I am trying to use the JS helper as shown below:
echo $this->Js->link(
, array('controller' => 'events', 'action' => 'add')
, array(
'title' => 'Incluir'
, 'update' => '#content-outer'
, 'before' => $this->Js->get('#content-outer')->effect('fadeOut', array('buffer' => false))
, 'success' => $this->Js->get('#content-outer')->effect('fadeIn', array('buffer' => false))
The result is this ajax and this link below:
link: Incluir
ajax: $j("#link-473478646").bind("click", function (event) {$j.ajax({beforeSend:function (XMLHttpRequest) {$j("#content-outer").fadeOut();}, dataType:"html", success:function (data, textStatus) {$j("#content-outer").fadeIn();$j("#content-outer").html(data);}, url:"\/bilheteria\/events\/add"});
The link opens the method requested, using the fade effect, but i have a tinyMCE plugin in this view and it does not render.
When I call a console and execute the call manually the tinyMCE plugins render properly and when I evoke the link using the complete address the plugins work as well.
I have tried using all of the following options in the js link:
method - GET / POST / PUT
type - ‘json’
evalScripts - True / False
Why does the the js->link behave in this way? (i.e. rendering the ajax and the link correctly but when the link is used to access the page the tinyMCE plugins are broken?)
I am trying to develop a new plugin to add an item to the main menu more items in Moodle Mobile 3.5 using PHP and Angular/Ionic 3. I want to display a new main menu item "Agenda" with icon.
After creating the db\mobile.php file and define the delegate as "CoreMainMenuDelegate", the problem now is showing the name in the main menu as "plugin.local_parentagenda.Agenda", and without icon.
What can I try to resolve this?
Moodle site version: 3.3.1
Moodle Mobile version: 3.5
You must add a valid key string from lang definition in displaydata as a title, and the icon is a string from ionicicons. Search for ion-md, only those work.
Here an example plugin local/example/db/mobile.php
$addons = array(
"local_example" => array( // Plugin identifier
'handlers' => array( // Different places where the plugin will display content.
'localexample' => array( // Handler unique name (alphanumeric).
'displaydata' => array(
'title' => 'pluginname',
'icon' => 'bluetooth',
'class' => '',
'delegate' => 'CoreMainMenuDelegate', // Delegate (where to display the link to the plugin)
'method' => 'mobile_test_view', // Main function in \local_example\output\mobile
'lang' => array( // Language strings that are used in all the handlers.
array('pluginname', 'local_example'),
array('example:viewexample', 'local_example')
Note the title property in displaydata array and the pluginname definition in lang array, both are required.
In an extension, I would like to be able to modify an existing link. The corresponding field in the database is one which may contain several links (e.g. tt_content.bodytext).
I want to reuse as much already existing functionality as possible. So I would like to use the already existing link wizard.
What I did find was the existing route rteckeditor_wizard_browse_links which uses rte_ckeditor/Classes/Controller/BrowseLinksController.php.
I use this in my view helper:
$parameters = [
'table' => $table,
'fieldName' => $field,
'pid' => $pid,
'uid' => $uid,
'recordType' => $recordType;
$urlParameters = [
'contentsLanguage' => 'en',
// 'route'
// 'token*
'P' => $parameters,
'curUrl' => [
'url' => $url
// todo: add anchor text etc. ...
'editorId' => 'cke_1'
$route = 'rteckeditor_wizard_browse_links';
return (string)$uriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute($route, $urlParameters);
This does opens the link wizard correctly. But it is intertwined with the ckeditor.
