iphone: business card reader sdk apart from ABBY - iphone

I am doing an app in which I require a business card reader I googled alot but BBY is the only solution which I was able to find out. Can anybody help me out with some opensource library which can be tweaked or used directly as a business card reader.
Please enlighten me on this.

you can look into the Tesseract open source engine... its pretty good for image processing.. i mean it will extract the text out of the image but then you will have to process it to extract name ,phone numbers and other details.
this guy has explained how to use it in iOS .. http://tinsuke.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/how-to-compile-and-use-tesseract-3-01-on-ios-sdk-5/

We started an open source project to build a Javascript library (based on the OCR engine tesseract.js for the OCR part) that exctract the relevant data from a business card based on heuristic criteria.
The library (BCR Library, available on github) is usable in any html project (included mobile cordova, phone gap or ionic projects) just including it via script tag.
The library doesn't have any external api call and fully works offline.

I think that you should give a try to Covve Bussiness Card Scan API. The quality of the result is great in various languages. You can check a comparison analysis of similar services here.
[Disclosure] I'm part of the team developing the service.


is there any way to deploy custom ML models in flutter?

I am trying to create a flutter app using the ML model from the below link.
I haven't played with Flutter but there are some promising articles article 1 article 2 article 3 that gives code snippets to insert tensorflow lite dependencies, to make assets folder and load models. You can check them and I hope you get a first idea how to proceed. Style transfer is a medium to hard coding project though. I suggest to start from simpler tasks as classification problems.
Happy coding
I have used this style_transfer model in flutter app before. unfortunately, I've lost that code (I did not use git). But I can give suggestions on that.
For using this custom model you will have to use https://pub.dev/packages/tflite_flutter.
The trick here is you will have to see model's input shape (image_shape=(384,384,3), style_shape=(256,256,3) and output size (shape=(384,384,3) and also shape of bottleneck). You can resize image using https://pub.dev/packages/image.
with these two, you are good to go. Sorry for bad english and I know I am too much late but maybe someone else will find it useful.
Happy coding!
Edited: So I have found the code. I stored a copy of it in my google drive. I have uploaded it on github https://github.com/Rizwan2613/style-transfer. Please do read Readme file. Thanks
There is a recently published flutter plugin for integrating an arbitrary TFLite model.
Please see the README of the pub package and see how you can bundle the .tflite models and how to load / run them in flutter.
There is a blog post on how to use this flutter plugin, but it uses a different model (text classification) as an example.
You can upload custom tensorwflow model to firebase ML KIT (custom tab), and integrate with firebase API in your flutter project.

Is it possible to integrate a Browser engine to a custom Browser interface?

Recently I was reading an article about "Browser Internals" and suddenly this idea struck me.
What if I create my own Browser?
So, I have two questions with me.
Question 1:
Is it possible to integrate an Open source Web Engine like "Servo" or "WebKit" to my custom Browser UI interface created using QtCreator or Visual Studio?
Question 2:
Is there any other components that needs to be inserted between the UI created using C++(QtCreator) and Servo or WebKit?
I am a complete beginner to this field and these questions were asked in a curiosity to learn internal stuff. Pardon if the Questions were not standard.
Thanks :)
Answer 1:
Yes, it is possible. Browser engines have public APIs to provide a way to embed them. For example, the goal of this little project was to present how to build up your own UI interface (using Aura) and wire Chromium (browser engine) into that.
Answer 2:
If you prefer Qt technologies, then QtWebEngine will be the solution. The intent of this module is exactly what you have described: to embed Chromium engine into Qt applications with hiding its most painful parts and provide convenient API to customise your browser application.
And there are several others:
QtWebKit: http://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.5/qtwebkit-index.html
CEF: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_Embedded_Framework
You don't necessarily have to use extra layers between your application and a browser engine, but if you are a complete beginner, I would highly recommend that.

Parse data from image? [duplicate]

I am doing an app in which I require a business card reader I googled alot but BBY is the only solution which I was able to find out. Can anybody help me out with some opensource library which can be tweaked or used directly as a business card reader.
Please enlighten me on this.
you can look into the Tesseract open source engine... its pretty good for image processing.. i mean it will extract the text out of the image but then you will have to process it to extract name ,phone numbers and other details.
this guy has explained how to use it in iOS .. http://tinsuke.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/how-to-compile-and-use-tesseract-3-01-on-ios-sdk-5/
We started an open source project to build a Javascript library (based on the OCR engine tesseract.js for the OCR part) that exctract the relevant data from a business card based on heuristic criteria.
The library (BCR Library, available on github) is usable in any html project (included mobile cordova, phone gap or ionic projects) just including it via script tag.
The library doesn't have any external api call and fully works offline.
I think that you should give a try to Covve Bussiness Card Scan API. The quality of the result is great in various languages. You can check a comparison analysis of similar services here.
[Disclosure] I'm part of the team developing the service.

Best practices for parsing HTML from Wikipedia for iPhone viewing?

I am building an iPhone Wikipeida game app, that requires modifying the default Wiki HTML a little bit (mostly simplifying the page).
So far I am directly downloading the HTML output from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Foo to a python Google App Engine, and then modify its CSS and HTML structure, cache it, and finally output to iPhone. It works but I find this method quite tedious, there must be a better method?
Please note that I use App Engine not just for parsing the Wiki, but the game also requires it to keep the stores...etc, hence not a overkill. Also, I would prefer doing all the work with python on App Engine, to keep the iPhone client as thin and mobile as possible (XML on iPhone is a big no fun)
Thanks a lot.
Nick mentions why not use the mobile Wiki which already optimizes for iPhone. However, the issue is that it goes down quite frequently (every couple weeks or so), also its HTML structure changes quite frequently too.
You can use the MediaWiki API to download the markup text and use some API tools for Python that could make the process/modify work easier.
Caching and outputting to iPhone is fine. I believe there is not much to simplify here.
Why not just fetch the mobile version of the page from http://en.m.wikipedia.org/? This is already formatted for mobile devices.
You can set up your own copy of the server used by m.wikimedia.org:
It's written in Ruby, but this shouldn't be an issue if your app just uses the HTML output.

Media Sharing CMS Site

We are trying to build a media sharing site. I want to use existing commercial or open source frameworks if they are available.
I saw some sites like:
Are there any good open source (or) commercial packages that I am missing out? I want the media site to stream normal as well as HD content and integrate with a payment gateway when the user wants to view HD.
I am the primary developer of Jamroom (http://www.jamroom.net) - while Jamroom is a commercially licensed system, it is "open source" in the fact that we do not encrypt the PHP code in any way, and our license allows for full modifications to suit your needs.
Let me know if you have any questions and I can follow up. Thanks!
I will research your listed sites. i will come back with good one.
There is available one more [video sharing script: http://www.rayzz.net/index.php][1]