Cannot update repository Windows Azure - eclipse

I'm trying Windows Azure now.
I have been following instruction from
I'm running on eclipse helios, but when i try to install new software and enter url repository :
Eclipse always timeout,
message on message box like bellow :
Unable to connect to repository
Unable to connect to repository
Connection timed out: connect
How to solve this, i very need it to deploy my first app on Windows Azure platform
Help me to solve this, please
Now i try to runnning azure project on Cloud Azure, but why when i try to upload cspkg file and cscfg file, the process always timeout, whereas connection is running normally when i look on ping -t
this is message when i try upload on azure hosting service :
Uploading the selected package has failed, please verify your network connection and try again.
How to solve this issue ?
it's very strange error. >-<

I think there is some problem with your network connection as I have just tested the same download location and it does work perfectly fine as below:
As you can see below I am using URL to download the Java specific Azure components:
After that once I select "Next", the following two components are listed to be installed in my machine:
Microsoft JDBC Drive 3.0 for SQL Server (This will work with SQL Azure)
Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java
I am sure that the problem is specific to your network connection so please have it corrected.

Yes, it's foolish of me, i forget to shutting down my proxy server on My compute.After i disable it,everything gonna be alright :D

surely I haven't meet this situation before , but just for your additional information..
Have you follow this step on installing azure #eclipse? like .net version must be >= 3.5
here are some source link for your help

I haven’t worked with Windows Azure Java SDK. But the error message is complaining the file C:\Users\workspace\AzureFirst\emulatorTools\ResetEmulator.cmd cannot be found. It would be better if you can check whether the file exists. In addition, the call stack points out you’re using Windows Azure SDK 1.4. Please try to upgrade it to 1.6 to see whether it works fine. You can find SDK 1.6 on Please install WindowsAzureEmulator and WindowsAzureSDK. The WindowsAzureLibsForNet is not needed if you don’t want to use .NET.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.


moodle - database connection failed when running sync.php script

I am setting up a moodle plugin for enrolment from an external database based on instruction in I was successful in setting up a similar plugin for authentication from an external database. But I am having a problem with a plugin for enrolment from the external database. When I test the plugin settings it is successful as shown below
But When I run php sync.php I got
Error: Database connection failed
It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly.
The site administrator should also check that the database details have been correctly specified in config.php
My moodle version is 3.9.1 and I am using Mac OS.
Thank you in advance.
First, turn on debug, to get errors.
Finally found that the problem was, the plugin do not work with PHP7.4 (while Moodle do).
Fixed by downgrading PHP to 7.2

Unable to install gcloud SDK

When I try to install google cloud SDK, I was getting the following error:
(gcloud.components.update) Failed to fetch component listing from
server. Check your network settings and try again. This will install
all the core command line tools necessary for working with the Google
Cloud Platform. Failed to install.
After reinstalling python (v3.7.0), I added the path and also added CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable to make sure. Now when I attempt the installation, the installation simply hangs:
If I attempt the installation trough terminal by executing install.bat, it also gets stuck after requesting to send diagnostics to google:
Welcome to the Google Cloud SDK!
Active code page: 65001
To help improve the quality of this product, we collect anonymized usage data
and anonymized stacktraces when crashes are encountered; additional information
is available at <>. This data is
handled in accordance with our privacy policy
<>. You may choose to opt in this
collection now (by choosing 'Y' at the below prompt), or at any time in the
future by running the following command:
gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting false
Do you want to help improve the Google Cloud SDK (y/N)? n
Nothing gets printed after that.
it seems that the "(gcloud.components.update) Failed to fetch component listing from server" error might be caused by some proxies or antivirus in your environment, I'd recommend you to try a clean installation in a vm or using another network.
Also, I was able to find soem similar errors for this on issue tracker and the team gave a soltion at comment10, also, as you can see on the issue tracker, sometimes this behavior is because the Python SDK is installed on default "Program Files" location, you could give it a try by changing the location of the python SDK

Cannot install IBM Eclipse tools for Bluemix due to network issue

I'm trying to install IBM Eclipse tools for Bluemix but getting this error:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session
context was:(profile=epp.package.jee,
phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=,
action=). Unable to read repository at
Connection reset
I tried to use solution from this dW Answers post Downloading Bluemix plugin for Eclipse... Is it even possible??? but it didn't help.
When I went and tried to manually download file by using this link : I get an error:
This webpage is not available
But when I changed link to use https as following, it works:
So, my question is how can I redirect all "problematic" links to correct web site? In other words, is it possible to one url to another url?
Thank you.
Tried to install this plugin at home and everything worked. I suspect that something wrong with a network on a work, will ask our admins to try to investigate the issue and post it back if we'll discover something interesting.
Confirmed by admins. It was a temporary network issue.
here is the last updated guide for Eclipse Bluemix tool plugin, which should be always used to install this plugin for the first time, in order to be sure on using the right version
At the following url a shorted version with Eclipse installation link:
Your issue could be related to an obsolete reference updated with a new release version for the plugin.

How to deploy WorkerRole project, How to get the exact error during uploading

I have to Work with WorkerRole project to deploy some services to perform the data sync with the other databses. i tried to publish but stuck, Internalization, Starting, Preparing, Recovering and finally aborted.
After getting the above stituation i build a simple workerrole project and tried to upload the result is same.
And i am not able to find out the problem with the same.
Please provide some help.
A typical problem, when deploying, is having a connection string pointing to the local emulated storage. This is the first thing I'd check if the worker role code runs locally in the emulator but fails when being published to Windows Azure.

Nuget Server returning 403's and 404's

I'm trying to host nuget on my Amazon EC2 VPS, and I'm having issues.
I've followed the instructions here ( Hosting your own NuGet Feeds )
I've read this thread ( NuGet: remote server returned an Error(403) Forbidden ) along the same lines.
I'm not running TFS
It "could" be a proxy issue, but I'm not entirely sure how to check.
My NuGet feed is located at You'll notice that both and are throwing errors.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
You are probably running the NuGet.Server in a Web Site-project. Try to run it via an ASP.NET Web Application instead (in Visual Studio you can create one via File -> New -> Project -> ASP.NET Web Application)
Have you tried the latest version (1.5)?
The release notes include some changes related to proxy authentication:
Support for Proxies that require authentication
When using NuGet behind a proxy that requires authentication, NuGet will now prompt for proxy credentials. Entering credentials allows NuGet to connect to the remote repository.
I realize I'm a little late to the party but I've just spent a frustrating couple of hours with the same problem.
I found that switching the Application Pool from "Classic" to "Integrated" fixed the problem