Keep up with a Facebook Page [bucket test[ - facebook

A new Facebook feature prompts you to like the creators(owner) page for a given piece of content you share or like.
I have encountered the feature in 2 different occasions:
A - When sharing an aticle from [slate. com] I was prompted to like the [facebook page of slate .com] - screenshot here:
B - When sharing a youtube music video i was prompted to like the page of the band in that music video (even though the youtube channel that owned that content was the channel of the record company that distributes multiple music bands)
What do you need to have set-up on the page/site in order to have Facebook recognize the link between your website and your facebook page?
I've added my admin_id and the page's app_id to the on my site:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="1040395049" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="151466116651" />
It's kind of hard to test because this feature being bucket tested appears intermittently, if you have any thought of how i might test that I'm ready to take advantage the feature that'd be very helpful.


Linkedin Sharing web page does not show summary

We have been sharing our website pages and articles to LinkedIn for almost 4 years using
Until recently, the share block would appear with an image, caption and summary. Just as in Facebook. But now, we find that the summary does not show. I know many have raised this same concern here. One solution I saw in this forum is to switch to forcing visitors to sign into our LinkedIn app and post the status via REST API. My question is, Is this really necessary. We don't have a login feature for our website and to force people to login to LinkedIn app just to show description which is already part of the og tags on the page. Surely someone from LinkedIn can respond to this issue since so many have raised it.
You can use Post Inspector ( to preview how your posts will be shared on LinkedIn.
Alternatively, you can use the Share Plugin ( to add a widget for users to easily share content on LinkedIn.
Just take a quick look at the Official LinkedIn "Making Your Website Shareable on LinkedIn" Documentation. I will bold areas of particular interest:
If you're the developer of your website, you'll need to make sure the source code complies with Open Graph Protocol (OGP) and certain image requirements specific to LinkedIn....
Below are the og: tags that must exist and their correct format:
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article"/>
<meta property='og:image' content='// 1234567.jpg"/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview"/>
<meta property='og:url' content='// of the article" />
And the requirements...
Here are the image requirements specific to the LinkedIn sharing module:
Max file size: 5 MB
Minimum image dimensions: 1200 (w) x 627 (h) pixels
Recommended ratio: 1.91:1
So, if you want to make sure your image displays correctly in the LinkedIn share functionality, make sure your webpage has the following...
<meta property="og:image" content="someweburl.jpg" />
Hope this helps!

Facebook Open Graph og:video tag for YouTube videos

I have a question that was initially asked here: Open graph og:video Meta Tags content in 2010, but the answer no longer works.
I'm trying to show a YouTube video in Facebook (and have it play inside Facebook) when a link is shared. The following og:video tag on the page doesn't work (it never really did):
<meta property="og:video" content="" />
The solution proposed here in 2013 worked really well until recently. It was to change the og:video to something like this (notice the way the v query string value is represented):
<meta property="og:video" content="" />
That no longer works and Facebook completely ignores it.
Another option I tried is to put the YouTube URL in og:url:
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
That approach instructs Facebook to scrape YouTube to get the thumbnail image, but clicking on the post sends the user to the original page that was shared. The click behavior is the right one (I want the user to go back to the originally shared page), but there's no way for the user to play the video.
Anyone know the solution to this problem?
Unfortunately, it's starting to look more and more like this is a change that Facebook made in August 2017 (and rolled out slowly across different regions over several months) and it's by design. In other words, there's no way to make this work. :-( If anyone has a workaround, it would be great for the community to know.
Relevant discussions:!topic/youtube/l69gPBlkXN0

Facebook like button is asking to confirm the action

To begin with, I've already read the following topics:
Facebook Like without Confirm?
Facebook Like button shows the "Confirm" link, but still cannot Like after confirming
Including this topic:
There are at least 25 apps hosted under host, sub domain of Neither of them ask for "like" action to be confirmed.
Worth mentioning, is that there is another website ( ) hosted on the same host, that had a fan base of 10 000+ people and was recently disabled by Facebook. I didn't manage to contact Facebook regarding either of the issues, therefore I simply took off the like-box from the latter website. Hopefully, temporarily.
The most annoying of all, is that even if you confirm the "like" action, "like" doesn't get submitted. I've tried on multiple friend accounts, different browsers (possible bug to report?).
I've ignored it for over a month. But it doesn't go away.
There are no hidden overlays, no bouding elements or anything that'd be considered unusual placement of the "like" button element. The website and the button itself has been placed very recently. The open-graph tags are in place and changing app ID doesn't change the behavior.
<meta property="og:title" content="Anuary"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="company"/>
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="128740590570428"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Anuary"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="Anuary is a company of accomplished developers and social media experts. We design engaging and innovative social media campaigns, for web and mobile, that are meant to interact with your targeted audience, through applications, websites, competitions and participation events. The objective being to spread the word about the product and increase loyalty to the advertised brand."/>
However, the page content is loaded dynamically. What Facebook parser sees is pretty much an empty page.
Can this be an issue?
Unfortunately, I think you are running into a recent Facebook change/design decision. Here are a couple bug reports discussing this issue:
Use the Facebook Debug tool to see what content is on the page.
It shows you what Facebook sees when it scrapes the page. It could help in identifying what the underlying issue is.
With regards to liking / unliking content multiple times, Facebook has some automatic features that prevent likes from showing up on Facebook, or indeed showing the 'Confirm' link you are seeing. This is mainly to combat click-jacking as this is a common problem with the Like button.
The issue which I faced was when I had my page in production server and then when I was making modifications on my development/testing server it came up with 'confirm'. So it seems to think that I am trying to spam 'like' through different pages to achieve a higher ranking but all I am doing is trying to test my changes on a different server before uploading them to production server. I am not comfortable with making changes straight into production as it could blow up in my face with buggy code or an undesired layout.

Facebook App Insights for Website "app" shows all zero's?

If you create a FB App for the lone purpose of getting an App ID for XFBML Like Button Plugin implementation should you see data for the app insights?
We have had the XFBML Like Button on our blog for a while now and each post gets anywhere between 5 and 3,000 likes (I realized that not all of these occur on the site itself) but when I go to it shows me all zeros for the number of users, shares and performance. Is this normal because my app is really only a way to register the site with FB or could this be an implementation issue? It would make sense to me that I should be getting some stats under the sharing section for "Stream Published Stories Created" or "Links Posted" because that is what the Like button is doing.
Did you include proper facebook metadata on your domain?
You must specify an App ID or an Admin ID as so:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="user_id" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="your_app_id" />
Also note:
Why does the count next to my Like Button not match what I see in Insights? The count next to the Like Button represents the sum of Like Button clicks, News Feed likes, News Feed comments, and shares on Facebook.

Facebook Site Linking Support

When someone posts a link to a web site in Facebook, it populates the link preview box with a photo and some text from the site.
If someone posts a link to my site in Facebook, it is generally just get the site's domain name and one of the images that appears on the site. No text appears.
I would like to be able to control what text and images appear in the link. Is there a specification that they use? Can I provide some metadata so Facebook will display what I want?
Here is Facebook's developer page on their share function.
Basically there are some simple metatags you can use to optimize what appears on FB
<meta name="title" content="title" />
<meta name="description" content="description " />
<link rel="image_src" href="thumbnail_image" / >
The wiki article doesn't mention this, but Facebook CACHES the results of your site for awhile. So, if you're debugging & doing quick iterations, you either need to wait awhile, or rename the page (index2.html, index3.html, etc) until you find something that works.