Can we display facebook application on user profile? - facebook

I have a Facebook application which is displayed on canvas page like all other Facebook applications but I want to display application on users profile page like Facebook's find friends,messages applications so that left panel displaying Favourites, Apps,groups are visible to user.

No - this is not possible. Tab applications can only appear on Facebook Pages.


make Facebook app tab visible only for admins of page

Is there way to make app tab on facebook page be visible only for Admins of this page? App is intended for page admins, so other users shouldn't see this tab . Sand-box mode in this case doesn't suit of course.

Custom login page

Is there any way to customize Facebook login page on mobile devices ?
I am working on the web application which share images from this app on Facebook wall. But I don't want to have in the app those buttons which allowes you to exit the app, or switch to another tab.
I use this meta to disable upper and bottom bars in the Safari
But in the FB Login page is for example button (Get Facebook for iPhone and Browser faster) which switch me to the Appstore.
I am including this image of facebook login page, where you can see that links which I need to get out :(
You can't tweak this page. It's hosted by Facebook and out of your control.

Integrate Facebook application to facebook wall

Im planning to develop a free facebook app. I need to know if its possible to have my app on user's wall?
Maybe like an icon or something. And when visitors of this user(my app's user) click this icon on his wall, this app should generate a jQuery popup and display some information.
Do you think it is possible? Does facebook allow third-party applications to be integrated right onto user wall?
The only way this is possible is to post a link to your site (assuming you have defined the og:image meta tag) on the user's wall and have them advertise your application. This can be considered intrusive, however, so stay clear of this if you wish to retain users.
Short answer is no. Facebook removed every app based profile page customization.
If your app is a canvas app, your users can bookmark your app on their home page.
The most app-like output you can place in your user's facebook wall is a flash object, that could display anything you want and be interactive after the first click (think of the youtube videos that plays in timeline). If your users pin it on their timeline it will stay on top for two weeks. To post flash content to feeds, use the source attribe of the Post object.

Application on User Profile

I have developed some Page Tab based application for Facebook.
I have also developed a canvas based application for Facebook.
How to put my Application in User's Profile page ?
(beside the Page tab or in the Canvas Page.)
It's not absolutely clear what you're asking here but if you're asking can you add an app as a tab to a user profile, the answer is no.

How can I disable my App Profile Page

I am using Facebook Connect on an external website. I don't want to show an App Profile Page on Facebook for this app. The main reason is because I have a Fan Page of the same name on Facebook and I am trying to get "Likes" for the Fan Page.
But when you search for the Fan Page by name both the App Profile Page and the Fan Page show up in the search results. And there would be nothing of use to show on the App Profile Page since all I am using it for is Facebook Connect.
Is there a setting in the app setting to not show the profile page? Or better yet, to use the Fan Page as the app profile page?
There currently doesn't exist a way to disable your App Profile Page or associate your app to a Facebook Page. We are planning to enable this soon after f8.
Yeah, I hated this… so I tossed up a super simple redirect app. Toss this up as your default tab for the application and put the link to the page.
Also let me know if there's an error. :)
You can migrate app pages to regular fan pages now (go to your app page for instructions). App pages will be disabled by February.
Removing App Profile Pages By February 1, 2012, we are removing App
Profile Pages. You can migrate Likes and the Vanity URL of this Page
to an existing Facebook Page with the same name and of Product/App
Click here to migrate to an existing Facebook Page
Unfortunately not. We ended up asking all of our fans to move over to become fans of our application page and then deleted our fan page. The only thing you can do is set your app in sandbox mode but then obviously nobody except developers can access it.