Click Once Deployment Error - deployment

I am new to Click Once Application deployment so I think I may have a simple problem. I have a window app that I created and deployed successfully as a ClickOnce App using Vis. Studio 2010 and deploying to a web service. I made some changes to the app and changed the deployment location so I started the click Once Process over. Now when I deploy I get an error. The app builds fine, runs fine in VS 2010, when I deploy files are created. Double clicking the App.application file will start the install of the app with a .Net framework error.
"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.
System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI is empty..."
I have double checked and triple checked the Publish Foldre Location and INstallation Folder URL to make sure they are pointing in the correct places and using the correct format. I double and triple checked the Updates dialog box when you click the Updates button. The combobox for the Application Updates matches the Installation Folder URL. "\MyServer\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Transfer\Deploy\" I double checked to make sure the required files are correct. Security settings did not change.
What could I be missing?

It seems you missed one backslash in your installation folder URL:

Please make sure that if you are using some image/sound or log files then its Build Action must be "Content" type.


getting error message "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"

I have a simple MVC web application, which was running locally without problems 3 weeks ago.
When I now open the application in Netbeans and run it, everything seems to work fine as well. However, when I go to the browser (in my case google chrome) to look at the app's frontend (at http://localhost:8080/optimizer), I get the following error message:
HTTP Status 404 - Not Found
In Chrome's javascript console the following error message is given:
optimizer:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
"optimizer" is the name of the app. (What's the point of the "1" in "optimizer:1"? ... I don't get this either.)
The server (payara) is running:
I can also reach the server's admin page:
However, somehow the server cannot seem to find the application, although 3 weeks ago everything worked fine ... I just don't get it.
What's wrong? How can I fix this?
Clicking on "List Deployed Applications" in Payara's Admin Console reveals that my app is not(!) deployed.
I tried to deploy it by clicking on "Deploy an Application" -> "Choose file".
I selected the jar-file "optimizer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", selected Type "EJB Jar", then clicked on OK.
I got this error message:
Archive type of /private/var/folders/hh/hgq7wrjn5d51gy2tkbxkkbwh0000gn/T/optimizer-15075570634779987058.0-SNAPSHOT.jar was not recognized
How can I deploy my app? And why did it work automatically before and now it doesn't work any more?
A difference I realise compared to before (3 weeks ago) is that the browser doesn't open automatically any more when I run the app.
Furthermore, Google Chrome used to be the IDE'S default browser ... now there is just a grey globe and I can no longer choose Chrome as my browser:
I just noticed there is an error message that appears when the server is started (it's in the middle of hundred of rows of log output so I didn't notice it at first):
-> NetBeans IDE 11.2
-> Payara Server 5.193
Error clearly shows, server is not able to recognize archive type of jar,
Archive type of
was not recognized
From payara blog,
If you set “Location” by “Packaged File to Be Uploaded to the Server”,
the suitable type would be selected.
So, the suitable type would be selected automatically.
Also, optimizer-15075570634779987058.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is not an original jar optimizer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
It seems that issue is with the path of an archive, from thread
Code in uploadFrame.jsf:
<sun:form id="form">
I probe to change it to:
<sun:form id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
in uploadFrame.jsf into console-common.jar file. And it works.
You can try with changing uploadFrame.jsf into console-common.jar file.
(Not sure if chrome takes care of this, as it was working for you with chrome).
You may also want to try manual deployment,
install-directory/bin/asadmin deploy PATH_TO_ARCHIEVE/optimizer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Ok, I now found out how to run the app locally without problems: by creating a .war file instead of a .jar file - now I can run the app again without problems.

Click once application Deployment - Installation Error

I have created winform application using .Net Framework 4.5
I have created click once deployment package for it. But when i install it on server it gives me error as below
and the error upon clicking Details buttons shown as
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of C:\Users******\Downloads\Publish******.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Downloading file:///C:/Users/******/Downloads/Publish/Application Files/********_1_0_0_3/*******.dll.deploy did not succeed.
+ Access to the path 'C:\Users**********\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Deployment\********.dll' is denied.
I have a similar problem on occasion. ...\Temp\2... seems to be a default folder for doing stuff. My clickonce deployment was getting blocked by a test run in Selenium using the same location to store its test logs.
Check if the location is being used by other processes to store files while they are working or see if you can clear the folder before starting the update (if you do an update in code vs just clicking the *.appref-ms file).
Also note that ...\Temp\2 can show up as a file instead of a folder thereby blocking any use of it as a folder.

