Adding new main menu item to Moodle Mobile 3.5 - moodle

I am trying to develop a new plugin to add an item to the main menu more items in Moodle Mobile 3.5 using PHP and Angular/Ionic 3. I want to display a new main menu item "Agenda" with icon.
After creating the db\mobile.php file and define the delegate as "CoreMainMenuDelegate", the problem now is showing the name in the main menu as "plugin.local_parentagenda.Agenda", and without icon.
What can I try to resolve this?
Moodle site version: 3.3.1
Moodle Mobile version: 3.5

You must add a valid key string from lang definition in displaydata as a title, and the icon is a string from ionicicons. Search for ion-md, only those work.
Here an example plugin local/example/db/mobile.php
$addons = array(
"local_example" => array( // Plugin identifier
'handlers' => array( // Different places where the plugin will display content.
'localexample' => array( // Handler unique name (alphanumeric).
'displaydata' => array(
'title' => 'pluginname',
'icon' => 'bluetooth',
'class' => '',
'delegate' => 'CoreMainMenuDelegate', // Delegate (where to display the link to the plugin)
'method' => 'mobile_test_view', // Main function in \local_example\output\mobile
'lang' => array( // Language strings that are used in all the handlers.
array('pluginname', 'local_example'),
array('example:viewexample', 'local_example')
Note the title property in displaydata array and the pluginname definition in lang array, both are required.


How to add custom action button in suiteCRM module sub panel list?

I need some suggestion in my suite CRM module integration.
I have a sub-panel in one of my modules and required to add one more edit button to redirect to a custom form to take some input from the user for each row separately.
Below is a sample image of my sub-panel list view.
In the above image on click of the edit button of a row, there is a remove button, I want to add one more custom button after remove and need to redirect from there to my new form.
I have checked some of forums and blogs but didn't found the solution.
To add a button you will need to modify the metadata of that sub-panel. In metadata, you will see the following code for the Edit and Remove buttons:
'edit_button' =>
array (
'vname' => 'LBL_EDIT_BUTTON',
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelEditButton',
'module' => 'Contacts',
'width' => '5%',
'default' => true,
'remove_button' =>
array (
'vname' => 'LBL_REMOVE',
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelRemoveButton',
'module' => 'Contacts',
'width' => '5%',
'default' => true,
You can add your new button using same array syntax. As you can see that every button use specific widget class(defined as widget_class) therefore you will need to add new widget_class class for that. You can find existing widget classes in this folder: include/generic/SugarWidgets.

SugarCRM Filter From Related Module

I am trying to make a custom filter based on another module in sugarCRM 8.0.1.
I have a module Ev_Registrations that has one Ev_Event and one Contact, the tables are:
How do I make a dropdown for event or contact on the list page as highlighted below?
I've tried making a custom filter, and managed to get it showing up in the list, however, it doesn't seem to be actually filtering by the event name.
$viewdefs['EV_Registrations']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
'id' => 'filterRegistrationByEvent',
'filter_definition' => array(
'' => '2019 Foo Bar Event',
'editable' => false,
'is_template' => false,

How to add custom wizards in typo3 7 TCA?

When I try to add the wizard named wizard_geo_selector in TCA ,there arised an error "module not registered".Please tell me how to register the wizard properly in the TCA.?
In TYPO3 Version 7.6 new wizards are added like this:
Inside your extension create the directory Configuration/Backend/
In the new directory create a file Routes.php, it will be found automatically, no mentioning in ext_localconf.php or ext_tables.php is required. If you still need Ajax you can add the file AjaxRoutes.php in the same folder.
Content for Routes.php:
return array(
'my_wizard_element' => array(
'path' => '/wizard/tx_geoselecotor/geo_selector_wizard',
'target' => \Path\To\your\class\WizardGeoSelector::class . '::WizardAction'
Content for AjaxRoutes.php
* Definitions for routes provided by EXT:backend
* Contains all AJAX-based routes for entry points
* Currently the "access" property is only used so no token creation + validation is made
* but will be extended further.
return array('my_ajax_element' => array(
'path' => 'tx_geoselecotor/my_ajax_route',
'target' => \Path\To\your\class\MyAjaxController::class .'::myAjaxFunction'
If you're unsure about the notation you can compare with existing entries in the Global Variables in the Backend:
Navigate to System -> Configuration -> Backend Routes
The route of the paths is handled different, for Ajax it's always "ajax" prepended, so you've never to add it to the path, else it's twice in the route. For the common route there is no change concerning the defined string.
Now the wizard can be used and even it never has to be defined in ext_tables.php it has to be mentioned there from any table-field in the configuration-area (module[name]):
'table_field_for_wizard' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:table_name.tx_myextension_wizard',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'user',
'userFunc' => 'Path/to/class/without/wizard->renderForm',
'wizards' => array(
'my_wizard' => array(
'type' => 'popup',
'title' => 'MyTitle',
'JSopenParams' => 'height=700,width=780,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1',
'icon' => 'EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/Resources/Public/img/link_popup.gif',
'module' => array(
'name' => 'my_wizard_element',
'urlParameters' => array(
'mode' => 'wizard',
'ajax' => '0',
'any' => '... parameters you need'
'_VALIGN' => 'middle',
'_PADDING' => '4',
# Optional
In the userFunc Path/to/class/without/wizard->renderForm you've to create a button which is linking to the wizard and onClick the wizard will open with the route you defined in Routes.php and the optional urlParameters.
Currently I never found this whole item explained in the core-documentation.
Details about routing can be found here: Routing
The rendering process can be found here: Rendering / NodeFactory
You should probably read also the outer context of the linked paragraph.
Edit 2:
An example extension can be found here, some things never work 100% but the wizard is working. The extension is for TYPO3 Version 7:
Ricky's answer doesn't really work anymore, since addModulePath ist deprecated since version 7.
Also, just registering the module like this still give's you said error.
The only thing that keeps the wizard going again is this:
But when you add this, the module appears as a new point in your TYPO3 backend.
IN TCA add the wizard like follows:
'module' => array(
'name' => 'wizard_geo_selector',
In ext_tables.php register the wizard.
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($_EXTKEY) . 'Modules/Wizards/Yourwizardname/'
Keep in mind this is deprecated since Typo3 7 and removed in Typo3 8.So you can use this method upto Typo3 7.For Typo3 8 do use the method specified by David below.

