How to set a static variable in every class? - eclipse

I am trying to do something very simple. I have a com.mypackage.Logger logger class whose instantiation statement I would like to "insert" into every single class like so: private static Logger LOG = new Logger(Class.class). Then, I would like to log every single entry and exit instance for every single function in my project. Here is my aspect:
public aspect LoggingAspect pertypewithin(*) {
private static Logger LOG;
pointcut classes(): within(com.mypackage..*) && !within(com.mypackage.Logger) && !within(com.mypackage.LoggingAspect);
pointcut functions(): classes() && (execution(* *(..)) || execution(new(..)));
before(): staticinitialization(*) && classes() {
LOG = new Logger(thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature().getDeclaringType());
before() : functions() {
LOG.trace("ENTER " + thisJoinPoint.getSignature().toLongString());
after() returning(#SuppressWarnings("unused") Object ret) : functions() {
LOG.trace("EXIT " + thisJoinPoint.getSignature().toLongString());
Almost everything works properly. I am getting correct enter and exist log statements exactly as expected. The problem is that the logging class that is associated with each log entry is incorrect. I am using log4j, and each log entry is formatted like so:
[TRACE] (date and time stamp) (logging class name) (thread name) (some logging statement)
The problem is that the logging class used in Logger instantiation does not match the correct one that is indicated by thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName().
I know that I am not doing something right with respect to the static Logger variable, so please help me. thank you for your time!!!

It's simple
Your LOG attribute is defined as private static. Static means that's a class attribute, not instance attribute.
This is clearly contradicting the instanciation model of your aspect, which is pertypewithin (one instance of aspect created for each type).
Try to remove the static modifier.
By the way, defining pertypewithin()* is quite large, you can restrict down the matching with pertypewithin(classes())
For the logging stuff, I've done some experimentations with AspectJ using instanciation model & inter-type declarations. I would advise the implementation using inter-type declaration because it is more memory-saving:
Logger injection with perthis
Logger injection with inter-type declaration


Aspect does not trigger around repositories in my application

I want to trigger my aspect for classes annotated with repositories and belonging to my packages, for example this one:
public class MyRepo extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, String>{
My classes are jpa repositories created like this:
entityManagerFactoryRef = "firstManagerFactory",
transactionManagerRef = "firstTransactionManager",
basePackages = {""}
public class DbConfig {
My aspect is the following but only activates if I leave the repository() pointcut, but if I also specify application packages it doesn't work:
#Pointcut("within(#org.springframework.stereotype.Repository *)")
private void repositoryInvocation() {
// Method is empty as this is just a Pointcut, the implementations are in the advices.
public void applicationPackage() {
// Method is empty as this is just a Pointcut, the implementations are in the advices.
#Around("repositoryInvocation() && applicationPackage()") //this && doesn't work, I have to remove the second one
public Object aspectTriggers(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
return result;
What am I missing?
I think I got it: problem is that the implementation of the repository does not belong to my application package, but to spring's SimpleJPARepository. It's like the aspect is only working on the implementation, totally ignoring the interface.
I think you do not want
#Pointcut("within(#org.springframework.stereotype.Repository *)")
but rather
Be careful with your pointcut syntax, the two are not the same:
within() describes a package or class name you want to scope/limit your pointcut to.
#within() looks for a type (class) with the given annotation.
You want the latter, not the former.
Edit: On a second thought, actually I see no obvious reason why the first version should not work, even though it is a bit more complicated than the second.
But you said that you had problems with the second pointcut anyway. Are you 100% sure that your repository class really is in a (sub) package? No typo in either the package name or the pointcut? Actually, without trying and only looking at it, it should work otherwise.

How to create pointcut for inline generated initialized of class (logger of lombok)

I have this class need to be proxied
public class A {
private static final Logger b = LoggerFactory.createLogger(A.class)
public void doSth() {
b.debug("something to log)"
So i want to wrap logger b to do some dynamic config before and after log is executed.
why i need to do it:
i need to change appender config base on dynamic property (different per request
logger is used many places in project
they're generated by #Slf4j(lombok) so i can not wrap it manually like: Logger b = LoggerFactoryProxy.createLogger(A.class)
Can anyone know how to define pointcut to match this inline generated code?
I'm using spring aop

