GWT null has no properties - gwt

I have an issue when I compile the user interface, when i add a method messages.usuario(), Firebug show the error : TypeError: null has no properties
lblUsuario = new Label_2(null.nullMethod()); this is the code of my class :
public class AdministradorMVP implements EntryPoint {
private MessageConstants messages;
public void setMensajes(MessageConstants mensajes) {
this.messages = mensajes;
private final MyWidgetGinjector injector = GWT.create(MyWidgetGinjector.class);
private Place defaultPlace = new SignInPlace("Admin");
private SimplePanel appWidget = new SimplePanel();
* This is the entry point method.
Label lblUsuario = new Label(messages.usuario());
Label lblNombre = new Label(messages.nombre());
so I can't find the source of the problem, thank you

The GWT compiler generates null.nullMethod() whenever it can statically determine that a particular method is always called on a null reference. In this case, messages has been determined to always be null (either setMensajes is called with a null value or it's not called at all), so messages.usuario() would always throw a NullPointerException, and this is translated into a null.nullMethod() in the generated JavaScript code.

From your code I'm missing the 'boostrap the injection' (see JavaDoc of Ginjector). In other words, you need to trigger the initial inject to take place. Creating MyWidgetGinjector is not enough.
One solution is to add a method void inject(AdministradorMVP entryPoint); to the interface MyWidgetGinjector and in the class AdministradorMVP in onModuleLoad call as (one of) the first statements: injector.inject(this);.


MapStruct - How to set different null strategy for different mapping methods?

I want to have a single Mapper class with both create and update methods. The generated code for create method is fine, but in case of update, I want to set the properties in the target, only if they are not null in the source.
How do I do it with mapStruct?
The confusion arises because the nullValueMappingStrategy is being defined at Mapper or Mapping level.
If I set that value at Mapper level, it will be applied to all methods, including create and update.
#Mapper // If I define null strategy here, it will be applied to all methods
public interface AmcPkgMapper {
AmcPkgMapper MAPPER = Mappers.getMapper(AmcPkgMapper.class);
AmcPackage create(AmcPackageRequest amcPackageRequest);
// How to define the null strategy here??
void update(AmcPackageRequest amcPackageRequest, #MappingTarget AmcPackage amcPackage);
And if I set it on the method with Mapping, then it expects me to define a target object, for which I probably need a wrapper object and somehow map all the internal properties inside that.
#Mapping(target = "amcPackage", nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE)
void update(AmcPackageRequest amcPackageRequest, #MappingTarget AmcPackageWrapper amcPackageWrapper);
With the above method, the generated code looks as below, which isn't going inside amcPackage to set all properties.
public void update(AmcPackageRequest amcPackageRequest, AmcPackageWrapper amcPackageWrapper) {
if ( amcPackageRequest == null ) {
// nothing is mapped actually!!
Is there a simple way to do it without creating separate mapper classes for create and update?
Got it done with #BeanMapping
#BeanMapping(nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE,
nullValueCheckStrategy = NullValueCheckStrategy.ALWAYS)
void update(AmcPackageRequest amcPackageRequest, #MappingTarget AmcPackage amcPackage);

CLSA AddChild Default values

I'm using CSLA latest release and trying to add a row with default items to the collection. What I've noticed is the default constructor of the Foo class is called instead of the AddNewCore in the FooList Class. I am unable to get the AddNewCore or the Child_Create methods to get invoked when a new row is added in a XamDataGrid row. (A row is added, but it is from the default constructor of the FooLine Class--i.e. no default values and no MarkAsChild attribute.) Here is the code snippet that is in the FooList class:
protected override FooItem AddNewCore()
var item = DataPortal.CreateChild<FooItem>();
return base.AddNewCore();
protected override void Child_Create()
var item = DataPortal.CreateChild<FooItem>();
What am I doing wrong?
AddNewCore() method exists in client side CSLA class 'ExtendedBindingList' with 'void' return type and same method is exists in server side class 'ObservableBindingList' with return type 'ListClass'. So we required to call run time client side method from server side.
Please refer below code for the same.
protected override void AddNewCore()
var item = DataPortal.CreateChild<FooItem>();
For information: The reason the above code does not work has to do with the way WPF invokes the New method. Typically, in other frameworks it is possible to hook on to that event, intercept it, and return with default data. With WPF, it is necessary to check the RecordAdding, or RecordAdded trigger events and process the invocations by hand.
In my case, the WPF would look like:
i:EventTrigger EventName="RecordAdded">
<ei:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding}"
MethodName="CreateDefaultAddressValuesCommand" />
In the view model:
var idx = FooInformation.FooAddressList.Count - 1;
var address = await FooAddress.CreateAsync();
FooListing.FooAddressList[idx] = address;

