Facebook App Insights for Website "app" shows all zero's? - facebook

If you create a FB App for the lone purpose of getting an App ID for XFBML Like Button Plugin implementation should you see data for the app insights?
We have had the XFBML Like Button on our blog for a while now and each post gets anywhere between 5 and 3,000 likes (I realized that not all of these occur on the site itself) but when I go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/MYAPPID/insights it shows me all zeros for the number of users, shares and performance. Is this normal because my app is really only a way to register the site with FB or could this be an implementation issue? It would make sense to me that I should be getting some stats under the sharing section for "Stream Published Stories Created" or "Links Posted" because that is what the Like button is doing.

Did you include proper facebook metadata on your domain?
You must specify an App ID or an Admin ID as so:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="user_id" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="your_app_id" />
Also note:
Why does the count next to my Like Button not match what I see in Insights? The count next to the Like Button represents the sum of Like Button clicks, News Feed likes, News Feed comments, and shares on Facebook.


Facebook stopped displaying article:author

It looks like Facebook changed something in the last few days, I noticed the article:author information doesn't show up anymore (article:publisher still works)
It used to be working fine like this:
<meta property="article:author" content="https://www.facebook.com/yovav"/>
For example, if you share https://ufotoday.com/post/10061 on Facebook it should show the author.
It is working now, I was able to add Confirmed Publications in Linked Publications after I added my facebook website pages under a company and updated the company pages in General - Category to be "News & Media Website ยท Publisher".
UPDATE 1: so Linked Publications is found in the user profile settings (and not in the company facebook page settings), first I could not find website on the facebook autocomplete list, I changed page template to "business" and set "News & Media Website", "Publisher" in category. and now it is added as Confirmed Publications.
My meta data has these values now:
<meta property="article:author" content="https://facebook.com/yovav" />
<meta property="article:publisher" content="https://www.facebook.com/1677453589249352" />
However, I still cannot see the author name next to the publisher website (in the bottom left corner of facebook posts), What am I missing here?
It appears that authors need to give permission to a publication or website (and specifically the FB page of that site) in order to be cited as the author in Facebook's byline feature.
As such, the authors needs to login to their own Facebook profile, go to Settings (for their own profile), and then click "Linked Publications" (Or just send them to this link: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=author_publisher )
There, they need to add the publication's (or site's) Facebook page as a "linked publication."
When I did this on my personal profile, I finally got back the byline functionality, both in the tag debugger and in actual Facebook posts.
However, I sent this info to all of our authors, and some of them do not have the particular setting page mentioned above. So YMMV.
Some people said, if you're a Media Fanpage admin and you already confirmed your domain by Link Ownership function (Only verified page have this function), you can get author back by the new function Linked Publications.
When you finished these things, you'll see your byline back. But...
Only you(admin) can see that. Other user still can't see this byline link.
I don't know what Facebook are doing, damn it.

Facebook Comments Box - access all the comments on my website

How can I access all the comments from the Facebook Comments Box on my website?
When I checked the Facebook documentation, I have this link:
The comments for every URL can be accessed via the graph API. Simply go to: https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids={YOUR_URL}.
But it's only for one page, I want the global result for all the pages in the website.
Thanks for your help!
You can add yourself as a moderator (which is probably a good idea anyways) by adding this in head:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="{YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID}"/>
Or you can instead add a Facebook application (and all the moderators of that app) with:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}"/>
(but note that you can't do both).
Having done that, you can see all the comments to moderate here:
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anyway to subscribe to this queue.

Keep up with a Facebook Page [bucket test[

A new Facebook feature prompts you to like the creators(owner) page for a given piece of content you share or like.
I have encountered the feature in 2 different occasions:
A - When sharing an aticle from [slate. com] I was prompted to like the [facebook page of slate .com] - screenshot here:
B - When sharing a youtube music video i was prompted to like the page of the band in that music video (even though the youtube channel that owned that content was the channel of the record company that distributes multiple music bands)
What do you need to have set-up on the page/site in order to have Facebook recognize the link between your website and your facebook page?
I've added my admin_id and the page's app_id to the on my site:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="1040395049" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="151466116651" />
It's kind of hard to test because this feature being bucket tested appears intermittently, if you have any thought of how i might test that I'm ready to take advantage the feature that'd be very helpful.

How to get Facebook Like to publish a thumbnail, description and link on newsfeed after "Like"

I am adding a FB like button to my page, and currently when I "Like" the page, it only says it on my personal page with a small link to the facebook page associated to my website. I want it to post a picture, description, and the link to my site. I am using the code generated from this page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
I debugged it and it says properties are missing even though I have them included in the code...
Any reason on why this isn't working?
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.audiblecoffee.com">
This will make Facebook use http://www.audiblecoffee.com to look for OG tags, not the submitted URL. Change it to http://www.audiblecoffee.com/beta321432/ (or leave it out) and things'll work fine.

facebook like button not displaying news article content

I'm implementing a facebook like button on a simple blog/news section I created in an MVC 3 web application.
I used the XFBML way to implement this.
It works, but not completely.
When clicking and checking it on facebook, it shows the title I specified.
Here is a piece of code.
The viewbag information comes from my view, this is in the layout/master page.
<meta property="og:title" content="#ViewBag.FGTitle" />
But since it's a news item, I also want the content of the article to be displayed.
It only shows, the title, the site name and that's it.
I checked the facebook developer page, but I cant find a meta property/Open graph type in which i can set this content.
any ideas?
see the facebook url linter it shows you exactly what facebook sees when greping the url. Also you should read up on the other meta tags