Is there a way to group markers in Eclipse? - eclipse

Lets say I am working on multiple tasks and I want to group the markers like bookmarks, TODO lists... based on the tasks I am working on than the default sorting that eclipse provide. Is there any configuration in Eclipse that will allow me to do that?

The Problems Bookmarks and Tasks views all have a Sort By option that lets you sort by the file path which effectively arranges them by project.
This option is accessed via the small down arrow (triangle) at the top right of the view.


What is the utility of split editor with same code in VS code

I'm currently working with VS Code. It has an option, located on the top-right of the screen, that allows you to split the editor. I'm wondering what is the utility of splitting an editor with the same file?
Editor Groups
This feature allows you to create multiple "editor groups".
The default functionality of the UI option you're referring to, is to open the active editor in a new editor group.
One potential use case for this would be to simultaneously view and edit multiple places in one large file.
Multiple Files
However, you can also drag different files into this new editor group — allowing you to view and edit different files at the same time — which is very useful when you have very modularized code (which usually means there's a lot of related code in different files).
You can create virtually unlimited editor groups, and have virtually an unlimited number of files in each group.
Variety of Layouts
Additionally, with the latest version of VS Code, you can create two by two grid editor layouts, or create your own custom layout and attach it to a keybinding for easy switching.
Editor groups and their files can be controlled with the mouse (click, drag and drop), but you'll end up being a lot more productive if you make an effort to learn the keyboard shortcuts for the commands that you use most often.

Sorting projects in eclipse

Is it possible to sort projects in Package (or Project) Exporer View by project state (opened or closed?).
I know about working sets, but it's not actually what I want :)
I think you should take a second look at working sets, in my humble opinion that is the best way to organize projects. If you set Top level elements to working sets in the dropdown menu in either explorer , all projects will be sorted under the working set.
Anyway, the sorting order cannot be changed as far as I know, but you can choose to hide closed projects in Package explorer. In the drop down menu, go to Filters and choose to hide closed projects.

How to exclude files/folder from Markers view in eclipse?

Is there a way in eclipse to stop markers from showing in the Markers view for files in a certain folder? I.e. I imported a Javascript library that I didn't write myself but it is going to be part of my project and I don't want to have to look at all the "TODO" and "FIXME" markers in those files and would just want to see my markers only... Is there a way to exclude certain folders or files form being scanned by the markers process?
Apparently, I was able to resolve this by adding the folders I wanted to exclude to the exclusion list under Project->Properties->Validation. (Click settings beside each validation, Add Exclude Group button, Add Rule button, select folder option, browse for relative folder)
You can configure the content of the Markers view (the one displaying errors and warning in source code) and the content of the Tasks view (the one displaying "TODO" and "FIXME") by clicking on the "small down arrow" in the top right of the view (near the minimize and maximize buttons) and then clicking on Configure Contents ... entry.
Hope this can help,
By selecting Configure Contents like Manu said, there is also the option to list the tasks for a specific working set, using the Scope area at the right.
That worked for me, and I'm not annoyed anymore by all Zend Framework #todo.
Hope this helped, Stéphane
I'm doing a node app and wanted to exclude my node modules folder. I found the only way to do this is to create a working set that excludes that directory and set the Task -> configure contents to that working set.
How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?

Eclipse tasks from specific files

In Eclipse (Galileo) is it possible to filter the list of TODO and FIXME tasks by a specific file, or several files? Instead of having the whole list for the entire project.
You can select through the upper right arrow of the Task View the option "Configure Content"
From there, you should select a narrower filter like:
"On selected element only"
Steve Chambers mentions in the comments:
To get this to work in Kepler (Eclipse 4.3), I had to tick the checkbox on the "TODOs" configuration in the top left (rather than "Show all items", which is ticked by default).
I am not running Galileo, but slightly older version of Eclipse. However, you can at least filter the task list by task description, if not the file name. Open the menu of the Tasks view and from there choose Configure Filters... Configure Contents.... From there, you can set up a filter that filters data based on the content of task description. Perhaps you can use this to achieve what you want.
(Plus I'm sure that in case new functionality has been added to the filter configuration in Galileo, it will be obvious from the Configure Contents window.)
Hope this helps.
A better approach for your problem would likely be to chose "On working set" from that dialog, "Select...". Then create a working set, it will ask you what files are part of the working set and only display tasks from those files.
I use this to exclude the "vendors" directory in Symfony2, and the "Zend" directory in Zend Framework, which are full of TODOs and errors that pollute these views.
I couldn't see a way to do exactly what you wanted.
In a single file you can open the file and locate the TODO items by the icons in the margin.
You can also open the Tasks view (Window->Show View->Tasks) and sort the tasks by clicking on the column headings. Sorting by "Resource" or "Path" might give you some part of the functionality that you are looking for.
You might also look at the Mylin task management plugin. You can create Mylin tasks from TODO items, and you might be able to to more with Mylin's Task List view than you can with TODO's Tasks view.

Eclipse: Nested Editor Tabs?

Is anyone aware of any method (or external plugin) that would allow for nested editor tabs? It would be nice to be able to group related open files into their own "master" tabs, but I'm not sure if this is even possible. Any ideas?
This is totally non-obvious, and I discovered it by accident, but...
If you click on a tab and start dragging it downwards, once you get more than half-way down the editor pane, a horizontal line will appear. Let go, and now you'll have two different editor panes, each with tabs of documents. Now you can drag tabs up and down between the two panes to see different documents at the same time.
I think that's as close as you can get.
I think the best you can currently do is "Window->New Window" and then use each new window as a separate "tab" of related editors. Not exactly ideal, I admit.
It's a cool idea though, especially if you could have shortcuts or something that open groups of editors with a single command.
This definitely isn't possible in the current RCP. You might be able to construct an editor component which created a CTabFolder and delegated to other editor components, but I'm not sure how well that would work.
There are Perspectives in Eclipse that you might use to achieve something close, they are more global things though...
But I agree with you, I would like this feature as well! This would be also very useful when editing many files that have the same name but come from different packages, because now it's a mess >_<
For me the utility of such a feature is to reduce context switching time. I'm working on project A, have lots of editors open, now I need to drop that and work on project B. I want to keep all the editors open associated with project A but hide them while I work on B. When I'm done with B, I can pick up right where I left off in A without having to find and open all those A files again; I can even leave them unsaved indefinitely, since Juno never crashes!! :)
I have used the New Window feature, and it's great, but the new window needs a bunch of configuration (closing Views I don't need, moving stuff around to where I want it, opening Views I had open in the old window, and so on) before I can get to work. It also uses a lot more memory than a simple tab group would since it seems to be a complete new copy of Eclipse.
The split-window feature is great and I use it all the time. It is indeed tab groups, and if there were a way to hide a tab group, and for each tab group to have its own tab list (the thing you get when you click ">>5" so you can see editors you have open that don't fit in the tab header), it would totally fill the bill.