Office.JS "This add-in is no longer available" error

Suddenly I started getting an error while loading an add-in:
Error : "This add-in is no longer available: addin inserted during development are only available during debugging from visual studio. Please open your project in visual studio and re-run your application or deploy your add-in into a valid catalog and reinsert."
When I used to run the project the addin used to load automatically. Now I am getting above error.I haven't made any changes to code and word.
Note: I have installed Fiddler today but after that add-in was working. I have reset my add-in but no use.
I was not able to resolve this error. As a workaround I have created new project copied only home.html,home.js and other JS and CSS files and it works.
I also had this error recently in O365 Excel on Windows 10 but not in O365 Excel Web. In the end I solved it this way:
I ran npm run validate
This gave me a list of validation errors for the manifest.xml
I fixed the validation errors (In my case some String ids were too long)
I (re)started dev server npm stop npm start
So it seems like O365 Excel Web can cope with invalid manifest.xml to some extend whereas the app has a strikt validation of the file. I wish Office would output a meaningful error message in stead of a missleading "This add-in is no longer available". This did cost me roughly 6 hours to find out...
I had this error not for studio code but with excel but it is kind of linked
I put the staging manifest that does not contain localhost url (this was the error return during validation)
and I replace then one by one with dev config even at the end I put back localhost and it works so there is a kind of cache somewhere but I did empty the cache.
between each step I click on the drop down of Excel insert/my add in arrow and the app name under developer add in

C++ Builder XE5 - How to turn off Deployment Manager

I apologize if this is not the right place to ask such question, but I'm at my wit's end since Embarcadero's forum won't allow me to post any question there.
I have enabled the "Deploy" feature in the C++ Builder IDE, to test out about the depending dll & bpl files of my application, when I'm done, I found myself trapped in an annoying state - I can't perform any debugging without connected to a remote pc (with their PAServer)! This is causing a HUGE problem for me as I will not be able to debug my application if I'm away from the office, i.e. I'm on a field service at my client's place or at home.
I tried deleting the deployment profile, but it just get recreated every-time I compile my project and there is a DEPLOY command upon running compiling and running the source code. I have to wait until the connection attempt to the remote pc time-out to continue testing the application by manually clicking the .exe of my application.
Is there any way to turn off the "Deploy" feature so that I can do debugging on my local machine just as before activating the "Deploy" feature?
I've found out where the profile was hiding and deleted it, now I can debug as usual.
In the Rad Studio help:
On occasion, I have this same problem with DelphiXE5 (where the problem is that I forget how to get back to the default environment without losing my remote settings.)
Remote Deploy active:
The Revert option for the normal build/debug environment:
And finally, the previous Remote Deploy settings available via the same Target Platform context menu (i.e., Properties):
The Default Connection isn't something to be setup. To the contrary, it's really not a connection at all. The Revert... menu item essentially means Revert to local build & debug.

Eclipse 3.5 Cache Problem

I am using eclipse 3.5 with google app engine + spring framework to develop application. My problem is when I change the code and build the project, the new code doesn't come in to effect. I even deleted the old file but at runtime, the old version gets display in the browser. Why?
Your description is not explicit, so following are my assumptions:
You are changing jsp/js or view related files
You have Google app engine plugin for eclipse to deploy the code
Following might be one of the reasons:
Your view files are cached in the browser, so try deleting the browser cache
Google app engine might have cached your files, so try deleting the temp folder
Eclipse IDE wouldn't have deployed your changed code, so check the timestamp, if it still shows the old timestamp, then find out how to configure eclipse to detect your changes.
I found 3 workarounds for similar issue (changes to a servlet (.java file) were not taking effect).
Before editing the .java file, stop the application. It seems that if you edit it while running, the issue occurs, even if you edit it, stop then re-start.
Delete items in Temp folder e.g, (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp), then stop and re-start the app.
I think the culprit folder in the Temp folder is this:Jetty_127_0_0_1_8888_war__.g0qk00
Right click in in the console area and select 'Remove All Terminated'. Sometimes that reveals there are other instances running, which need to be stopped by clicking the terminate button.
I got the similar issue and the problem was due to not stopping the running server.
What i was doing was running the server, editing the java file, saving and again running the server. This created two instances of the server running and when checking into the browsers the old code was executed from the first instances.
So, the solution is terminate and relaunch the server, and your new changes will be in effect.