Invalid xml:base in Teamcity nuget feed - nuget

I try to setup teamcity nuget feed. But when i try download package form nuget server i get next error in VS output window:
when i try get definition of nuget feed i see next:
in Administration / Global settings / Server URL i have valid dmin name of my server. How can i change xml:base attribute in feed definition?

I don't think there is an issue with TeamCity. From what I can see you are hosting TeamCity locally on your development machine and you are successfully downloading your own packages (1st picture). The error that you are seeing in chrome is absolutely fine.
However the issue that it appears you are having is that you have not configured either VisualStudio or your solution in VisualStudio to download from more than one place. The package that is failing is NancyFx which presumably you are not hosting from TeamCity so therefore you need to go and get it from the public NuGet Server. In order to achieve this you either have to configure VisualStudio or your solution file to search multiple package sources.

From TeamCity support "Change base URL in FeedService":
It looks like you have a reverse proxy and it is not properly
configured. Please refer to TeamCity HowTo documentation about this:
It seems HTTP proxy does not pass Host header correctly. When browser
makes a request it sets Host to hostname from browser address bar. If
proxy changes Host to something else, or removes it, then feed will
have URLs pointing to localhost, because TeamCity server does not know
that there is an HTTP proxy somewhere.
Please check that HTTP proxy preserves original Host header.


Publish NuGet package to local Apache server

I'm creating a NuGet package for my company and want to publish it to our local Apache server. I would like to add the folder location on the server to the NuGet.config file. I have read this article on hosting your own NuGet feeds. In this article, they reference another article talking about local feeds. From this article, I gathered that I will most likely need to create a local feed on the server.
Will I need to run this command on the Apache server itself? Does this command create the local feed on the server?
nuget init \packagesToHost \\myserver\packages
where myserver would be the IP address of the server.
A local feed means local to the machine, something that can be opened with the operating system's "open file" API, so the file must be either on disk or on a network share. If the NuGet client needs to download packages from HTTP, it's not local. Therefore the nuget init command won't work unless you use network file sharing on myserver, in which case the fact that it also runs a HTTP server is irrelevant. Something to keep in mind is that it's not very efficient for browsing and searching, so if your feed has lots of packages, people using Visual Studio's Package Manager UI will have a bad experience.
If you want to use a HTTP feed, you need to investigate one of the apps listed on the page you linked. You could look into Sleet, as it generates static files that any HTTP server can host, like Apache, without knowing anything about NuGet. All the other HTTP servers are applications that need to be hosted appropriately.

Nuget.Server 404 on package Push

I have setup NuGet.Server 3.3+ on Windows 10 IIS
I can browse already inited packages on the server
When I try and push a known working package to my server
nuget push webgrease.1.6.0.nupkg -Source http://localhost/NuGetSrv/nuget
I get
I get 404
In fiddler the package is sent it looks to be a security issue on the server when it goes to write the file
I have use not network service / classic app pool and also tried admin account for the app pool
Also tried local c:\somedir and a \server\share
I had the same problem :/
If you can get packages but not add
Make sure you have the application pool set to Integrated and not Classic and your network share will work for pushing packages
If you're working on Azure, #HoopSnake's answer still apply, but its worderd differently.
In the App Service => Application Settings => Managed Pipeline Version set this to Integrated.
Atleast, that's what fixed it for me

NuGet.Server Bad Request

I am currently trying to setup a NuGet server on our intranet but I'm having a problem. I'm following the instructions here:
The website works fine, but when I try to point the package manager at the source I get an error:
"Could not connect to the feed specified at 'myserver/DataServices/Packages.svc'. Please verify the package source (located in the Package Manager Settings) is valid and ensure your network connectivity."
The URL is correct, copied from the website and is "http://myserver/nuget".
Using Fiddler I inspected the data transfer and I get:
<error xmlns="">
<message xml:lang="en-AU">Bad Request - Error in query syntax.</message>
There are no error logs I can find on the server.
Can anyone help with this? I'd really like to use NuGet.Server but I'm out of ideas.
Are you running the lastest versions of both the NuGet.Server and the Package Manager in VS?
Have you installed ASP.NET MVC 3 on the server?
Are you pointing the client directly at the base URL, or at the .svc endpoint? You should use the base URL - the call semantics have changed recently.

Nuget Server returning 403's and 404's

I'm trying to host nuget on my Amazon EC2 VPS, and I'm having issues.
I've followed the instructions here ( Hosting your own NuGet Feeds )
I've read this thread ( NuGet: remote server returned an Error(403) Forbidden ) along the same lines.
I'm not running TFS
It "could" be a proxy issue, but I'm not entirely sure how to check.
My NuGet feed is located at You'll notice that both and are throwing errors.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
You are probably running the NuGet.Server in a Web Site-project. Try to run it via an ASP.NET Web Application instead (in Visual Studio you can create one via File -> New -> Project -> ASP.NET Web Application)
Have you tried the latest version (1.5)?
The release notes include some changes related to proxy authentication:
Support for Proxies that require authentication
When using NuGet behind a proxy that requires authentication, NuGet will now prompt for proxy credentials. Entering credentials allows NuGet to connect to the remote repository.
I realize I'm a little late to the party but I've just spent a frustrating couple of hours with the same problem.
I found that switching the Application Pool from "Classic" to "Integrated" fixed the problem

Click once deployment to a ISP hosted Server (ISP is Lunarpages in this case)

I know this has some crossover to but the advice on meta.stackoverflow was to ask it here (first) as it requires a .NET dev to answer more than likely.
I am having some problems publishing to my website a Click Once App, I am getting an error message saying (something like) IIS not running, I'm not currently at home to give an exact error message, i'll edit later if it is required to answer this question.
My ISP is lunarpages the plan I am on is this one IIS is definitely running as I have BlogEngine.NET running just fine. Anyone know what is required configuration wise (both server and client) to make this work?
The files that the ClickOnce publish create can be run on just about any web environment (include Apache/Linux.) It simply generates an html page along with the application manifest and your application files. Maybe you can deploy to a local folder and upload the files to the server?