NuGet.Server Bad Request - nuget

I am currently trying to setup a NuGet server on our intranet but I'm having a problem. I'm following the instructions here:
The website works fine, but when I try to point the package manager at the source I get an error:
"Could not connect to the feed specified at 'myserver/DataServices/Packages.svc'. Please verify the package source (located in the Package Manager Settings) is valid and ensure your network connectivity."
The URL is correct, copied from the website and is "http://myserver/nuget".
Using Fiddler I inspected the data transfer and I get:
<error xmlns="">
<message xml:lang="en-AU">Bad Request - Error in query syntax.</message>
There are no error logs I can find on the server.
Can anyone help with this? I'd really like to use NuGet.Server but I'm out of ideas.

Are you running the lastest versions of both the NuGet.Server and the Package Manager in VS?

Have you installed ASP.NET MVC 3 on the server?
Are you pointing the client directly at the base URL, or at the .svc endpoint? You should use the base URL - the call semantics have changed recently.


Web service consumer SOAP version is showing error by default

I am trying to configure a SOAP service using web service consumer, as soon as I click on new configuration in the connector configuration, I see SOAP version column is turning into error and when I hover on it, it is showing some tooling related error and when i check my tooling stats in preferences, it shows in running state.
My studio version is 7.11.1
Please let me know how to resolve this issue.
The information is not complete to identify the root cause. Having said that it is possible that the error is happening when the Web Service Consumer connector is trying to download the WSDL if the access is restricted in some way. For example if the server has whitelisted the IPs of authorized clients, or there is an access restriction in your network, or some other permission issue.
In that case you may resolve the issue if you can download the WSDL locally and add it to the application in the src/main/resources folder, and reference it by the file name (with no path) instead of an URL.

Invalid xml:base in Teamcity nuget feed

I try to setup teamcity nuget feed. But when i try download package form nuget server i get next error in VS output window:
when i try get definition of nuget feed i see next:
in Administration / Global settings / Server URL i have valid dmin name of my server. How can i change xml:base attribute in feed definition?
I don't think there is an issue with TeamCity. From what I can see you are hosting TeamCity locally on your development machine and you are successfully downloading your own packages (1st picture). The error that you are seeing in chrome is absolutely fine.
However the issue that it appears you are having is that you have not configured either VisualStudio or your solution in VisualStudio to download from more than one place. The package that is failing is NancyFx which presumably you are not hosting from TeamCity so therefore you need to go and get it from the public NuGet Server. In order to achieve this you either have to configure VisualStudio or your solution file to search multiple package sources.
From TeamCity support "Change base URL in FeedService":
It looks like you have a reverse proxy and it is not properly
configured. Please refer to TeamCity HowTo documentation about this:
It seems HTTP proxy does not pass Host header correctly. When browser
makes a request it sets Host to hostname from browser address bar. If
proxy changes Host to something else, or removes it, then feed will
have URLs pointing to localhost, because TeamCity server does not know
that there is an HTTP proxy somewhere.
Please check that HTTP proxy preserves original Host header.

failed to load Component.js: 404 - Not Found

My colleague has developed an extension project to Approve Purchase Contract application using local trial Web IDE. I imported his project using the licensed Web IDE from SAP gateway server. The folder structure looks like this:
My index.html looks like this:
Whenever I run using index.html or Component.js, I'm getting below error. Kindly help.
Uncaught Error: failed to load
'ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/MM_PC_APVExtension/Component.js' from
./Component.js: Error: failed to load
'ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/Component.js' from
/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/MM_PC_APV/Component.js: 404 - Not Found
The error message says:
ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/MM_PC_APVExtension/Component.js is found but it can not be loaded because a dependency is not found. That missing dependency is ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/Component.js which should be available at /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/MM_PC_APV/Component.js.
Please follow the SAP Documentation DOC-58342 step 4.2 to be sure the "Approve Purchase Contract App" is installed and activated and the necessary roles are assigned.
Thanks schnoedel. I resolved the issue by recreating the extension project and copying the code changes from old project.

API requests doesn't work on my computer but the other

I have a very simple API created by using Laravel 5.2.22, when calling GET methods I am getting the error 404, calling DELETE method I am getting the error 405 (same thing using postman or curl). The point is that the same project works perfectly on another machine.
Is there anything that I have to configure in my Xampp to make this works?
Could anybody help?
Thank you
AS you said, the cause can be in wrong web server configuration. You should point your web server to a public directory of Laravel project. For example, if you've installed Laravel in C:/xampp/htdocs/ directory, you need to use these settings:
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/public"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/public">
After that restart web server. Also, make sure storage directory has right permissions.
Do this, if you'll get similar error message, please turn on Debug and post full error message.

Cannot update repository Windows Azure

I'm trying Windows Azure now.
I have been following instruction from
I'm running on eclipse helios, but when i try to install new software and enter url repository :
Eclipse always timeout,
message on message box like bellow :
Unable to connect to repository
Unable to connect to repository
Connection timed out: connect
How to solve this, i very need it to deploy my first app on Windows Azure platform
Help me to solve this, please
Now i try to runnning azure project on Cloud Azure, but why when i try to upload cspkg file and cscfg file, the process always timeout, whereas connection is running normally when i look on ping -t
this is message when i try upload on azure hosting service :
Uploading the selected package has failed, please verify your network connection and try again.
How to solve this issue ?
it's very strange error. >-<
I think there is some problem with your network connection as I have just tested the same download location and it does work perfectly fine as below:
As you can see below I am using URL to download the Java specific Azure components:
After that once I select "Next", the following two components are listed to be installed in my machine:
Microsoft JDBC Drive 3.0 for SQL Server (This will work with SQL Azure)
Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java
I am sure that the problem is specific to your network connection so please have it corrected.
Yes, it's foolish of me, i forget to shutting down my proxy server on My compute.After i disable it,everything gonna be alright :D
surely I haven't meet this situation before , but just for your additional information..
Have you follow this step on installing azure #eclipse? like .net version must be >= 3.5
here are some source link for your help
I haven’t worked with Windows Azure Java SDK. But the error message is complaining the file C:\Users\workspace\AzureFirst\emulatorTools\ResetEmulator.cmd cannot be found. It would be better if you can check whether the file exists. In addition, the call stack points out you’re using Windows Azure SDK 1.4. Please try to upgrade it to 1.6 to see whether it works fine. You can find SDK 1.6 on Please install WindowsAzureEmulator and WindowsAzureSDK. The WindowsAzureLibsForNet is not needed if you don’t want to use .NET.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.