Is it possible to integrate a Browser engine to a custom Browser interface? - dom

Recently I was reading an article about "Browser Internals" and suddenly this idea struck me.
What if I create my own Browser?
So, I have two questions with me.
Question 1:
Is it possible to integrate an Open source Web Engine like "Servo" or "WebKit" to my custom Browser UI interface created using QtCreator or Visual Studio?
Question 2:
Is there any other components that needs to be inserted between the UI created using C++(QtCreator) and Servo or WebKit?
I am a complete beginner to this field and these questions were asked in a curiosity to learn internal stuff. Pardon if the Questions were not standard.
Thanks :)

Answer 1:
Yes, it is possible. Browser engines have public APIs to provide a way to embed them. For example, the goal of this little project was to present how to build up your own UI interface (using Aura) and wire Chromium (browser engine) into that.
Answer 2:
If you prefer Qt technologies, then QtWebEngine will be the solution. The intent of this module is exactly what you have described: to embed Chromium engine into Qt applications with hiding its most painful parts and provide convenient API to customise your browser application.
And there are several others:
You don't necessarily have to use extra layers between your application and a browser engine, but if you are a complete beginner, I would highly recommend that.


Tools to detect stolen content

Do you know any software or tools that can be used to detect when people are stealing content from our website?
Today we are only able the do something about the duplicate content, when we find it manually. There must be some kind of tool or service to use, to detect stolen content?
I'm a part of the project called where you can insert a little javascript snippet and you have a dashboard that helps you with an overview.
We created a little introduction to show it in action
If you are using Wordpress, we created a simple plugin for you to install - no requirement of understanding HTML :-)

How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?

sorry for my English.
How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?
If I understand correctly, I need to use RestAPI and javascript(I do not have enough skills in JS) with GWT in libgdx. But I don`t know how to relate everything.
I have not find examples or articles on this topic so I will be grateful for any help.
REST API is an option for this though, but there are various other options to choose from. One of the easiest way is to use the platform specific code via interfacing
Everything that doesn't get integrated directly with libGDX won't work the "write once, run anywhere" way - this applies for achievements, leaderboards.
So what you do is to add the library dependencies to the projects you generate. Then implement a generic interface, AchievementHandler with methods like unlockAchievement(String achievementId). You can then implement this via AndroidAchievementHandler which in-turn uses GPGS.
A sample application demonstrating how this can be achieved is available on github here.
Hope this helps!

How to build plugins style web platform with angular2

The idea is not new, like Wordpress, Oxwall : a platform created by some guru guy that allowing other dev guys to add new apps (like forum, blog, market-place, whatever) into the platform easily. By easy, we mean either just install new plugin by upload or less user friendly coding new plugin without changing the core code.
Actually, we have a working solution with angular1 but quite clumsy, that's it, multiple stand-alone ng-app within a website, like:
Good thing about it is quite straightforward to implement, not much to worry about lazy-loading. But we are not happy with that approach for many reasons.
Angular2 is really close. We hope it can bring a better solution for building a large web platform
custom components that are added at build time that are added depending on user data like explained in Angular 2 dynamic tabs with user-click chosen components
This approach is compatible with the offline template compiler
There is also a more flexible way that supports user-provided component templates How to realize website with hundreds of pages in Angular2
This approach is not compatible with the offline template compiler and requires the Angular parser and compiler to be included in the build output.

Gtk conversion to html

In order to have a OS with a uniform interface, allowing better mutual interoperabilities, I'm looking for a way to build a system in which all interface would be in html5.
For example, starting from the gtk library (in order to use the existing), it could be possible to translate code such as:
gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window1), "the title");
document.title = "the title"
I would like to know if there were any tools that could help me achieve this goal
to clarify my question, and let understand what I'm looking for, I found this study
The first step may be to use/build a semantic ontology of what is formerly an ui. Then I could integrate the gtk library (or another desktop gui library) and the web interface languages into a same base. So I could make bijections between gtk and web methods.
I do not see that as a simple problematic, and I'm asking for ideas, tools, which could helps me.
Once you introduce any complexity and interaction, you run into the need to convert from C\Python\Whatever-is-running-GTK into Javascript.
Your best bet is to do everything in native HTML5, have your "desktop app" be a wrapper for a web browser, which runs against (1) a remote website or (2) a local web server. Your "desktop app" would include a small web server, and automatically select an open port on localhost.

How do I build a wiki into an iPhone app?

I want to build an iPhone app that is really a wrapper around a wiki. Specifically, I have some static reference content that can be represented by a hyperlinked set of pages and want to build an app that will provide a nice interface over this content, including search, bookmarking, and annotating. I'm wondering what the best approach is for building something like this.
(I'm spent a fair bit of time googling for answers but pretty much every combination of search terms I can think of returns links to wikis, not links about putting a wiki into an app).
Are there libraries out there for handling wiki content (rendering, navigating links etc.)? I imagine I could just represent my content as a set of local HTML pages and point the web browser control at these but that doesn't seem right. Any ideas on how best to approach this in the iOS world?
Thanks in advance!
Try looking at TWedit, it is a wrapper for the excellent TiddlyWiki which is a single file WIKI built around JavaScript and HTML. TW is very powerful and well supported with many plugins available.