OSGi with Eclipse: How to hide eclipse Bundles? - eclipse

Using Eclipse for OSGi Development is great.
Eclipse comes with cool auto completion features, thats also very helpful in OSGi.
By default Eclipse will suggest Bundles/Packages that are not created by myself but are available in Eclipse.
So my Question is how can i avoid that ? I just want to have my own bundles in these suggestions or auto completions. Is this possible ?

The set of visible bundles is controlled by the "target platform" that you define. By default, it points to self, so you see various bundles present in the Eclipse installation.
See Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform


Eclipse: Upload eclipse settings automatically

I often configure my eclipse with
customized perspectives
customized editor and other settings
Q1. Is there any feature by which this eclipse settings gets uploaded automatically to some cloud periodically so that I won't loose these settings in case I forgot to do this manually?
Q2. Is this requirement something desired by many developers and if so then how most developers deals with it?
There is such a service emerging at Eclipse:
And the Oomph technology in the upcoming Eclipse Neon release could use that service to store those preferences and re-create your preferences across installations and workspaces. This wiki contains a lot of additional information about Oomph:
Hope this helps!!!

Eclipse Add Perspective to Runtime

I'm creating a content analysis plugin for Eclipse and I'm testing it in Eclipse by running Eclipse Application.
This worked well (since my plugin only had to work with a plain text editor), but now my company has stepped over to using oXygen as XML plugin in Eclipse for our technical writers. To test whether my plugin also works with oXygen in use, I need to have the oXygen XML Author plugin working in the Runtime.
I have oXygen working in my main Eclipse, but that is not what I want: I need it in my Runtime Environment.
So my question is: how can I add this oXygen plugin to the Eclipse Runtime Environment?
Go to your debug/run configuration -> Select the configuration in question.
Go to plug ins tab. Check if the Oxygen plugin is in the list. If not then add it explicitly and launch the runtime again.
Hope it helps.

Minimal run/debug configurations for eclipse plug-in projects

I am working on an eclipse plug-in project. Running/debugging the plug-in project in a standlone Runtime Workbench is a routine work. However, the runtime workbench launches and responds slowly, because my eclipse edition contains too many plug-ins.
Problem: How can I create a minimal run/debug configuration without unnecessary plug-ins?
My trial: The option Run As -> Run Configurations -> Plug-ins -> Launch with plug-ins selected below only lists too many plug-ins to choose from. I am not sure what are required and what are unnecessary.
I try Deselect All -> Add Required Plug-ins, but it causes errors and fails to launch the runtime workbench.
The post: Eclipse minimal configuration for plug-in deployment seems related but it is focused on product deployment and I don't how can it be applied to my situation.
Source: You can find the plug-in project at https://github.com/hengxin/Eclipse-Plugin-Favorite-Demo. It simply contributes a QualityEclipse -> Favorites view.
What if after Deselect All -> Add Required Plug-ins, you check your application plugins and then Add Required Plug-ins ? There might be few plugins to add manually though

Debugging an eclipse within another eclipse - Eclipse Trader

According to this link
It seems easy to setup the environment. Into the last paragraph:
Setup the Run Configuration
There should be a misterious EclipseTrader run configuration appearing from nowhere !!
Obviously there is no such thing !!
The question is, how can I debug an eclipse within another elipse ?? Is it possibile ?
If you don't have the Eclipse application entry in the available debug configurations then you should probably be running an Eclipse which does not have the plug-in development environment (PDE) installed.
You can either download the Eclipse classic package which already contains PDE from the download page or install the PDE plug-ins in your current Eclipse platfom from the Eclipse update sites.

Remove RunAs->Local C/C++ Application from Eclipse Product

We are developing a development and testing platform for C projects in Eclipse platform. However, i need to remove RunAs->Local C/C++ Application from the Eclipse UI.
I am adding CDT plug-in in dependencies in the EClipse.Prodcut and tried to to remove the RunAs->Local C/C++ Application by removing org.eclipse.debug.ui and org.eclipse.debug.core from the dependecy page but is it not hiding the RunAs->Local C/C++ Application.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
you might have a look on Eclipse RCP Activities mechanism. Here is a tutorial. you also need to investigate if CDT defines any activities for its menu actions and if so, deactivate some.