Remove RunAs->Local C/C++ Application from Eclipse Product - eclipse

We are developing a development and testing platform for C projects in Eclipse platform. However, i need to remove RunAs->Local C/C++ Application from the Eclipse UI.
I am adding CDT plug-in in dependencies in the EClipse.Prodcut and tried to to remove the RunAs->Local C/C++ Application by removing org.eclipse.debug.ui and org.eclipse.debug.core from the dependecy page but is it not hiding the RunAs->Local C/C++ Application.
Can anyone help me in this regard?

you might have a look on Eclipse RCP Activities mechanism. Here is a tutorial. you also need to investigate if CDT defines any activities for its menu actions and if so, deactivate some.


Missing plugins when exporting Eclipse e4 RCP Application containing Birt (Eclipse 2019-3)

Currently I am in the process of moving one of our RCP applications from an older version of Eclipse to the current version 2019-03.
Our application is feature based an makes use of the Birt report generator.
When trying to lauch the application via its product-file lots of unresolved plugin requirements appear, as the combination of RCP and Birt now seems to depend on different versions of org.apache.batik.* (1.7.0 and 1.8.0).
I can get the app running by manually enabling the different versions via Run -> Run Configurations -> Plugins. But of course this does not help when trying to export the RCP through the Eclipse product export wizard. The exported app is missing various plugins.
So I tried to manually edit the of the plugin that is dependent on birt:
But this does not seem to have any effect on the plugins beeing exported.
The tip to switch back to a plugin-based project (How best to maintain an Eclipse RCP plugin target? 1 ) does not seem to work either.
So does anybody know how to get Eclipse to export all required versions of the org.apache.batik plugins?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Hide standard toolchains from C/C++ project wizard

Our team is developing a custom toolchain. We want to build it in to Eclipse CDT. We don't want to see an excess element in a final product.
Is it possible to hide/disable/delete standard toolchains in C/C++ Project Wizard?
enter image description here
Previously, I hid a default Debug Configurations using org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point. This time it doesn't help we. I tried to remove CrossGCC plugin but a Unistall... button in Install Software is greyed out.
I use Eclipse Luna RCP (4.4.2) for plugin development.
I'm not very familiar with this part of CDT, but after doing a bit of code browsing, it seems like the extension points org.eclipse.cdt.core.templates and org.eclipse.cdt.core.templateAssociations may be relevant.
See how e.g. the current CDT code uses these extension points to associate a set of toolchains with a project template. If your plugins define their own project template(s), perhaps you could do something similar to control the list of associated toolchains?

Eclipse 4 RCP - how to create project?

I am using eclipse 4 application platform for building custom ide like app, but i am still not sure what libraries i can use.
For instance i can't find some API which is responsible for maintaining projects.
Is it even possible to create project or this is just part specific for eclipse as IDE and can't be used if i am using e4 rcp?
The org.eclipse.e4.rcp, org.eclipse.emf.core and org.eclipse.emf.ecore Eclipse features list all the plugins that a pure e4 application uses.
The list includes most of the plugins but not the org.eclipse.core.resources plugin which contains the workspace code (things like IFile and IWorkspace).
So if you want projects and workspaces you would have to write you own code for that - which would not be compatible with any other Eclipse 3.x plugins.

Use Eclipse Classic to develop Eclipse RCP application

I've been using Eclipse Classic for developing applications in Java installing plugins as I need. Now I'm thinking to develop an application using Eclipse RCP UI. I've read some tutorials online but they suggest to use Eclipse for RCP/RAP developers.
I've looked at this Eclipse Packages Compare page but I haven't quite figured out why I can't use Eclipse Classic to develop Eclipse RCP applications.
What plugins do I have to install to use Eclipse Classic for Eclipse RCP application development?
There is very little (practical) difference between those two packages. Classic (AKA, Eclipse SDK) includes more source code for the Eclipse bundles themselves, such as JDT and PDE, which can actually be useful when developing your own plugins and RCP apps); RCP/RAP obviously includes RAP, which is critical if you need it but pointless if you don't. RCP also includes EGit (again, nice if you need it) and the XML Tools.
I often start with the SDK (Classic) package and add stuff as I need it. There has even been talk of dropping the RCP package altogether, although it still hangs around.
What plugins do I have to install to use Eclipse Classic for Eclipse RCP application development?
Trust me, you're much better off unziping Eclipse for RCP/RAP developers in a different directory, and using that to develop your RCP application.
You're lucky that adding Eclipse plug-ins to your Eclipse Classic hasn't destroyed your Java development environment.

OSGi with Eclipse: How to hide eclipse Bundles?

Using Eclipse for OSGi Development is great.
Eclipse comes with cool auto completion features, thats also very helpful in OSGi.
By default Eclipse will suggest Bundles/Packages that are not created by myself but are available in Eclipse.
So my Question is how can i avoid that ? I just want to have my own bundles in these suggestions or auto completions. Is this possible ?
The set of visible bundles is controlled by the "target platform" that you define. By default, it points to self, so you see various bundles present in the Eclipse installation.
See Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform