Can I make eclipse's task pane not show low priority tasks? - eclipse

When I'm coding, I often find it useful to take advantage of the // TODO task feature built into eclipse. I recently discovered I can assign priorities to my various tasks, both the built in ones and my custom ones.
So this is great. However, I would like to hide my low priority tasks from my task view sometimes, focusing only on high and normal priorities. I can kind of achieve this by sorting by priority, but if I do this I lose the sorted by path as well, which means that tasks that are grouped in the same file and package are not really grouped anymore.
tl;dr Can eclipse hide low priority tasks from it's task view? If it can't is there a plugin I can get that does that for me?

You can configure the contents of the Tasks view using its dropdown menu (small rectangle in the top right corner of the view). Select the Configure contents... option from the menu.
Then you could set conditions what to display (e.g. priority).


HandledToolItem in Eclipse with Core Expression

I have 2 set of toolbars, one on the left while the other on top as shown below
Now I want to enforce the visibility of the top HandledToolItem based on which HandledToolItem is selected on the left.
Let's say if I were to select the Analysis HandledToolItem , I'd like to make Use Cases and Backend becomes visible. The remaining items on top should be made invisible.
My PropertyTester that I have
Right now the PropertyTester for this is never call. Can I still use core-expression for this or all I need to do just show or hide the items on the handler itself ?
There is currently an Eclipse bug 400217 which is stopping core expressions working on tool items. Currently scheduled to be fixed in Eclipse 4.5 milestone 7.

Is there a way to group markers in Eclipse?

Lets say I am working on multiple tasks and I want to group the markers like bookmarks, TODO lists... based on the tasks I am working on than the default sorting that eclipse provide. Is there any configuration in Eclipse that will allow me to do that?
The Problems Bookmarks and Tasks views all have a Sort By option that lets you sort by the file path which effectively arranges them by project.
This option is accessed via the small down arrow (triangle) at the top right of the view.

ReSharper 8 Plugin Development Solution Explorer Panel Indicator

I want to write a ReSharper 8 plugin that will give a visual indication (icon maybe?) to the user in solution explorer panel if the number of projects in a solution exceeds a configurable amount.
Can a ReSharper plugin accomplish this or must I find another way? Must I create a SolutionComponent?
There's actually a set of things that you need to make this happen:
You need to add a visual element to be placed somewhere. I believe you can define an icon in Actions.xml, but as I understand, the solution explorer tool bar contains only buttons, though I could be wrong. An alternative approach would be to actually decorate the solution icon the way that source control plugins do. There are also other approaches, e.g. StatusBarIndicator.
A solution component is essentially some component that exists only while there's a solution loaded. What you need is different - a mechanism of monitoring solution changes and project model changes.

Eclipse tasks from specific files

In Eclipse (Galileo) is it possible to filter the list of TODO and FIXME tasks by a specific file, or several files? Instead of having the whole list for the entire project.
You can select through the upper right arrow of the Task View the option "Configure Content"
From there, you should select a narrower filter like:
"On selected element only"
Steve Chambers mentions in the comments:
To get this to work in Kepler (Eclipse 4.3), I had to tick the checkbox on the "TODOs" configuration in the top left (rather than "Show all items", which is ticked by default).
I am not running Galileo, but slightly older version of Eclipse. However, you can at least filter the task list by task description, if not the file name. Open the menu of the Tasks view and from there choose Configure Filters... Configure Contents.... From there, you can set up a filter that filters data based on the content of task description. Perhaps you can use this to achieve what you want.
(Plus I'm sure that in case new functionality has been added to the filter configuration in Galileo, it will be obvious from the Configure Contents window.)
Hope this helps.
A better approach for your problem would likely be to chose "On working set" from that dialog, "Select...". Then create a working set, it will ask you what files are part of the working set and only display tasks from those files.
I use this to exclude the "vendors" directory in Symfony2, and the "Zend" directory in Zend Framework, which are full of TODOs and errors that pollute these views.
I couldn't see a way to do exactly what you wanted.
In a single file you can open the file and locate the TODO items by the icons in the margin.
You can also open the Tasks view (Window->Show View->Tasks) and sort the tasks by clicking on the column headings. Sorting by "Resource" or "Path" might give you some part of the functionality that you are looking for.
You might also look at the Mylin task management plugin. You can create Mylin tasks from TODO items, and you might be able to to more with Mylin's Task List view than you can with TODO's Tasks view.

When using Mylyn in Eclipse, why do task context elements not show up in the navigator view?

I've been using Eclipse for many years. I'm trying to switch into using Mylyn. I've configured a task and it's automatically added a number of files to the context. So far, so good.
However, when the "Focus on Active Task" button is enabled/depressed (in the Navigator View), many of the files in the task context are hidden -- I cannot find them unless I turn off "Focus on Active Task" -- which sort of defeats the purpose.
Why are items listed in the Context not being shown in the Navigator View?
I don't know if you found a solution for your problem, since this question is quite old, but here is what i just found out. For me the problem only occurs if the "Package Presentation" is set to "Hierarchical". Setting it to "Flat" helps. Sounds like a bug to me and unfortunately i prefer the hierarchical view.
It sounds like there are two questions here:
Why are only some files in my context showing when I select "Focus on Active Task"?
How can I view files not in my context when I've selected "Focus on Active Task"?
For item one, Mylyn records every file you touch when working on a task and stores it as part of the task context (see note at end). For large tasks it quickly becomes useless to see every file that you've touched and so Mylyn uses an algorithm to decide which files are most relevant to your task, based on how many times you've viewed and edited them. Thus, when you select "Focus on Active Task" only the most relevant files are shown.
For item two, it is often the case that you'd want to view files that are not shown as part of your context while "Focus on Active Task" is selected, and Mylyn provides a way of doing this. You can view all children files of a visible node by holding down ALT while clicking on that node. The files will become visible temporarily. Similarly, if you do not have any files showing in context you can hold ALT and click in the Package Explorer (or other view of the project) and it will show all files. ALT + clicking is an essential action for anyone who wants to work with their PackageExplorer focused.
The 2.5 minute video Get Task-Focused will help you better understand how focusing the Package Explorer is intended to be used.
David Shepherd Tasktop Technologies, Inc.
Note: You can see every file that is in your context by opening the task editor, selecting the "Context" tab (at the bottom), and then sliding the "Actions" slider to the left.
Even in Eclipse Luna 4.4 the described limitation exists: project explorer package presentation has to be set to flat.
"Known limitations - Bug 106678: The Project Explorer’s Hierarchical Java package presentation layout is not supported on Eclipse 3.3Mx, and interesting elements will be hidden if enabled. Work-around is to use the default Flat package presentation."
(replace "Eclipse 3.3Mx" by "Eclipse >= 3.3Mx" and then it makes sense)
Yes, this bug is getting 10 years old ;-)