How to tell if view has appeared via popping or not? - iphone

Using a UINavigationViewController, how do I find out how a view has appeared?
The view has either appeared in a straightforward manner, as the first view in the UINavigationController stack. Or it has appeared because a second view has been popped and the first view has revealed itself again. How do you find out which of these happened?

The only reliable way to do this, as far as I'm aware, is to subclass UINavigationController and override the UINavigationBarDelegate methods:
– navigationBar:shouldPushItem:
– navigationBar:didPushItem:
– navigationBar:shouldPopItem:
– navigationBar:didPopItem:
Don't forget to call super, of course.

Simple approach is to add a property to your RootViewController to track whether or not it has pushed another view onto the navigationController.
Initialize to NO in your init method.
Before pushing secondViewControllers view onto the stack, update the property to YES.
In viewWillAppear, check the value and update your view accordingly. Depending on how you want the application to behave you may need to reset the hasPushedsecondview property back to NO.

you could take a look at the leftBarButtonItem or backBarButtonItem, based on how your application is written and determine how the view appeared. If it is on top, unless you have a custom leftBarButtonItem, there would be no object there.

You can determine this directly via a couple of methods on your UIViewController subclass.
From Apple's documentation:
Occasionally, it can be useful to know why a view is appearing or
disappearing. For example, you might want to know whether a view
appeared because it was just added to a container or whether it
appeared because some other content that obscured it was removed. This
particular example often appears when using navigation controllers;
your content controller’s view may appear because the view controller
was just pushed onto the navigation stack or it might appear because
controllers previously above it were popped from the stack.
The UIViewController class provides methods your view controller can
call to determine why the appearance change occurred.
isMovingFromParentViewController: view was hidden because view controller was removed from container
isMovingToParentViewController: view is shown because it's being added to a container
isBeingPresented: view is being shown because it was presented by another view controller
isBeingDismissed: view is being hidden because it was just dimissed


using dismissModalViewControllerAnimated without deallocating modal view controller

I'm creating an app using the iPhone Utility App framework, and I'm trying to use a navigation controller on the flipside view, as there will be a lot of drilldown options on this view. When I'm done with this view, I call the following code:
- (IBAction)done:(id)sender
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
When I dismiss this view, I want to be able to go back to the place in the navigation I was currently at when I reopen this view again. However, when I dismiss this view using this method, the vc gets deallocated, therefore the menu starts back at the beginning when I try to go back to the menu.
You'll need to retain a reference to the object (I'm calling it the options controller). I would say the easiest way is to create an iVar in the presenting view controller that references the options controller. Then, when you go to present the options controller again, just present the referenced options controller rather than creating a new controller. If different view controller objects can present the options controller, you'll need to either pass that reference around, or store it in some object that all the other view controllers have access to.
Hmm not much code so maybe I'm misunderstanding your setup, but...
You could use the AppDelegate to store (as a property) your current position (index) in the views collection of the Navigation controller, and then write a method that pushes to that (stored) position when you re-visit it later.
Might be an easier way to do it though..
So what you want is to flip from a view to another view? If you want to keep the navigation bar status between flipping, I recommend you use only one view controller to control this 2 views. you can use + transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: of UIView to flip views.

Passing a UIView to next UIViewController that gets pushed on navigation stack

I have an app where I have an imageview displayed within a UIView that the user has scaled and moved around, and I'd like to pass this exact same imageview to the next UIViewController that gets pushed onto the navigation stack. What is the best way to go about doing this? Do I have make some sort of deep copy?
controller.imageView = imageView;
There's not much special about this. The only thing you need to do is to add the view to your view hierarchy. Views can only have a single superview, so when you add it to a new view hierarchy, it is automatically removed from the old view hierarchy. The only tricky thing is when you pop back up the stack. Do you expect the view to still be available in the old view controller? (It won't be.)
In general, I'd tend to recommend passing the parameters rather than the actual view (i.e. the image and its transform). This gets rid of any issues going up or down the stack, but either way can work.
Give the view reference to the next controller, retaining it.
You could have some problem to deal with its bounds or frame, but if you just want the same, that should be ok.
In the new controller, get that passed view and add it as a subview of your main view. Don't forget at the end to remove it from its superview, and to release it before returning to the previous controller.

How does iOS know which view controller should be active?

If I want to replace one screen of an app with another, but I don't use a navbar/tabbar controller, then I could just remove oldViewController.view from window and add newViewController.view to it. That's all, now newViewController will get rotation events, etc.
But UIView does not reference "its" controller, so how is this possible, how iOS know it should make newViewController an active one? Does iOS do some magic, it internally references controller from view or what?
I think I was misunderstood: I don't ask how to make some view controller an active one - I know that. I'm just curious, how is it possible that I pass some view to UIWindow object ([window addSubview:view]) and it somehow finds view controller although view doesn't know its controller.
yeh I had the same question like you. and I figured it out.
UIView is derived from UIResponder. and UIView must subclass UIResponder::nextResponder.
Its default implementation is returning a view controller of the view (if it hadn't, it would be super view)
So, consequently view can see its controller. that means window know the topmost view and also
its controller.
good luck.
Unfortunately, iOS only send events to the first ViewController of the stack. You can try and present a new one on the top of others with video for example, it will never rotate.
If you don't use navbar/tabbar controller you will have to add and remove everytime from the Window to keep only one at the time if you wand to have events.
The main UIWindow class for your application will have a view controller set in its rootViewController property. That controller's view is the "main" view for the app. This is usually setup in the main .xib for the project. That view controller will receive the usual events like "viewDidAppear" or "willRotateToInterfaceOrientation". You can put up your own view over top of it if you want to, but you will need to manage those events yourself. Usually you don't do that though. You just use a UINavigationController or UITabBarController as your rootViewController and allow them to manage getting the events to new "pushed" view controllers, or you popup view controllers with "presentModalViewController".