Magento Custom Module - WYSIWYG image browse issue

I have a custom module with a content field (WYSIWYG editor)
When I select the insert image button, the following popup appears. For some reason the 'browse' button at the side of the Image URL has disappeared. Can someone point me in the right direction to get the image icon back? (what block/controller etc)
What is required when adding the full featured WYSIWYG editor to a custom magento module?
This is my form field element within Form.php (block)
$fieldset->addField('post_content', 'editor', array(
'name' => 'post_content',
'label' => Mage::helper('faqs')->__('Answer'),
'title' => Mage::helper('faqs')->__('Answer'),
'style' => 'width:700px; height:500px;',
'wysiwyg' => true,
Thank you.
Had to find out the hard way, but the solution is quite simple:
Please check the permissions of your Role your Admin is in unser System=>Permissions=>Roles
There you can find in the Tab "Role Resources" the Checkbox "Media Gallery". Make sure this checkbox is ticked!
Then, clean cache, log out and in again and it should work.
I managed to sort this by adding some configuration options to the field,
Add the following code above the addField() of your WYSIWYG,
$configSettings = Mage::getSingleton('cms/wysiwyg_config')->getConfig(
array( 'add_widgets' => false, 'add_variables' => false, 'add_images' => false, 'files_browser_window_url'=> $this->getBaseUrl().'admin/cms_wysiwyg_images/index/'));
Once you've added the code, you need to add another param to the addField called 'config' calling your $configSettings variable.
$fieldset->addField('post_content', 'editor', array(
'name' => 'post_content',
'label' => Mage::helper('faqs')->__('Answer'),
'title' => Mage::helper('faqs')->__('Answer'),
'style' => 'width:700px; height:500px;',
'wysiwyg' => true,
'config' => $configSettings

Zend_Navigation url generation issue

I use Navigation component for site menus. I also use let zend figure-out the selected menu item from request parameters - I guess this is done automatically. The only problem is, that for this to work, action and controller have to be specified in navigation configuration for every node. This also means that when zend generates links from route, action and controller information to appended to the generated link automatically.
Anyone had the same problem?
Zend manual section, explaining the Mvc navigation page features.
some route defined in bootstrap:
$router->addRoute('user_profile_tab', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
'action' => 'profile',
'controller' => 'user',
'user' => ($user ? $user->id : 0), //change later
'location' => 0 //inject appropriate value later
navigation container object:
$container = .....
'label' => tr('Privileges'),
'id' => 'user-profile-perms',
'type' => 'Zulu_Navigation_Page',
'controller' => 'user',
'action' => 'profile',
'route'=> 'user_profile_tab',
'params' => array('tab'=>Main_Lib_Common::NAVI_USER_TAB_PERMS)
the result when using
$page = $container->getById('user-profile-perms');
WHY action and controler params in the navigation container object you ask. The $page->isActive() check needs this data to make a perfect match.
extend mvc navigation page and provide an alternative getHref() method ... one that removes action, controller and module params when a route does not define them.
I have done this to fix this weird behaviour:
extend mvc navigation page
provide an alternative getHref() method
check for routes, not having action , controller and module parameters and remove them from params array before href generation.
This way the isActive matching will still work, as we didnt modify the route or navigation nodes in any way.