Hide standard toolchains from C/C++ project wizard - eclipse

Our team is developing a custom toolchain. We want to build it in to Eclipse CDT. We don't want to see an excess element in a final product.
Is it possible to hide/disable/delete standard toolchains in C/C++ Project Wizard?
enter image description here
Previously, I hid a default Debug Configurations using org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point. This time it doesn't help we. I tried to remove CrossGCC plugin but a Unistall... button in Install Software is greyed out.
I use Eclipse Luna RCP (4.4.2) for plugin development.

I'm not very familiar with this part of CDT, but after doing a bit of code browsing, it seems like the extension points org.eclipse.cdt.core.templates and org.eclipse.cdt.core.templateAssociations may be relevant.
See how e.g. the current CDT code uses these extension points to associate a set of toolchains with a project template. If your plugins define their own project template(s), perhaps you could do something similar to control the list of associated toolchains?


Eclipse Add Perspective to Runtime

I'm creating a content analysis plugin for Eclipse and I'm testing it in Eclipse by running Eclipse Application.
This worked well (since my plugin only had to work with a plain text editor), but now my company has stepped over to using oXygen as XML plugin in Eclipse for our technical writers. To test whether my plugin also works with oXygen in use, I need to have the oXygen XML Author plugin working in the Runtime.
I have oXygen working in my main Eclipse, but that is not what I want: I need it in my Runtime Environment.
So my question is: how can I add this oXygen plugin to the Eclipse Runtime Environment?
Go to your debug/run configuration -> Select the configuration in question.
Go to plug ins tab. Check if the Oxygen plugin is in the list. If not then add it explicitly and launch the runtime again.
Hope it helps.

How can I use an existing .target file in Eclipse?

I would like to develop plugins for an RCP Applicaction. Now, they provide a .target file for development.
I tried to read on several Eclipse pages but I could not find out how to use that file. Do I have to load it somewhere? Do I have to add it at a specific location?
I'm sure, I missed something...
Please give me a hint.
Use the target definition editor to open the target file.
You will need to have the Plug-in development tools (PDE) installed to develop plug-ins for RCP applications. PDE can be installed into an existing IDE from the projects download page.
Or you can download an Eclipse package that contains PDE. This page gives an overview which package contains what. However, I recommend to choose the Eclipse for RCP and RAP develoipers
If you have PDE installed and the target file is located in the workspace, it is the default editor (i.e. you can simply doiuble click the respective entry in the package explorer).
Use the Set as target platform in the top right corner of the target editor to make it the current target platform.
The current target platform constitutes the plug-ins which your workspace will be built and run against. It describes the platform that you are developing for.
Once a target platform is known to the IDE it can also the changed through the Plug-in Development > Target Platform preference page.
There is also an option to show the name of the current target platform in the status bar on the Plug-in Development preference page.

SonarQube Plugin and TI Code Composer 5

I am currently working on a TI Microcontroller platform using Code Composer 5.5 as the IDE. Our code baseline is analyzed by SonarQube to produce metrics and issue identification against a set of rules and standards.
SonarQube website mention support for Eclipse via a plugin. Since Code Composer 5 is Eclipse based I was able to install it but I cannot finish the configuration by linking the project as described. When I right click on the project in the Project Explorer there is no option to Configure then Associate with SonarQube.
Is there a way to make this menu option show or a command line method to make this association?
If I recall correctly, only projects with the following 'nature' can be associated with SonarQube:
Java (JDT) Project
C/C++ (CDT) Project
Pydev Project
If your TI Code Composer projects do not have one of these natures, you won't be able to associate them (at least with the current version of the Eclipse SonarQube Plugin).
Got help from our friends at TI E2E forums on this topic.
The reason I was unable to see the Configure and Associate menu options was due to the selected perspective. Code Composer 5 uses TI's default CCS Edit perspective which hides the expected menu options. If you change to the default Eclipse C/C++ perspective then the menu option shows up and configuration of the project to use SonarQube can be completed.

AbstractUIPlugin error and Missing tabs in plugin.xml from eclipse

I checked in eclipse/java plugin project from svn repository.
Eclipse automatically builds the code to show hundreds of errors.
It seems like that eclipse doesn't properly link to the plugin libraries. Googling to find this site that I need dependencies and other tabs in plugin.xml.
What might be wrong? I use Indogo(3.7) on Mac OS X 10.7.4
I used Indigo (3.7) for my Mac, but it happened so that the plugin was built on Helios (3.6). When I run the plugin using Helios, I got the project compiled without errors.
It seems like that some of the plugins are (heavily) version dependent.
Looks like you got the base XML editor instead of the plugin.xml editor.
This is probably caused by your not having the eclipse plugin development environment (PDE) enabled in a new workspace.
Try creating a new plugin project (this will enable the necessary plugin tools), or go to the preferences and enable the "correct" capability. Since the capabilities seem to change from release to release, I always use the first method and then delete the new project.

Remove RunAs->Local C/C++ Application from Eclipse Product

We are developing a development and testing platform for C projects in Eclipse platform. However, i need to remove RunAs->Local C/C++ Application from the Eclipse UI.
I am adding CDT plug-in in dependencies in the EClipse.Prodcut and tried to to remove the RunAs->Local C/C++ Application by removing org.eclipse.debug.ui and org.eclipse.debug.core from the dependecy page but is it not hiding the RunAs->Local C/C++ Application.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
you might have a look on Eclipse RCP Activities mechanism. Here is a tutorial. you also need to investigate if CDT defines any activities for its menu actions and if so, deactivate some.