How to interact with phonegap application with iphone xcode - iphone

I'm working on phone gap application and now I want to fore hence my application in xcode not in phone gap. Can anyone help me with regarding this issue. If any sample code or tutorial you have then please let me know.

You have to recode all your app. Phone gap code isn't native code.


VMPinterest Not working for Ipad

i want to integrate Pinterest to my app for both ipad and iphone version. for that i do some googling and find VMPinterest framework. i download its demo its working fine with iphone but not working with ipad version.
Following issue i find it
its not authenticate properly it showing signing is successfully every times although i pass wrong email or pass.
its not able to get the board name
plz help me out if any body used this framework for ipad or if you have another way to integrate Pinterest than plz answer or comment.
Try to download this API from this link:
Its working fine for me. Merge this into your App.
I downloaded the latest version of VMPinterest framework (they have released a new version) and it does works perfectly with iPad (i have tested for ipad mini).
I would recommend VMPinterest framework. as unlike others it doesnt take you to web page but it directly get you post the image remotely.
They have also released a demo app using this framework - is live on appstore..
App link
So the framework is appstore approved.
Its compatible with iOS 4.3 and above and runs on iPod touch/iPhone/iPhone5/iPad/iPad mini
For complete list of features visit Varshyl Mobile site

Adobe Air for IPhone

We have developed Air application and next step it is porting this application to the IPhone/IPad.
So, I have downloaded and start to use packagerforiphone
After packaging and try to run application on IPhone I can see only white screen.
Could you help me and tell How to resolve this problem, and Does anybody had the same problem in?
It looks like you're not the only one with this problem. Have you tried following this blog post's suggestions?

JCrop and the iPad/iPhone

I have a nice little app using jCrop and now its broken on the iPad and iPhone. Has anyone any experience getting jCrop working on a touch device and if so any help/samples would be appreciated.
please check out the new version of Jcrop, it has experimental touch support. Works for me on the iPad/Android/etc.

Working with Titanium Appcelerator

I am using Titanium appcelerator for developing my android application, more over i am newbie to handle both of this together, even though i have made some digging to find some resources to start up with this, i am finding some difficulties in my first try.if anybody have resources that helps me move on further, please let me know...
Other one.. is it possible to run my android application that i have done using Titanium appcelerator in iPhone..if so please provide some resources...for doing the same...
Please let me know....
Thanks in advance...
Yes, titanium appcelerator apps can be packaged for the iPhone, and will work nearly the same as on android.
To do this, you need a Mac computer and the iPhone SDK (download from Apple). I believe you also need to pay Apple US$50 to deploy your own app to the phone.
If you want to put it on the App Store, you will need to submit it for Apple's approval.
The following link may help:
As far as general coding goes, I found the Twitter client example helpful.

Adding icons to the springboard

I have been trying to have my iphone app create it's own springboard icons (like safari does for bookmarks) but i'm not sure how to do this. Googling gives me unrelevant information about this topic. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
This isn't possible using the official iPhone SDK.
You will only be able to achieve this using private/undocumented APIs and on a jailbroken iPhone.
Also if you do this you will not be able to distribute your app via the App Store, since Apple will reject it for using private APIs.