Usage of JsniBundle: calling methods on initialized js library

When I initialize d3.js and dc.js using JsniBundle there is no global variable "dc" or "d3" that is created. But I initialze crossfilter in the same way and there is window.crossfilter present.
My question is: what is the best way to call methods from the dc library using JsniBundle? Is using JsUtils.prop(window, "dc") the correct way to get a reference to the library object?
In the method drawBarChartWidget() below, the variable "dc" is null.
public interface D3Bundle extends JsniBundle {
public void initD3();
public interface CrossfilterBundle extends JsniBundle {
public abstract void initCrossfilter();
public abstract static class DCBundle implements JsniBundle {
public abstract void initDC();
public void drawBarChart(Widget container, JSONValue data, Properties chartConfig) {
JavaScriptObject dc = JsUtils.prop(window, "dc");
LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel();
SimplePanel chartPanel = new SimplePanel();
public ChartDemo() {
D3Bundle d3 = GWT.create(D3Bundle.class);
CrossfilterBundle crossfilter = GWT.create(CrossfilterBundle.class);
final DCBundle dc = GWT.create(DCBundle.class);
Maybe not a direct answer to your question, but if you want to use d3.js with GWT, there is a wrapper that cover most of the main APIs from d3.js :
Here's what made it work:
change final assignment statement in d3.js library from
this.d3 = d3;
window.d3 = d3;
and change final assignment statement in dc.js library from
this.dc = _dc(d3);
window.dc = _dc(window.d3);
I assume this is because of some weirdness around the iframe context that GWT code is executed in, but I'm not totally clear on why it works. I haven't done it yet but I believe that instead of editing the original library you can use the "replace" attribute of the LibrarySource annotation to automate that substitution.

Load a ListBox content dynamically on page load

I'm currently working on a simple GWT project. One of the things I'd like to do is that when the page loads I can dynamically populate the contents of a ListBox based on certain criteria. I actually don't see any handlers for a ListBox to handle the initial render event but I see change handlers.
How does one populate a ListBox contents with data from the server side on pageload with GWT?
Right now I have a class that implements EntryPoint that has a
final ListBox fooList = new ListBox();
I also have a set of beans but I also have a class implementing RemoteService. Since I can't seem to get direct calls to my user defined packages directly in the EntryPoint (which makes sense) how do I populate that ListBox with server side content on initial page load? Right now I'm using a List but I figure if I cant get that to work I can get a DB call to work...
I've tried things in the EntryPoint like:
for (String name : FOOS) {
fooList.addItem(name, name);
However FOOS would derive from a server side data and the EntryPoint is supposed to be largerly limited to what can compile to JS! I can't get user defined classes to be recognized on that side as that string is the result of a set of user defined classes.
I also tried creating a method in the class implementing RemoteService that returns a ListBox. This also didn't compile when I tried to call this method. Perhaps I don't fully understand how to call methods in a RemoteService service implementing class.
I've searched a lot and I can't find anything that clearly explains the fundamentals on this. My background is much more ASP.NET and JSPs so perhaps I'm missing something.
I'm using GWT 2.6 is that is relevant.
The usual procedure is the following:
Create a bean class for the data you want to transmit between client and server. Let's call it MyBean.
Place MyBean in the shared package of your project.
This class has to implement either Serializable or IsSerializable, otherwise GWT will complain that it doesn't know how to transmit it.
Create your RemoteService that contains the method you want to use to transmit MyBean from/to the server.
Once you get your data on the client using an AsyncCallback and your RemoteService, fill the ListBox using your beans, e.g. by calling MyBean#getName() or MyBean#toString().
I based my example on the GWT sample project ( I named it example), just replace the classes and it should work :
public class Example implements EntryPoint {
* Create a remote service proxy to talk to the server-side Greeting
* service.
private final GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT
* This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {
final ListBox listBox = new ListBox();
greetingService.getSomeEntries(new AsyncCallback<String[]>() {
public void onSuccess(String[] result) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
This is our EntryPoint, it creates a listbox and calls the server with a AsyncCallback to get some dynamic data. If the call is successfull (onSuccess), the data is written into the listbox.
The GreetingService interface define the synchronous methods, it is implemented in the GreetingServiceImpl class :
public interface GreetingService extends RemoteService {
String[] getSomeEntries() ;
The asynchronous counterpart is the GreetingServiceAsync interface, we used it before to call the server :
public interface GreetingServiceAsync {
void getSomeEntries(AsyncCallback<String[]> callback) ;
The GreetingServiceImpl class is located on the server. Here you could call for example a database:
public class GreetingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
GreetingService {
public String[] getSomeEntries() {
String[] entries = { "Entry 1","Entry 2","Entry 3" };
return entries;
Now if you want to use some Bean/Pojo between the server and client, replace the String[] in each class/interface with the object name, put the class in the shared package and consider that it implements Serializable/IsSerializable.

