Audio streaming from microphone to Speaker in iphone xcode - iphone

Actually i'm a newbee to iOS development.
My requirement from a client is to make iPhone work as a MegaPhone. i.e, Audio input should be taken from the bluetooth or microphone and broadcast it through phone speakers.
I am able to record audio from microphone and play it using AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer,but what actually i needed is to broadcast to the speakers not recording.
Guys any sample codes available for this??
Thanks in advance.

AurioTouch sample code is available for this purpose


iOS capturing audio via jack port

I know ios audio programming can route the audio signal to headphone jack port instead the speakers.
But How to treat the headphone jack port as input mic (and be able to capture the signal)?
is that possible?
this is what I need
cool video explaining what I need
thanks in advance
Apple has a nice demonstration project about using Audio Queue Services
I would suggest going through this project, and it should show you what you need.

Record iphone System or audio player sound

I am developing an app module in which i am doing audio recording with also video recording.
but i want to record only device intrnal playing sound , not the device external voice.
If any advise or suggestion to got it..!!
I'm not sure but maybe you can use buffers to write them into a file Audio units or Audio Queues without using mic

Sharing Audio over bluetooth

I want to write a function in my iPad App, which allows me to stream the music choosen on iPad to the connected Game-Interfaces (iPod, iPhone...) via bluetooth. Does anyone knows a simple solution or maybe wants to share some sample code?
Thanks for help!
I am doing something very similar. I have my iphone connecting to multiple devices to stream audio to them, but I want the device that is streaming the audio to also play audio as well.
You can look into the GKSession in the GameKit API and that should give you a good start.
Also maybe openAl, but I think that might be a little overboard. I heard Core Audio has a built in feature for bluetooth devices that are connected to play audio through them but I dont think this goes for iPhone, iPad, iTouch etc....
I have also created my own peer connection interface that allows me to see multiple bluetooth devices that are running my app. I then can click each one and each gets connected. I then I added a test to push a text message to all connected devices for testing. Next I need to find out how to stream audio to the connected apple devices.
If anyone has any info on this I am sure we would both appreciate it.

Audio using Yeti Mic does not work on iPhone Simulator

I am following iPhone Core Audio Tutorial by Tim Bolstad. It works as expected. I can hear the audio successfully.
But when I plug-in USB Yeti Stereo Microphone by BlueMic on my MacMini. It does not produce the sound anymore.
Why is that?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Great news! It turns out that the output (sound) is sent to the Yeti speaker.
I connect my speaker to Yeti's headphone output. Now I can hear the sound.

Capture iPhone camera using QuickTime

Can I capture audio and video signals from iPhone's camera and microphone in a web application using QuickTime ? If not, does exist any other method in which I can capture the video and audio from iPhone cam & mic. from a web app. and not an iPhone native app.?
Check out this
and this
you can get some code on github:
The codes are very helpful for your purpose