advertised (as you noticed). As mentioned, if you don't use Cocoapods, using https://cdn.firebase.com/ObjC/FirebasePlatform.framework-major.minor.patch.zip will get you the framework, then follow the Alternative Setup instructions for including it in your project.
You need to add some dependencies in your project's Build Phases:
See the Apple docs on how to add these if you haven't done this before.
Ok, this is a bit weird.. But after digging around in the pod specs I noticed that the FirebaseOSX podspec links to a different url than the iOS pod (FirebaseOSX.framework and an older version).
So I decided to copy the framework url from the Firebase site, and change the name and try that, and it downloaded a OSX framework for me. This is really weird, because I can't for the life of me understand that I should do like that based on what I can read on the Firebase site, so I can't really consider this the official way as it doesn't really make any sense. But it seems to work for now..
So for v2.5.0 the url is:

OpenFeint integration on iOS application

I am trying to integrate OpenFeint 2.12.5 into my app. I already read this tutorial and this one.. I read the Getting Started page in documentation and follow their indications.
I am using xcode 4.2 whit iOS 5.0 and 2.12.5 framework version of OF; tried to clean, rebuild, RECOMPILE whole thing, nothing works. I get several errors, like:
Use of undeclared identifier 'OFLog'
error: use of undeclared identifier 'OFDelegate'
'OpenFeint/OpenFeint.h' file not found
and a warning on [OpenFeint applicationWillResignActive];
Class method '+applicationWillResignActive' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
Can someone help me or indicate a tutorial or something??
openfeint changed significantly a few months ago - looks like those tutorials are referencing the old version. for example, there is no [OpenFeint applicationWillResignActive] anymore. in the past you integrated OF by dragging all the OF source into your project, but now the preferred way is via including the OF framework.
i'd recommend starting the integration over and using only the official OpenFeint documentation as a reference.
I found a solution: openfeint-with-sparrow

Compile XCode Projects online

I'm using the mosync library for develop iPhone applications. It generates the Xcode project ,
now I need to compile it to make it run on a iphone. So for that I need a mac.
do anybody know somewhere online to find online compiler which do that with a web based interface?
--thanks in advance--
Its really a difficult ask, since apples terms of use on certificates stop people from doing this.
But I got a paid solution for the same problem you mentioned which provides Xcode on Macintosh with latest updates. It just cost about 10$-20$ per month. Initially, you will get the trial offer too. If you like it, then you can subscribe it.
But friends beware of those who provides hacintosh version.
You can refer to following link-
If you want to compile C or C++ right on iPhone/iPad you can try CppCode ios app

Google Analytics with MonoTouch crashes on device

I am trying to use Google Analytics with a MonoTouch application (iPhone). It works great on the simulator but crashes on startup on an actual iPhone.
This is apparently due to a bug in the XCode linker than doesn't allow libraries with Thumb and non-Thumb instruction sets to be linked together.
From what I can see, MonoTouch is compiled with non Thumb. The Google Analytics lib is compiled with Thumb.
Has anyone figured out a workaround for this?
Clarification - We are using GA to track the page & event views of our own app. We are not writing an app to query the GA API.
Hello i've done some work with the Analytics API
here you are the DLLs i used, this are already monotouch precompiled DLL's you need to import to your project the 3 of them in order to use it
here is the documentation of the dll
Hope this helps
There is no workaround at this time, you should "star" this issue to let Google know its important for you:
As of version 1.1, the Google Analytics SDK provides a nothumb version of the library.