GWT null has no properties

I have an issue when I compile the user interface, when i add a method messages.usuario(), Firebug show the error : TypeError: null has no properties
lblUsuario = new Label_2(null.nullMethod()); this is the code of my class :
public class AdministradorMVP implements EntryPoint {
private MessageConstants messages;
public void setMensajes(MessageConstants mensajes) {
this.messages = mensajes;
private final MyWidgetGinjector injector = GWT.create(MyWidgetGinjector.class);
private Place defaultPlace = new SignInPlace("Admin");
private SimplePanel appWidget = new SimplePanel();
* This is the entry point method.
Label lblUsuario = new Label(messages.usuario());
Label lblNombre = new Label(messages.nombre());
so I can't find the source of the problem, thank you
The GWT compiler generates null.nullMethod() whenever it can statically determine that a particular method is always called on a null reference. In this case, messages has been determined to always be null (either setMensajes is called with a null value or it's not called at all), so messages.usuario() would always throw a NullPointerException, and this is translated into a null.nullMethod() in the generated JavaScript code.
From your code I'm missing the 'boostrap the injection' (see JavaDoc of Ginjector). In other words, you need to trigger the initial inject to take place. Creating MyWidgetGinjector is not enough.
One solution is to add a method void inject(AdministradorMVP entryPoint); to the interface MyWidgetGinjector and in the class AdministradorMVP in onModuleLoad call as (one of) the first statements: injector.inject(this);.

Groovy getProperty() on a static member

This question is probably going to illustrate a lack of knowledge on my part about how Groovy classes work, but I have tried to figure this out on my own with no luck. I want to create a getProperty() method on a class so I can reference member variables in a Groovyish way. This is NOT the same as just making them public because I do want some logic done when they are referenced. Basically, I'm trying to create a configuration Groovy class that uses ConfigSlurper:
class Configuration implements GroovyObject {
private static ConfigObject config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File("testing.conf").toURI().toURL())
//This method is illegal, but it illustrates what I want to do
public static String getProperty(String prop){
If the above class were legal, I could then reference config items like so:
instead of this, which would require making the ConfigObject available:
I know, it would be worlds easier to just make the config object public, but knowing how to do this (or know why it's impossible) would help me understand Groovy a little better.
The only way I can get it to work is via the metaClass:
class Configuration {
private static ConfigObject config = new ConfigSlurper().parse( "foo = 'bar'" )
Configuration.metaClass.static.propertyMissing = { name ->
delegate.config[ name ]
There may be a better way however...

Can I use NUnit TestCase to test mocked repository and real repository

I would like to be able to run tests on my fake repository (that uses a list)
and my real repository (that uses a database) to make sure that both my mocked up version works as expected and my actual production repository works as expected. I thought the easiest way would be to use TestCase
private readonly StandardKernel _kernel = new StandardKernel();
private readonly IPersonRepository fakePersonRepository;
private readonly IPersonRepository realPersonRepository;
public PersonRepositoryTests()
realPersonRepository = _kernel.Get<IPersonRepository>();
_kernel = new StandardKernel(new TestModule());
fakePersonRepository = _kernel.Get<IPersonRepository>();
public void CheckRepositoryIsEmptyOnStart(IPersonRepository personRepository)
if (personRepository == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("Person Repostory never Injected : is Null");
var records = personRepository.GetAllPeople();
Assert.AreEqual(0, records.Count());
but it asks for a constant expression.
Attributes are a compile-time decoration for an attribute, so anything that you put in a TestCase attribute has to be a constant that the compiler can resolve.
You can try something like this (untested):
public void CheckRepositoryIsEmptyOnStart(Type personRepoType)
// do some reflection based Activator.CreateInstance() stuff here
// to instantiate the incoming type
However, this gets a bit ugly because I imagine that your two different implementation might have different constructor arguments. Plus, you really don't want all that dynamic type instantiation code cluttering the test.
A possible solution might be something like this:
public void CheckRepositoryIsEmptyOnStart(string repoType)
// Write a helper class that accepts a string and returns a properly
// instantiated repo instance.
var repo = PersonRepoTestFactory.Create(repoType);
// your test here
Bottom line is, the test case attribute has to take a constant expression. But you can achieve the desired result by shoving the instantiation code into a factory.
You might look at the TestCaseSource attribute, though that may fail with the same error. Otherwise, you may have to settle for two separate tests, which both call a third method to handle all of the common test logic.