how to refresh UX data on a ViewController when its TabBarItem gets tapped? - iphone

In the view controller that has a UITabBarItem, i realized that viewDidLoad() method only gets called the first time when the tab bar item is clicked. So I dont know how to bring up the dynamic graphics when it's clicked the 2nd time. Can some guru help me on this? thanks in advance.
Should I conform to some kind of delegates or should i do it within didSelectViewController method on the root controller of all the tab bars? If i do the later one, it just seems to be weird since i think the controller that has the corresponding tab bar item should render itself instead of doing the rendering on root controller..

You want to put any code that should run every time the view controller appears in viewWillAppear: instead of viewDidLoad. viewDidLoad is designed for code that should run when the view backed by your UIViewController is created (and then possibly re-created after being thrown away during low-memory situations).

Actually i resolved this by using the parameter passed into the callback didSelectViewController(param).


UITabbar Controller

In my app i am using tabbar controller with 5 tabs,in 3 tabs,when click on a button it calls one View Controller. I am using same view controller for those 3 tabs so i am getting problem while calling same view in different tabs,So while changing the tab i dont want to call ViewWillAppear method. So what i have do? or else how to find previous selected index of the tabbar controller?
Thanks in Advance
I think you are not familiar with iOS Development.
In a TabbarController we can specify as much of UIViewcontroller/UINavigationController object.
if we need to re-use a UIViewcontroller you need to tag the view controller using a property object.
You need to use different instance of UIViewController for different tab.
While Showing a UIViewController its viewWillAppear got fired. we don't able to remove this behavior. But in most case we can handle such case with viewDidLoad (It is called once for an instance of view controller).
if we need to track the previously selected tab item we need to do our own work-around by using a shared class or static variable.
Naveen Shan

UITabViewController, viewWillAppear does not invoked?

New to iOS, kindly bare if the question is very basic? When I press the tab button multiple times, it is not invoking viewWillAppear function? If I am wrong, then which function gets invoked, each time a tab button is pressed being on the same tabview?
You are correct, viewWillAppear is a little special, it is usually called automatically but in some cases including when you are adding a view controllers view manually (view addSubview:), and also when adding this as a view controller to a UITabViewController it doesn't get messaged.
This however is only for the root view, as you navigate (maybe with a navigation controller) back and forth, that root view's viewWillAppear will get triggered as some point.
In short, if you need to implement something in viewWillAppear in these cases, you should message it yourself when you know it's going to be presented. You can handle this case in your view controller, check out the following article about the matter:
Good luck.

How to tell if view has appeared via popping or not?

Using a UINavigationViewController, how do I find out how a view has appeared?
The view has either appeared in a straightforward manner, as the first view in the UINavigationController stack. Or it has appeared because a second view has been popped and the first view has revealed itself again. How do you find out which of these happened?
The only reliable way to do this, as far as I'm aware, is to subclass UINavigationController and override the UINavigationBarDelegate methods:
– navigationBar:shouldPushItem:
– navigationBar:didPushItem:
– navigationBar:shouldPopItem:
– navigationBar:didPopItem:
Don't forget to call super, of course.
Simple approach is to add a property to your RootViewController to track whether or not it has pushed another view onto the navigationController.
Initialize to NO in your init method.
Before pushing secondViewControllers view onto the stack, update the property to YES.
In viewWillAppear, check the value and update your view accordingly. Depending on how you want the application to behave you may need to reset the hasPushedsecondview property back to NO.
you could take a look at the leftBarButtonItem or backBarButtonItem, based on how your application is written and determine how the view appeared. If it is on top, unless you have a custom leftBarButtonItem, there would be no object there.
You can determine this directly via a couple of methods on your UIViewController subclass.
From Apple's documentation:
Occasionally, it can be useful to know why a view is appearing or
disappearing. For example, you might want to know whether a view
appeared because it was just added to a container or whether it
appeared because some other content that obscured it was removed. This
particular example often appears when using navigation controllers;
your content controller’s view may appear because the view controller
was just pushed onto the navigation stack or it might appear because
controllers previously above it were popped from the stack.
The UIViewController class provides methods your view controller can
call to determine why the appearance change occurred.
isMovingFromParentViewController: view was hidden because view controller was removed from container
isMovingToParentViewController: view is shown because it's being added to a container
isBeingPresented: view is being shown because it was presented by another view controller
isBeingDismissed: view is being hidden because it was just dimissed

iPhone viewDidAppear stops firing after loading/dismissing a modal view

I'm starting to go a little crazy with this one.
I have an iphone application with a somewhat complex view structure it is a tabbed application with either a view controller or a navigation controller on each tab.
The main controller for one tab uses the viewDidAppear callback to reload any data that has been modified since the last time it was displayed and this behaves fine in most cases. The issue I have run into is that when I navigate in subviews(within the same tab) using the standard navigation controller push/pop mechanism the viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear on the main view always fire when I navigate back to it.
However if I load a modal view controller and then dismiss it, the viewWillAppear continues to fire but the viewDidAppear stops firing.
I am almost certain that this is tied to the need to manually call these callbacks on the modal controller but I cannot find the reference info on how to do this correctly. (I only see this viewDidAppear bug on the hardware, in the simulator it works as I'd expect)
If you need further clarification let me know and thanks for any input.
Yes, this is how it works. You are better off switching to using viewWillAppear.
This has the added advantage of updating the data before the screen is redrawn.
viewDidLoad should be used for one-time setup operations:
Setting titles
Instantiating subviews, content arrays
Anything else related to the infrastructure of the view in question
After that, use viewWillAppear: to do anything related to refreshing data. You shouldn't have to call any of the viewDid/viewWill methods manually – that's handled by the innards of UIView. viewDidLoad won't fire after you dismiss a modal view controller because, more than likely, the view never unloaded. viewDidLoad fires fine when you're navigating the a view controller stack since the new views need memory, requiring other views to unload, then be reloaded when they reappear.

How can I update a view in the iPhone every time just before the view is displayed?

I have an application which has 7 tabs with associated views and view controllers. I need a way to update each view when it is selected. I have searched and searched, but cannot find a way to do this.
viewDidLoad will not work, as that only is fired the FIRST time a view is selected.
Capturing the selected tab in didSelectViewController won't work, because since there are more than 5 tabs, one of them is more and it is only fired for the tab itself, not underlying views when selected.
So I guess what I need to know is this: Is there a method I can call for on a view controller that will fire EVERY time just before that view is shown?
You need to implement delegate's -viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated method for that.