When I press "Set link" nothing happens and I get the following JavaScript error (visible if Console is open in Browser):
RteLinkBrowser.js?bust=8d6016d70f0f490d5e7d24262f0ec96230f399d9:77 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'document' of null
at Object.LinkBrowser.finalizeFunction (RteLinkBrowser.js?bust=8d6016d70f0f490d5e7d24262f0ec96230f399d9:77)
at HTMLFormElement.UrlLinkHandler.link (UrlLinkHandler.js?bust=8d6016d70f0f490d5e7d24262f0ec96230f399d9:40)
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.min-16985e7a97b69d2a9c29e484ac3b581a.js:2)
at HTMLFormElement.y.handle (jquery.min-16985e7a97b69d2a9c29e484ac3b581a.js:2)
LinkBrowser.finalizeFunction # RteLinkBrowser.js?bust=8d6016d70f0f490d5e7d24262f0ec96230f399d9:77
UrlLinkHandler.link # UrlLinkHandler.js?bust=8d6016d70f0f490d5e7d24262f0ec96230f399d9:40
dispatch # jquery.min-16985e7a97b69d2a9c29e484ac3b581a.js:2
y.handle # jquery.min-16985e7a97b69d2a9c29e484ac3b581a.js:2
The corresponding line in RteLinkBrowser.js is:
var linkElement = RteLinkBrowser.CKEditor.document.createElement('a');
The Link Wizard expects the ckeditor window to be open and uses things in the DOM that are not there.
Is there some way to directly open the link wizard for a specific link within a text field?
Or alternatively open the text field with ckeditor and have the specific link preselected.
I don't have an answer, but at least here is a work-around / alternative:
Don't open Link wizard directly, open field in editor
As an alternative, consider not using the link wizard but using the route 'record_edit' to open the edit dialog for a specific RTE field. If you double-click on a link in that, the link wizard will open.
The following example was taken from linkvalidator in the core and modified. It opens an editor dialog for the field tt_content.bodytext for the record with uid $uid.
$requestUri = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI') .
'&id=' . $pageid;
$uriBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Routing\UriBuilder::class);
$url = (string)$uriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', [
'edit' => [
'tt_content' => [
$uid => 'edit'
'columnsOnly' => 'bodytext',
'returnUrl' => $requestUri
Update: For TYPO3 9, a ViewHelper exists for opening the field with FormEngine in the Backend. This has the same result.
I have a form which has some disabled fields, when the form is submitted both $this->request->data and $_POST is empty, removing the disabled fields and it is fine again. I would have though it would still pass though the non-disabled fields. I've even tried to remove the disabled field attribute when the submit button is pushed but this still returns an empty array.
Is there something cake related that might be causing this?
$this->Form->create('Card', array('class' => 'GeneralValidate'));
$this->Form->input('Card.property_id', array('type'=>'select', 'empty'=>true , 'class' => 'required adminOnlyField', 'div' => array('class' => 'required')));
$this->Form->input('Card.building_id', array('type'=>'select', 'empty'=>true, 'id' => 'BuildingSelector', 'class' => 'adminOnlyField', 'label' => 'Building (If Applicable)'));
$this->Form->input('Prospect.waiting_list_details', array('value' => $prospect['Prospect']['waiting_list_details']));
$this->Form->input('SaleDetail.property_sold', array('class' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => $ps_checked));
$this->Form->input('SaleDetail.date_conditions_met', array('type'=>'text', 'class' => 'text date_picker adminOnlyField', 'value' => $this->Date->format($saledetail['SaleDetail']['date_conditions_met'])));
$this->Form->button('Save & Continue', array('type'=>'submit', 'label' => 'Save', 'name' => 'quicksave' , 'class' => 'submit long clear_ready_only'));
$(function () {
var $adminOnly = $('.adminOnlyField');
$adminOnly.attr("onclick","return false");
$adminOnly.attr("onkeydown","return false");
$adminOnly.attr("onclick","return true");
$adminOnly.attr("onkeydown","return true");
That's the way HTML works, disabled don't get posted. CakePHP can't change what is sent from the browser. If you still want the value you can set it as a hidden element.
Some problems I see:
Missing Form::end() in view (always a good idea to insert it).
You never said your form was submitted from JS, first test with a simple form POST then JS.
Your JS code is set to submit a form by ID CardModifysaleForm. There's no such ID in your supplied view code and you're not setting your form to that ID from the snippet you supply.