GWT Request Factory and Editor Framework Exception

When attempting to edit a new (proxy) entity using RequestFactoryEditorDriver.edit() I am getting the following error: "Exception caught: Attempting to edit an EntityProxy previously edited by another RequestContext". I am fairly sure that this is a result of my misunderstanding of the request factory/editor framework architecture. Here is the editor code that I think pertains to this problem:
public class OrgMaintenanceWidget extends Composite implements Editor<IOrgProxy> {
... other fields ...
private IOrgEditorDriver _orgEditorDriver;
interface IOrgEditorDriver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<IOrgProxy, OrgMaintenanceWidget> {}
public OrgMaintenanceWidget(final IClientFactory clientFactory) {
... widget initialization ...
_orgEditorDriver = GWT.create(IOrgEditorDriver.class);
_clientFactory.getRequestFactory(), this);
public void onNewButtonClick(final ClickEvent clickEvent) {
_org = _clientFactory.getCache().getOrgCache().newOrg();
_orgEditorDriver.edit(_org, _clientFactory.getRequestFactory().orgRequestContext());
It's the "_orgEditorDriver.edit()" line that causes the exception. The "newOrg()" method is:
public IOrgProxy newOrg() {
return _clientFactory.getRequestFactory().orgRequestContext().create(IOrgProxy.class);
The RequestFactory is simply:
public interface IRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {
IOrgRequestContext orgRequestContext();
I am sure that I'm missing something fundamental about editing a new entity. When I edit an existing entity everything is fine ... the UI components are populated automatically, and flushing the editor back to the entity works very nicely. Here's the code that initiates editing for an existing entity:
public void onNewButtonClick(final ClickEvent clickEvent) {
_org = _clientFactory.getCache().getOrgCache().newOrg();
_orgEditorDriver.edit(_org, _clientFactory.getRequestFactory().orgRequestContext());
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'll try to publish any lessons learned.
This code:
Create new orgRequestContext()
Create new IOrgProxy using this context
Edit new IOrgProxy using this context, because as docs say: "Returns a new mutable proxy that this request can carry to the server, perhaps to be persisted.", it means that the proxy is edited by this request.
This code:
_orgEditorDriver.edit(_org, _clientFactory.getRequestFactory().orgRequestContext());
Again, create new orgRequestContext() (because each invocation of getRequestFactory().orgRequestContext() provides new instance of orgRequestContext()
"Start driving the Editor and its sub-editors with data." as docs say. But as a part of it, use passed orgRequestContext() to edit passed IOrgProxy instance, so that the proxy is editable.
Because the proxy was already edited while created by other RequestContext, you get the exception, because there is fundamental rule in RequestFactory, that proxy can be edited only by one RequestContext.
See also this thread.
I think you can't create an object with one RequestContext and then edit it with another one.
So you can solve this in two ways:
Persist the created object with the RequestContext you used when you created the object. The save method should return the persisted object and this persisted object can be passed to the editor with a fresh new RequestContext
Somewhere save the RequestContext you used for creating the object and pass it to the edit function of your Driver
Solution two could look something like this:
public void onNewButtonClick(final ClickEvent clickEvent) {
IOrgRequestContext ctx = _clientFactory.getRequestFactory().orgRequestContext();
_org = ctx.create(IOrgProxy.class);
_orgEditorDriver.edit(_org,ctx );