Recreating the iTunes (iOS app) tableViewCell which previews songs - iphone

I'm creating an app which would provide the user with a list of audio files and let them sample a small piece of audio when they select the song (just like the iTunes iOS app).
I love the way the iTunes iOS App has implemented it (image attached); wherein I can click on a cell and the album cover flips over to show a progress indicator and a stop button. I can select a cell and the sample starts to play, and the moment I stop it, the progress indicator flips back over to show the album/song art.
I'd like to create something like that for my app. Any suggestions on how I can go ahead with it.
Thanks a ton in advance! :D
EDIT: Based on Till's suggestion, I'm adding this edit. What I wish to get by asking this question is suggestions for the best approach to make the flip animation, showing a custom view in a UITableViewCell image space, possible. Currently, I'm not worried about playing the audio or displaying the progress of the playback. I simply need suggestions on the best approach to perform the flip animation and substitute the image with a custom UIView. :) Thanks again! :D

You will need to create it. I suggest making it as a custom tablecell. If you polish it well enought, you can put it on CodeCanyon and make it worth your while.
Also, I can recommend looking at the works on - It might not have exactly this one, but it has many interesting controls and inspirations.

This is exactly what u looking for:
You can also refer to some Sources :


iPhone: iPhoto like tile view for image browsing

In an iPhone application I want to create an UI that just look like iPhoto application where photos will be loaded like iPhoto's tile view.
I am planning to use UITableView To achieve this.
How can I manage showing random sizes images just like iPhoto app shows in there gallery view?
Any library which will help to achieve it? Can you please provide code sample url's?
Shiv you can try AQGridView that may help you to achieve what you are looking for.
You can also wait for IOS 6 and see photo tools.
check out as well and may help you. Probably you may have hit iPhone show photos/images sliding (like photo library and Facebook app)? link. but be sure to check this link.
Hope this many things would help you; I tried to give answer in noon but it take me late and it's evening now.

iOS - How to show hints for gestures for iOS app?

I have seen some apps where when you launch them for the first time after downloading (e.g. Chrome app on iPhone), it shows you a list of animated gestures on the screen, kind of giving you a tour of the app.
How do I build one something like that? And how does the app know to launch only for the first time after download and not since then? For the second question, I am guessing a "shown=TRUE" value can be saved inside a PList file and checking the value each time when the app finished launching. But I am more curious about the mechanism involved in creating a guided app tour.
You can use transparent and semi-transparent images with a UIImageView, so you can make up an image with arrows and notes and put over the whole screen. You could fade it out when the user taps.
To know if it's the first time running the app, you should use NSUserDefaults instead of a plist; it's much easier, and you should be app to find a quick tutorial on that fairly easily.
Also, you could check around on this site for controls like this one. I haven't used any of them myself, so I'm not sure how much they differ from a regular UIImageView. They look nice though.

slide show with UIGestureRecognizer and with tap action

i am noob and new in development iphone application so i want to create a slide show(ios 5 with storyboard) ( banner with 5 or 6 image and every image the user can clicked on him and go to link in itunes for the app it's like a banner but no only one it's multiple )
i want the user can swipe between images and can click in every one and go to specific link so if on people have a tutorial or documentation or sample code for how to do this it's will be very helpful thanks
you can understand UIGestureRecognizers by some examples like these:
How to detect Swipe Gesture in iPhone SDK?
Best way is to use UIScrollView with paging, so you'll have to deal with only one UITapGestureRecognizer.
Take a look at the Facebook app's Three 20-framework for inspiration:
There is a fully functional slideshow-framework in there that you can look at and get some idea as to how you can make it on your own.
The TTPhotoViewController is the class you are looking for:

iPhone SDK - Expanding Buttons like in the camera app

I am curious as to whether or not there is an open source solution to replicate the flash button in the iOS camera applicaiton.
I have seem many other apps use this, but there doesn't seem to be a native way, so I assume there is a common source out there.
It is possible to get the flash button by using UIImagePickerController class, but most of the camera apps out there don't seem to be using this (or perhaps they subclass it, which is against apple's terms).
I am looking for a way to replicate the expanding behavior of the button. Any thoughts?
It doesn't sound too hard.
The way I'd do it is to separate the right curve of the button (as images), and make a UIView that has the left part of the button and the right curve as subviews.
When it's tapped, slide the right curve and animate the extra buttons in.
You could use a stretchable UIImage (see UIImage documentation) and then just animate the frame changing.
In the Apple 2010 WWDC Sample code (downloadable via iTunes, otherwise I'd post it here), there are several sample applications which use this control. They call the class ExpandyButton. I realize I'm answering my question, but hopefully someone out there can find this useful.
While looking for a similar solution to this problem I came across this code which was extremely helpful. Similar to ExpandyButton it fit my needs better.

timer for slide show in iphone app development

I developed sample app for image slide show
Now i want to keep timer to the app.
It has to scroll the images for every 5 seconds
Please help me with sample code
Its bad to ask for sample code. Because, you will not learn. If you see the documentation, along with required solution, you will get a chance to learn new things.
You can use UIImageVIew to show your images.
If you see the documentation for UIImageView, there is a property "animationImages" which will take an array of images. You can set "animationDuration" as well there.
That's it, your slide show is ready.