I ended up removing the disabled option from this, leaving the ready only and added some addition CSS stylings so it looked disabled to the user. This is not the exact answer to the question but works as a different approach.
I want when click Save in Edit View of some module (example Contact) to get pop up with some message (later I will get options OK and Cancel on that pop up.).
My function
YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.show({msg: 'Foo'} );
is working when I put it at top of editviewdefs.php (I also must include
cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp_yui_widgets.js) ) file and when opening that view I am getting that pop up. But I want it to popup on Save,not when opening EditView (this was just testing that showed me that YAHOO function is working). So I try to create seperate customJavascript.js file in custom/modules/Contacts:
//<script type="text/javascript"
function check_custom_data()
YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.show({msg: 'Foo'} );
I modified custom/modules/Contacts/metadata/editviewdefs.php
$module_name = 'Contacts';
$viewdefs ['Contacts'] =
array (
'EditView' =>
array (
'templateMeta' =>
array (
'form' =>
array (
'hidden' =>
array (
0 => '<input type="hidden" name="opportunity_id" value="{$smarty.request.opportunity_id}">',
1 => '<input type="hidden" name="case_id" value="{$smarty.request.case_id}">',
2 => '<input type="hidden" name="bug_id" value="{$smarty.request.bug_id}">',
3 => '<input type="hidden" name="email_id" value="{$smarty.request.email_id}">',
4 => '<input type="hidden" name="inbound_email_id" value="{$smarty.request.inbound_email_id}">',
'buttons' =>
array (
0 =>
'customCode' =>
'<input title="Save [Alt+S]" accessKey="S" onclick="this.form.action.value=\'Save\'; return check_custom_data();" type="submit" name="button" value="'.$GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL'].'">',
1 =>'Cancel'
'includes'=> array(
but when I click Save in EditView nothing happens but I want in that moment to get pop up with message (later I will add OK and Cancel options).
What am I doing wrong?
thank you
Updated with code for pop up only with some condition:
window.formToCheck = formname;
var contactTypeField = document.getElementById('first_name');
if (contactTypeField.value == 'Tori')
if (confirm("This dialog will pop-up whenever the user click on the Save button. "
+ "If you click OK, then you can execute some custom code, and then "
+ "execute the old form check function, which will process and submit "
+ "the form, using SugarCRM's standard behavior.")) {
var customCodeVariable = 5;
customCodeVariable = 55 + (customCodeVariable * 5);
return window.old_check_form(formname);
return false;
There are a number of ways to do things in SugarCRM, which makes it both very powerful and at times very difficult to customize - as there are so many different options available to you.
To make some kind of pop-up, or any custom log, happen upon clicking the "Save" button, I'd recommend the below solution rather than altering the editviewdefs.
The below solution does not require you modify any core SugarCRM files, so it is upgrade safe and can easily be installed on another instance.
What you will need to do is create a custom installable package, and install it into SugarCRM using the Module Loader.
This is the layout of the directory structure you will ultimately need to end up with:
Create the SugarModuelPopUp folder, which will server as the root of this custom package.
Inside of SugarModuelPopUp, create a new PHP file with the name manifest.php. This file tells SugarCRM how to install the package.
In manifest.php, paste the following code:
$manifest = array(
'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array()
'acceptable_sugar_flavors' => array()
'readme' => 'Please consult the operating manual for detailed installation instructions.',
'key' => 'customSugarMod1',
'author' => 'Kyle Lowry',
'description' => 'Adds pop-up dialog on save on Contacts module.',
'icon' => '',
'is_uninstallable' => true,
'name' => 'Pop-Up Dialog On Save',
'published_date' => '2013-03-06 12:00:00',
'type' => 'module',
'version' => 'v1',
'remove_tables' => 'prompt'
$installdefs = array(
'id' => 'customSugarMod1',
'copy' => array(
'from' => '<basepath>/custom/',
'to' => 'custom/'
'logic_hooks' => array(
'module' => 'Contacts',
'hook' => 'after_ui_frame',
'order' => 1,
'description' => 'Creates pop-up dialog on save action.',
'file' => 'custom/include/customPopUps/custom_popup_js_include.php',
'class' => 'CustomPopJs',
'function' => 'getContactJs'
Next, you will want to make the custom folder. Inside of that, create the include folder. Inside of that, create the customPopUps folder.
