HandledToolItem in Eclipse with Core Expression - eclipse

I have 2 set of toolbars, one on the left while the other on top as shown below
Now I want to enforce the visibility of the top HandledToolItem based on which HandledToolItem is selected on the left.
Let's say if I were to select the Analysis HandledToolItem , I'd like to make Use Cases and Backend becomes visible. The remaining items on top should be made invisible.
My PropertyTester that I have
Right now the PropertyTester for this is never call. Can I still use core-expression for this or all I need to do just show or hide the items on the handler itself ?

There is currently an Eclipse bug 400217 which is stopping core expressions working on tool items. Currently scheduled to be fixed in Eclipse 4.5 milestone 7.


what is the name of the very bottom of the eclipse window? I want to turn it off but can't until I know what its called

I like to keep as much of my Eclipse screen as possible for code. So I try to disable or turn off as many of the extra bars and such as possible. The area at the very bottom of the Eclipse screen is my next target but I don't know what it's called.
Can anyone tell me the name of this area and how to reclaim it? Thanks.
Here is an eclipse plug-in which hides/shows Menu bar and/or Status bar.
User can change these options in Windows > Preferences > Full Screen
But Hiding Status bar was NOT working on my machine
Ubuntu 13.10 Eclipse Version: Kepler Release Build id: 20130614-0229
This are is called the Status Line but it composed of a number of different components such as the progress indicator, editor current line and row, and the message area.
I am not aware of anything that will turn it all off.
I can see why you're eager to close that. It looks like your screen resolution is extremely low. Are you using a netbook perhaps?
Here's the problem though: On your screen, that part looks quite large and looks empty but it's because of your screen size. I'm fairly certain it doesn't have a name and having scoured the options, I'm convinced it can't be removed. On my screen, that section contains only a few words: "Writable | Smart Insert | 423:32"
Essentially, the words that show up there are a guide for your current editing mode and location in the file. I don't think it can be turned off. If you hit Ctrl + M, it will hide almost everything possible on maximize your editor view.
On my screen, that little bar is very small. That is of course because I have a high screen resolution. If possible, try increasing the resolution on your screen to something more appropriate. You'll find you have a lot more space to code, and that little bar will become much smaller.
In eclipse oxygen there is option to hide status bar:

How to change toolbar button order in eclipse 4.2?

With the old version, we just needed to drag and drop to change the positions toolbar's button. But with juno, how do we do this?
I don't believe you can re-order them in Eclipse 4.2.
However, you can choose to hide them:
- Window -> Customize Perspective -> Tool Bar Visibility
This is bug 364046, and has supposedly been fixed but is not yet released.
In the meantime, you can reorder the perspective buttons using the Live Application Model View. I am not sure what you need to install to get this view -- Eclipse e4 Tools perhaps?
I didn't see the view in the Show View dialog but it shows up with Ctrl-3.
Once you get the live application model view up, you need to find the Perspectives Stack,
which I found under Windows->Trimmed Window->Controls->PartSashContainer->Perspectives Stack.
Then you can reorder either by dragging/dropping in the tree view, or by the up/down buttons in the editor. I had to restart Eclipse to see the changes.
until the bug is fixed, i've found that one can:
figure out the order of the perspective items you are interested in
close all perspectives (or at least all that are in the wrong order
re-open in the order preferred.
if switching the last 2, just close the 2nd to last one, then re-open it, and it will be the last one.
if you want to move the first one to the last position, close it, then re-open.
if you want to move the last one to the first position, well ... you'll have to close all the others, then re-open them in the order you want.
this might involve less work than pulling in the "live application model view". at the very least, it just worked for me after coming to this question in hopes of seeing a real answer to the problem.

How to highlight a table row of a TableViewer with a custom color

I'm using Viewer Framework in my Eclipse RCP Application,wherein my table has all the capabilities like sorting and filtering,the problem is with,when i select a row in the table it gets highlighted in blue color by default, when a user try to filter using search box provided,which is located above the table,then the previously selected row gets faded away.To overcome this i thought it would be better to have a custom color or predefined color like red and which doesn't get faded away even Table-viewer loses focus(i don't know).
My guess is you're running under Windows 7, where this is the defined behavior of table selection and the focus. Just try to select a file in the explorer and then focus on another window....
Almost the same behavior is seen under various versions of OSX, and possibly for other operating systems as well.
Can you work around it? Yes, but it will require some work with a SWT.ItemPaint listener...

When using Mylyn in Eclipse, why do task context elements not show up in the navigator view?

I've been using Eclipse for many years. I'm trying to switch into using Mylyn. I've configured a task and it's automatically added a number of files to the context. So far, so good.
However, when the "Focus on Active Task" button is enabled/depressed (in the Navigator View), many of the files in the task context are hidden -- I cannot find them unless I turn off "Focus on Active Task" -- which sort of defeats the purpose.
Why are items listed in the Context not being shown in the Navigator View?
I don't know if you found a solution for your problem, since this question is quite old, but here is what i just found out. For me the problem only occurs if the "Package Presentation" is set to "Hierarchical". Setting it to "Flat" helps. Sounds like a bug to me and unfortunately i prefer the hierarchical view.
It sounds like there are two questions here:
Why are only some files in my context showing when I select "Focus on Active Task"?
How can I view files not in my context when I've selected "Focus on Active Task"?
For item one, Mylyn records every file you touch when working on a task and stores it as part of the task context (see note at end). For large tasks it quickly becomes useless to see every file that you've touched and so Mylyn uses an algorithm to decide which files are most relevant to your task, based on how many times you've viewed and edited them. Thus, when you select "Focus on Active Task" only the most relevant files are shown.
For item two, it is often the case that you'd want to view files that are not shown as part of your context while "Focus on Active Task" is selected, and Mylyn provides a way of doing this. You can view all children files of a visible node by holding down ALT while clicking on that node. The files will become visible temporarily. Similarly, if you do not have any files showing in context you can hold ALT and click in the Package Explorer (or other view of the project) and it will show all files. ALT + clicking is an essential action for anyone who wants to work with their PackageExplorer focused.
The 2.5 minute video Get Task-Focused will help you better understand how focusing the Package Explorer is intended to be used.
David Shepherd Tasktop Technologies, Inc.
Note: You can see every file that is in your context by opening the task editor, selecting the "Context" tab (at the bottom), and then sliding the "Actions" slider to the left.
Even in Eclipse Luna 4.4 the described limitation exists: project explorer package presentation has to be set to flat.
"Known limitations - Bug 106678: The Project Explorer’s Hierarchical Java package presentation layout is not supported on Eclipse 3.3Mx, and interesting elements will be hidden if enabled. Work-around is to use the default Flat package presentation."
(replace "Eclipse 3.3Mx" by "Eclipse >= 3.3Mx" and then it makes sense)
Yes, this bug is getting 10 years old ;-)

How to set a fixed width of editor window in Eclipse?

Recently I have got a new 22" monitor. Finally it's possible to keep all needed windows in Eclipse open while having the main editor window wide enough to display all 120 columns. Problem now is when I wide up or narrow down windows on the left or right side of the editor. Editor's width narrows down or wides up. I'd like to set its width fixed to some value and let the other windows 'breathe' in width.
Take a look at the illustration.
You should rather use detached views, that way your main editor is not affected by the other windows resize operations.
(source: eclipse.org)
Either that, or use fast views, which minimises the views down to an icon that can be conveniently popped up when you need to use them. This is especially handy for things like the JUnit test view, as suggested by the JUnit Eclipse documentation