iPhone viewDidAppear stops firing after loading/dismissing a modal view - iphone

I'm starting to go a little crazy with this one.
I have an iphone application with a somewhat complex view structure it is a tabbed application with either a view controller or a navigation controller on each tab.
The main controller for one tab uses the viewDidAppear callback to reload any data that has been modified since the last time it was displayed and this behaves fine in most cases. The issue I have run into is that when I navigate in subviews(within the same tab) using the standard navigation controller push/pop mechanism the viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear on the main view always fire when I navigate back to it.
However if I load a modal view controller and then dismiss it, the viewWillAppear continues to fire but the viewDidAppear stops firing.
I am almost certain that this is tied to the need to manually call these callbacks on the modal controller but I cannot find the reference info on how to do this correctly. (I only see this viewDidAppear bug on the hardware, in the simulator it works as I'd expect)
If you need further clarification let me know and thanks for any input.

Yes, this is how it works. You are better off switching to using viewWillAppear.
This has the added advantage of updating the data before the screen is redrawn.

viewDidLoad should be used for one-time setup operations:
Setting titles
Instantiating subviews, content arrays
Anything else related to the infrastructure of the view in question
After that, use viewWillAppear: to do anything related to refreshing data. You shouldn't have to call any of the viewDid/viewWill methods manually – that's handled by the innards of UIView. viewDidLoad won't fire after you dismiss a modal view controller because, more than likely, the view never unloaded. viewDidLoad fires fine when you're navigating the a view controller stack since the new views need memory, requiring other views to unload, then be reloaded when they reappear.


why only viewWillAppear called on navigation back

I have doubt need to be clear.. I have stack and a navigation controller.now when the stack loads the viewDidLoad viewWillAppear viewDidAppear will be called. when i click some button then this button push me to the new stack , now new stack gives me the option of the back..now when i click on the back of the navigation controller..why only viewWillAppear will be called ..why not viewDidLoad and not viewDidAppear
Stack is Last In First Out (LIFO), so when you push new view controllers to the stack, previous viewcontroller will not get destroyed( and they remain in memory). When you pop back, there is no need to recreate the Viewcontroller since it is already in memory. So only viewWillAppear gets called.
As to why viewDidAppear doesn't get called in this case, I cant remember where I have read this, but viewDidAppear gets called after your UIViewController's view was added to the application's UIWindow heirarchy. And this process is done before the UIViewController is shown for the first time.
viewDidLoad only called when viewControllers views are loaded into the memory. It will be done when
the first time the view is needed to be shown
sometimes when viewController needed to be reloaded again, because
it is purged from memory for some low memory reason.
In your case, when you pop back, the viewController is already loaded, so no need to call viewDidLoad again.
Full life cycle of ios ui explain here.
Note By Abizern from comment: this is true for iOS5 and earlier. iOS6 does not unload views anymore.
First of all, nice question #user2102546. Checkout here the perfect reason for your query.
viewDidLoad only gets called if view controller's views were unloaded, and need to be reloaded.
Normally, if you use a navigation controller, and go back to a previous view with one of the pop methods, viewDidLoad does not get called again, because the view are not unloaded yet.
However, the system can unload the views of any view controller when it is not frontmost in order to free up memory, so viewDidLoad can get called any time a view controller is about to be presented. You need to write your code to respond correctly to the different events.
Enjoy Programming!!
I don't have a complete answer for you but I hope this helps.
viewDidLoad is a callback for modifying a view after the load event has happened. In your case, the view has already loaded. The fact that it is not in view doesn't mean it has been unloaded from memory.
viewDidAppear: While I don't know why this event isn't firing and would be happy if someone else would fill in the gap.

UITabViewController, viewWillAppear does not invoked?

New to iOS, kindly bare if the question is very basic? When I press the tab button multiple times, it is not invoking viewWillAppear function? If I am wrong, then which function gets invoked, each time a tab button is pressed being on the same tabview?
You are correct, viewWillAppear is a little special, it is usually called automatically but in some cases including when you are adding a view controllers view manually (view addSubview:), and also when adding this as a view controller to a UITabViewController it doesn't get messaged.
This however is only for the root view, as you navigate (maybe with a navigation controller) back and forth, that root view's viewWillAppear will get triggered as some point.
In short, if you need to implement something in viewWillAppear in these cases, you should message it yourself when you know it's going to be presented. You can handle this case in your view controller, check out the following article about the matter:
Good luck.