How do I remove a view controller from my view hierarchy?

My app has a welcome screen that can only be shown in portrait mode. After the user has tapped through the welcome screen I'd like to show another screen that can be used in both portrait mode and landscape.
I have set up a view controller that implements shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: returning YES only for UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait, and I add the view to the window with [window addSubView:view]. I tag this view with the tag 1.
When the user taps through the welcome view and the app moves on to the new view I do:
[[window viewWithTag:1] removeFromSuperView];
[window addSubView:myViewController.view];
Where myViewController is an instance of the 2nd view's view controller (that handles the shouldAutorotateToInterfceOrientation method properly).
Now when I rotate, it still calls shouldAutorotateToInterfceOrientation on the original view's view controller, and does not call it on the new view's view controller.
This note from Apple says that only one view controller will get rotation notifications; however, I have removed the other view controller.
What am I doing wrong?
actually that note doesn't say that "only one view controller will get the notifications" but instead it says that "Only the first view controller added to UIWindow will rotate.".
So this might be the problem.
To resolve it, i would say to always have a view added to your window (call it permanent), and add your welcome screen and the next views to this permanent view.
Hope this helps.
as the note you link to state:
Only the first view controller added
to UIWindow will rotate.
So put a flag that makes sure that shouldAutorotateToInterfceOrientation returns NO until the user have dismissed the screen - and then returns YES afterwards. This is a simple and working solution - however, from a code readability point it might be confusing that a "dismissed" view actually controll the rotation.
Personally; my experience is that it's not really worthwhile having some views rotating and some don't - and users tend to don't like it.
happy coding
I wrote up a quick test that shows what you are trying to do should work. Here are the basics I did:
Create two view controllers. App starts with the first view controller being set in the AppDelegate into an instance variable viewController through NIB files. It is then added to the window as you have written.
I then setup an action that when called (could be a Timer, button on first view controller, etc.) that performed the following:
Remove view using [self.viewController removeFromSuperview]. This is different than the way you have done with the tag.
Created second view controller and assigned it to self.viewController.
Added to window like you have specified.
Not sure what is incorrect with your code. I would guess that perhaps the first view wasn't really being removed.

Reusing UIViewController for modal and non-modal situations

I have a UIViewController — let's call it "FormController" — which is simply a form that edits an object. I want to use it in 2 different situations:
Creating a new object — using using UINavigationController's presentModalViewController: method.
Editing an existing object — push the view controller onto the UINavigationController stack, not using a dialog method.
There is a slight difference in that in the modal situation I would like to have a toolbar with "Cancel" and "Done" buttons, whereas in the stack situation I would like to just have the navigation bar provided by the UINavigationController.
This would be similar to the Contacts application where the "New Contact" and the "Edit Contact" screens seem to use the same view controller, but the New Contact form is presented modally while the Edit screen is pushed onto the navigation stack.
My question is: What is the best way to handle both situations without having to write 2 separate, but mostly identical view controllers?
I thought about creating a "ModalFormController" which encapsulates the bare "FormController" through composition and adds a toolbar, but I read somewhere in the docs that Apple doesn't recommend nesting view controllers.
Why not use subclassing? Make ModalCreateFormController a subclass of EditFormController and handle the modal-specific stuff in the subclass.
What I do (sometimes) is set up an enum that specifies the type of the view controller.
For example, you might have two types: an Edit type, and an Add ("new") type.
The Add type is implemented via a modal view controller, while the Edit type is pushed onto an existing navigation stack.
In the view controller's -viewDidLoad: method, I simply do a switch/case tree that sets up the title and other appearance characteristics depending on the type enumeration specified above.
The nice thing about this is that it is easy to add a new type. The downside is that the conditional tree for handing this enumeration can get complicated quickly, depending on how different the types are.
But the switch/case tree makes it a lot easier to manage.
So, it depends on what you're trying to do with the two types. But it's definitely doable.
In addition to having an explicit property on the view controller (as Alex Reynolds suggests), two other approaches that occur to me are:
If you have some kind of model object that you're editing, ask it for its current state. If it's ever been saved, then you're in edit mode. Otherwise, you're in create mode.
Look at the value of the controller's parentViewController property. If it's an instance of UINavigationController, then you're in the navigation stack. If you're being displayed modally, it'll be an instance of your list controller.
Ug, I hate extra ivars…
I use this instead:
if([[self.navigationController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:0] == self){
It is a bit of a hack, but we are using the logic that if the offending view controller is the first in the stack, you can't go back. Actually we are ignoring the fact of whether it is modally displayed at all.
I had to do this a bunch of times in my app and after trying a couple different ways of doing it, including modal subclasses & a re-usable modal helper classes that used forwardInvocation. I found the best pattern was to make a containingModalViewController method each view controllers that (usually) creates and returns a UINavigationController for the caller to use with presentModalViewController.
In most cases this method builds and returns a UINavigationController with self as the root view controller (with repeated calls to the method checking self.navigationController and returning that instead if it's not nil). Other cases I made a dummy root controller first and pushed self on second in order to get a back button. Then a trick can be used to catch the back button press:
In some cases the view doesn't need a navigation bar and so this method just adjusts some flags and returns self. I even found in some cases that did need a navigation bar it was simpler to make that method invoke self.view, then tweak the view hierarchy to add a UINavigationBar and again return self. But in any case, the setup often isolated to that one method, and the caller handles it the same in each case.
Apple explains how the contacts application works under the hood:
To allow a custom view controller class to be used to both display and edit content, override the setEditing:animated: method.
You get some functionality for free, e.g. Edit/Done button.