make Facebook app tab visible only for admins of page - facebook

Is there way to make app tab on facebook page be visible only for Admins of this page? App is intended for page admins, so other users shouldn't see this tab . Sand-box mode in this case doesn't suit of course.


Facebook app - Javascript SDK, Getting the user id or e-mail of the page owner in which page tab app is added

I'm working on Facebook app, javascript sdk, C# SDK,
Developed a Facebook app as page tab.
The user can add the tab to their page. Once the tab is added to the page.
The user who adds the tab to their page ie., the page owner becomes admin. Whoever adds the tab app to their page becomes admin.
How to get the user id or e-mail of the page owner in which page tab app is added?
I tried out several thing couldn't able to find a solution.

Invisible app on Facebook pages profile

Is there any way to have an app on a 'pages' profile on Facebook that doesn't show a tab on the public profile.
I have tried adding the app (with a pages tab) and hiding the tab after adding it to the page however this seems to cause it to be automatically removed completely.
Yes it is possible by enabling "Sandbox" mode for application. Once sandboxed application (as well as Page tab) will be visible only to Administrators/Developers/Test users of application.
So generally you may enable sandbox mode and add users as Test Users for an application.

Can we display facebook application on user profile?

I have a Facebook application which is displayed on canvas page like all other Facebook applications but I want to display application on users profile page like Facebook's find friends,messages applications so that left panel displaying Favourites, Apps,groups are visible to user.
No - this is not possible. Tab applications can only appear on Facebook Pages.

Application on User Profile

I have developed some Page Tab based application for Facebook.
I have also developed a canvas based application for Facebook.
How to put my Application in User's Profile page ?
(beside the Page tab or in the Canvas Page.)
It's not absolutely clear what you're asking here but if you're asking can you add an app as a tab to a user profile, the answer is no.

add tabs to user's facebook page through facebook api

Can a facebook api add tabs to users' facebook page, if yes then HOW??
you can't add tabs to a users profile page, it has to be the user who adds them.
However, you can add a link to make the process easier, see Add Profile Tab from Facebook developer blog.
you can add a tab to you application by filling profile tab part in facebook integration
how to go there
choose the application (if you have any) --> edit settings --> facebook integration
then fill tab profile.
unfortunately , profile tabs will no longer be allowed see this link.