Presenting a ViewController

Does presenting a ViewController cause the presented controller to run its viewDidLoad method?
If a view1 is loaded and another is presented. Then something triggers to present view1. Will it run through its viewDidLoad method?
IF not how should this be done? ViewDidAppear?
Building on what Jesse relayed, the viewDidLoad is called when the view is loaded into memory (usually the first time the view controller is ever about to be presented since app launch - simplified, but this will suffice for now).
When you display other view controllers and then come back some how to this original "view1" view controller, unless there was a memory event that jettisoned it from memory, it will NOT call viewDidLoad again.
Instead, it will call the following, in order:
In viewWillAppear:, you have a place to do things "off screen" before your view controller is displayed.
In viewDidAppear:, you can do additional operations that are appropriate for when the view controller's view is already visible. For example, you want to run some little animation that the user will see once the view controller is fully visible.
In both of these methods, make sure you call super's implementation before you do anything. Also, to learn about this lifecycle, set a breakpoint or NSLog() statement in each of these methods (viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear) to see when they are called.
There's a concept piece in the Apple docs on View Controllers that is worth the 20 minute read - it'll clear up a lot of this key life cycle information about View Controllers, and these are central to iOS development. See the section "Understanding the View Management LifeCycle" at:
viewDidLoad is only called when the view is loaded into memory. Usually the first time it appears (could be more often if there are memory dumps and etc).
viewDidAppear: is called every time the viewController's view becomes the 'active' view in the window.

UINavigationController issue. viewWillDisappear/viewDidDisappear of view controllers not call on application startup

I am writing an application(for iPhone) that uses the UINavigationController to show different view via pushViewController. I am trying to push multiple UIViewController immediately upon application startup without user interaction. When an user open up the application, they will be looking on a screen with a navigation bar on the top that already have a back button.
The problem I am experiencing is that viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear of a ViewController does not always get call if another ViewController is pushed on top of it immediately upon application start up without user interaction. If the ViewController being pushed on top is activate by the user with a button click, then viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear of the view being cover always get call.
Note. viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear of the covered view controller always get called.
In the code that is experiencing the problem, I am pushing the new view controller in viewDidAppear of the previous ViewController.
Anyone know what I might be doing wrong or if the behavior I am seeing is expected?
The problem I am experiencing is that viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear of a ViewController does not always get call if another ViewController is pushed on top of it immediately upon application start up without user interaction.
Sound pretty sensible to me. After all, the "covered" view never appeared on screen, so it cannot disappear. I would expect this behavior.

IPhone - Which View Controller methods to use

I'm trying to figure out what logic should go into the different UIViewController methods like viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear, viewWillAppear, ...
The structure of my app is that I have a root view controller that doesn't really have a view of its own, rather it has a tab view controller and loads other view controllers into it. But in the future, it may have to load other view controllers instead of the tab bar controller depending on app logic.
My main question is, what do people usually put into the viewDidLoad, .... methods.
Currently I:
viewDidLoad - setup the tab bar controller and set its view to the view controller's own view
viewDidAppear - check if user has stored login info
if not - present with login
if so, login and get app data for first tab
I'm trying to figure out now if my logic for setting up my tab bar controller should go into loadView rather than viewDidLoad.
Any help would be great. Small examples found on the web are great, but they don't go into detail on how larger apps should be structured.
You should not implement both -viewDidLoad and -loadView; they are for different purposes. If you load a NIB, you should implement -viewDidLoad to perform any functions that need to be done after loading the NIB. Wiring up the tabbar is appropriate there if you haven't already done it in the NIB.
-loadView should be implemented if you do not use a NIB, and should construct the view.
-viewWillAppear is called immediately before you come onscreen. This is a good place to set up notification observations, update your data based on model classes that have changed since you were last on screen, and otherwise get your act together before the user sees you. You should not perform any animations here. You're not on the screen; you can't animate. I see a lot of animation glitches due to this mistake. It kind of works, but it looks weird.
-viewDidAppear is called after you come onscreen. This is where you do any entry animations (sliding up a modal, for instance; not that you should do that very often, but I was just looking at some code that did).
-viewWillDisappear is called right before you go offscreen. This is where you can do any leaving animations (including unselecting tableview cells and the like).
-viewDidDisappar is called after you're offscreen (and the animations have finished). Tear down any observations here, free up memory if possible, go to sleep as best you can.
I touch on setting up and tearing down observations here. I go into that in more depth in View controllers and notifications.
viewDidLoad will be called once per lifetime of each UIViewController's view. You put stuff in there that needs to be set up and working before the user starts interacting with the view.
viewDidAppear is called whenever the view has appeared to the user. It could potentially be called more than once. An example would be the root screen of an app using a UINavigationController to push and pop a hierarchy of views. Put stuff in there that you'd want done every time. For example, you might want to hide the UINavigationBar of the root screen, but show it for all subscreens, so you'd do the hiding of the bar here.
Therefore, you'd put your logic for setting up your UITabBarController in viewDidLoad, since it only should be done once.
Regarding your app, is there a reason why you don't just make the UITabViewController be the controller loaded by your app delegate? It seems that you have a level of indirection in your app that you may or may not need. It's probably better to simplify it now, and refactor later if you need something more complex.