Next, you will want to create the custom_popup_js_include.php file. This file controls when and where your custom JavaScript gets included on the page. Paste in the below code:
// prevent people from accessing this file directly
if (! defined('sugarEntry') || ! sugarEntry) {
die('Not a valid entry point.');
class CustomPopJs {
function getContactJs($event, $arguments) {
// Prevent this script from being injected anywhere but the EditView.
if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'EditView') {
// we are not in the EditView, so simply return without injecting
// the Javascript
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="custom/include/customPopUps/customPopUpContacts.js"></script>';
Next you will need to create the customPopUpContacts.js file, which will create the custom pop-up upon clicking the Save button in the Contacts module EditView. Paste in the below code:
function override_check_form() {
// store a reference to the old form checking function
window.old_check_form = window.check_form;
// set the form checking function equal to something custom
window.check_form = function(formname) {
window.formToCheck = formname;
// you can create the dialog however you wish, but for simplicity I am
// just using standard javascript functions
if (confirm("This dialog will pop-up whenever the user click on the Save button. "
+ "If you click OK, then you can execute some custom code, and then "
+ "execute the old form check function, which will process and submit "
+ "the form, using SugarCRM's standard behavior.")) {
// you have clicked OK, so do some custom code here,
// replace this code with whatever you really want to do.
var customCodeVariable = 5;
customCodeVariable = 55 + (customCodeVariable * 5);
// now that your custom code has executed, you can let
// SugarCRM take control, process the form, and submit
return window.old_check_form(formname);
// the user clicked on Cancel, so you can either just return false
// and leave the person on the form, or you can execute some custom
// code or do whatever else you want.
return false;
// call the override function, which will replace the old form checker
// with something custom
Once you have created the above directory structure, and the files in the correct folders, you can create a ZIP file of the project. It is important to note that for SugarCRM installable packages, your ZIP file must contain everything in the project directory. That is, you will not be zipping up the SugarModuelPopUp folder, but rather everything inside of it.
Next, you will want to install the custom package using SugarCRM's module loader. You can do this by:
Go to the SugarCRM Admin page.
Click on "Module Loader".
Click on "Browse" and select the ZIP package.
Click on the "Upload" button.
Once the package is uploaded, find its entry in the list of installable packages, and click on "Install"; proceeding with the standard SugarCRM installation process.
With this custom package installed, whenever you click on the "Save" button in the Contacts module EditView, a dialog will pop-up. You can replace the dialog code with anything you want, so as log as you don't modify the code framing it.
Further, you should be able to use this project as a foundation for future function additions to SugarCRM EditViews. Any module which uses the check_form method upon clicking of the "Save" button can have this kind of custom logic executed.
To do so for Accounts, for example, you would do the following:
Add an entry to the logic_hooks array element in manifest.php for Accounts.
'logic_hooks' => array(
'module' => 'Contacts',
'hook' => 'after_ui_frame',
'order' => 1,
'description' => 'Creates pop-up dialog on save action.',
'file' => 'custom/include/customPopUps/custom_popup_js_include.php',
'class' => 'CustomPopJs',
'function' => 'getContactJs'
'module' => 'Accounts',
'hook' => 'after_ui_frame',
'order' => 1,
'description' => 'Creates pop-up dialog on save action.',
'file' => 'custom/include/customPopUps/custom_popup_js_include.php',
'class' => 'CustomPopJs',
'function' => 'getAccountJs'
Add a new method to the CustomPopJs in the custom_popup_js_include.php file for the Accounts JavaScript.
function getAccountJs($event, $arguments) {
// Prevent this script from being injected anywhere but the EditView.
if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'EditView') {
// we are not in the EditView, so simply return without injecting
// the Javascript
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="custom/include/customPopUps/customPopUpAccounts.js"></script>';
Create the customPopUpAccounts.js file, and use the customPopUpContacts.js code as a base for the functionality you want.
