Capture iPhone camera using QuickTime - iphone

Can I capture audio and video signals from iPhone's camera and microphone in a web application using QuickTime ? If not, does exist any other method in which I can capture the video and audio from iPhone cam & mic. from a web app. and not an iPhone native app.?

Check out this
and this
you can get some code on github:
The codes are very helpful for your purpose


Is it possible to access raw iphone audio output?

Is it possible access raw PCM data from the iphone audio output?
I know I can embed an MP3 and use AudioUnit. But if the user is playing music in the background from their itunes library, is it possible to access that audio data?
This is for an app that shows visual effects, which react to the music.
From what I can tell, it isn't possible, but that's just from lack of finding any information at all, rather than actual confirmation that it can't be done.
If it isn't possible to access the audio stream from the ipod, is it possible to access raw audio output from the Media Player inside an app, or is pretty much not permitted to access raw audio data from the itunes library at all?
EDIT: I found this question: iOS - Access output audio from background program, which say I can't access the audio from a background app. But is it possible to get the audio data from the itunes library if I play it inside the app?
I am busy coding something similar and as far as I know an AUGraph is needed, the hardware pulling from the recorder. You will have to get the URL of the MPMediaItem from the track the user selected with Apple's MPMediaPickerViewController. Then use the URL with Core-Audio. Core-Audio is a beast.
If your app is playing raw audio PCM samples, then your app has access to those samples. An app does not have access to the audio samples that another app (including the Music player) is playing via any public API.
An app can use AVAssetReader and Writer to convert mp3 files from the iTunes Library into raw audio (WAV) files.

Post-processing on audio from the iPhone user's music library?

I want to apply post-processing to audio from an iPhone user's music library (i.e. the iPod app). This could happen in a number of ways:
Piping the media player's output through an Audio Unit.
Writing a custom audio output device, and having the media player send audio to it.
Getting direct access to the files in the user's music library.
Are any of these things possible? I know all of them would be on the desktop, but what about the iPhone?
I've written some sample code that does just this, which is based on some code from Chris Adamson.

Auto launch the video player in Android from the browser like an iPhone does

I have just created and iPhone web app, which has some x264 (mp4) video files on it. When I link directly to the file on the iPhone and the user taps the link, the video player is loaded and the video starts playing.
Using the app on an Android phone causes the browser to download the video instead of just playing it. Is there a way to force a video player to just boot up and play the video not download it?
Thanks in advance.
You should know that Android is quite strict regarding the video streams that you can stream. To be able to watch a stream a video (progressively watch and download) the video container must be correctly formatted.
There are many ways to create a container suitable for progressive streaming. You can look it up here:
I have successfully created a streamable video. Try to open it from your browser:

video API iphone

I want to play H.264 video streamed from network. To play video iphone provides the media player API. Does anyone one aware of any documented or undocumented API for decoding and playing single video frame?
Is it Live video or on demand ?
If live the only way is to use iPhone OS 3 with MediaPlayer.
take a look at the discussions group from apple there is some interesting thread.

mp4 stream to iphone/ipod touch via http

is it possible to stream video to iphone/ipod touch over http without a proper streaming server with .net? may be some sort of progressive download?
The best way that I suggest is to use HTML 5. The iDevices (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) doesn't support Silverlight or Flash.
I think the mobile devices you are trying to watch the videos from have a 'video size limit' because when i test my website i test everything over wifi for real world scenarios and when i reach a certain video size i am not able to watch the video on that mobile device. videos under 1gb work great, but when i try watching a 2.5gb HD video it will not open the video on my ipod/ipad/iphone/android devices....