How to translate the UI of TWTweetComposeViewController - iphone

In the UI of the TWTweetComposeViewController, there are two buttons at the top of the alert, cancel and send, and even if the language of my phone is set to another language than english, these two buttons are still in english.
I tried to find how to change these text but I can't find how.
Do you any idea ? Thanks

Here's an option: DETweetComposeViewController
It's open source, so you can make any changes you need to.


Change language when button pressed Xcode

I want to make my app multi-language. I know how to do this.
But the problem is that, the user should first change the phones languages before the translation will work.
What I want to do is the following: I have 3 buttons. Dutch,English,French.
When a user presses a button. The language of the app is changed to the appropriate language. But the phone's language keeps the same.
Hope anyone can help me!
Kind regards
But the different translations into different files. Load the needed file according to the button the user touched.
If this does not answer your question, please be more specific what exactly you problem is.

customized keypad on the iPhone Application

i have requirement of creating a applicartion will different language other than English. I research over then internet and found i would have to create my own iphone keypad for this.
I found this post very useful. I tried to make a custom keyboard but could not succeded. The application crashed as a press button of the custom keyboard. The button could not found its TouchUpInside event and crashes.
I know i am missing something and i am very close to this. Here is a sample application i made with XIB. Please anyone pull and install this sample app and let me know what is the mistake i am doing. I will update the code and will push again for others.
Thanx for the reply. Its 3 version will be released with 3 different languages. There is no switching of the languages because versions are different. Arabic version will show arebic keyboard only, French version will show french keyboard only and Farsi version will show farsi keyboard only. In my application above i have made a UIView that behaves like a keyboard on [textview becomeFirstResponder]; After then i put a arabic keypad image as UIImageView as a subview to it, I will put many buttons to it and will assign tags of these buttons to ASCII values and will track then pn buttpon click
You don't need to create a custom keyboard to use non-English languages. Whatever you've found through random web searches, stop using them and look at the official documentation in the developer library. In particular, Internationalization Programming Topics.
Here you go for a sample app I made using xib.
I created a protocol that works for 2 different view controllers textfields.

Keypad language change during runtime?

At runtime for the app, I want the user to be able to select the keypad language. And when the app is finished for it to switch back.
You could not do it programmatically but there is one option is available in keyboard itself.
Go through the following post, will helpful for you
Change Your Keyboard or Display Language in iOS
Setting the iPhone keyboard language
I don't think that there is a programmatic way to enforce this. You can inplemet your own custom input if you want.

Implement a keyboard like the sms app's one?

Someone knows how to get a keyboard similiar to that you can find in the sms app on the iphone, means a keybord with a kind of textField over it that stretch when you type long text.
Thank you
You need to add a UIToolbar above the keyboard - this is a good start.

How to change text Cancel button Searchbar of iPhone in Titanium?

When I set the value 'true' to showCancel property in the method Titanium.UI.createSearchBar. It displays me the cancel button, but I would like to customize that button text to Go or anything else. How do I do that? Please give me suggestions. Thanks you so much.
I don't believe in Titanium Mobile SDK 1.4 you can change the button text.
As a work around you could add your own button to the screen and have it interact with the tableview. Not an ideal solution though.
Please find below the current documentation link.