There are other ways of accomplishing your goal in SugarCRM, but this is the one I use personally, and it has the benefit of being upgrade safe and easily migratable to other SugarCRM instances.
I have SugarCRM CE 6.5 and this method didn't work to me (I mean creating the new module). However, I modified the logic_hook and put the files directly in custom/include folder and it works!
I am developping a web application using Zend and I ran out of ideas for a problem I am having. In just a few words, I am trying to have a contact form in a popup (Fancybox, lightbox, colorbox or whatever...). The whole thing works fine, in the sense that it shows up the contact form in the popup and allows to send emails. However, whenever there are errors (unfilled input or filled wrong), I couldn't get those errors to be displayed on the popup (it actually redirects me back to the form in a normal display (view+layout), to show the errors.
It is perhaps possible but I now thought that perhaps I could more easily bring my error message to a new popup (the contact page, filled unproperly, would lead to a error popup page...). I think this alternative could look cool but am having real trouble doing it. Now my real question is : Can we really make a form on a popup, using Facybox (Lighbox or any other actually ... just want my popup) and Zend? Any Guru outhere??
Thanks a lot
here is the code:
the link for instance:
<a class="popLink" href=" <?php echo $this->url(array('module'=>'default', 'controller'=>'contact', 'action'=>'sendmail')).'?ProID='.$this->proProfil->getProID(); ?>">Contact</a>
the action:
public function sendmailAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$proID = $this->_getParam("ProID");
$professionalsList = new Model_DirPro();
$proName = $professionalsList->getProInfo($proID);
$translate = Zend_Registry::get('translate');
$contactform = new Form_ContactForm();
$contactform->setAttrib('id', 'contact');
$this->view->contactform = $contactform;
$this->view->proName = $proName;
if ($request->isPost()){
if ($contactform->isValid($this->_getAllParams())){
$mailSubject = $contactform->getValue('mailsubject');
if ($contactform->mailattcht->isUploaded()) {
the form:
class Form_ContactForm extends Zend_Form
public function init ()
$this->addElement('text', 'mailsubject',
array('filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(), 'required' => true, 'label' => 'Subject:'));
$mailattcht = new Zend_Form_Element_File('mailattcht');
$mailattcht->setLabel('Attach File:')->setDestination(APPLICATION_PATH.'/../public/mails');
$mailattcht->addValidator('Count', false, 1);
$mailattcht->addValidator('Size', false, 8000000);
$mailattcht->addValidator('Extension', false,
$this->addElement($mailattcht, 'mailattcht');
$this->addElement('textarea', 'mailbody',
array('filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(), 'required' => true, 'label' => 'Body:'));
$this->addElement('submit', 'send',
array('required' => false, 'ignore' => true, 'label' => 'Send'));
$this->addElement('hidden', 'return', array(
'value' => Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRequestUri(),
$this->setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
I would suggest implementing AJAX validation. This would allow for the form to be verified before it is submitted. ZendCasts has a good tutorial on how to accomplish this: http://www.zendcasts.com/ajaxify-your-zend_form-validation-with-jquery/2010/04/
Ajax requests are handled via the contextSwitch action helper. You can to specify the various contexts an action needs to handle (xml or json) in the init method of the controller as follows:
public function init()
->addActionContext('send-mail', 'json')
The request url should contain a "format=json" appended to the query string. This will execute the action and send the response in json format. The default behaviour of JSON context is to extract all the public properties of the view and encode them as JSON. Further details can be found here http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.actionhelpers.html
I found a "probably not the prettiest" working solution, it is to indeed use ajax as mentioned in the previous zendcast for validation to stop the real validation (preventdefault), process the data return the result and if everything's ok restart it.