Center Multi-Line Text on UIButton using IB - iphone

How do you center text line-by-line in a UIButton using Interface Builder? I am scouring the options and just don't see it. Here's the button:

You can't set the text to be centered in your nib. But you can change the alignment in your code:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.myButton.titleLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;

I know this is an old question, but I came across it in my own attempt to center the multi-line text of a UIButton in IB. What I found is that by default, when "title" is set to "plain" and "line break" is set to "word wrap" the longest line of the title text is centered and the other lines are left justified to this line (similar to the OP's screen capture).
In order to have all the lines centered properly, "title" needs to be changed to "attributed." This provides many more options to customize the appearance of the title text. Center each of the lines of text (you can now actually change the alignment for each line individually). Also be sure to set "line breaking" to "word wrap" under "more..." above the text. There seems to be a bug with how this line breaking option behaves, at least in Xcode 4.5 at this time, because the text on the button in IB will look incorrect, truncating everything except the first line. It seems the "word wrap" and truncate options are interpreted backwards in IB, but if you run the app it behaves correctly in the simulator.

Actually you can do it in interface builder.
Just set Title to "Attributed" and then choose center alignment.
#from comments : To wrap you need to set Line Break to Character Wrap or Word Wrap.
P.S : This might not render in xcode. But, it will work at runtime.

You can set the center multiline text in UIButton through storyboard.
This is how you make the text have two or more lines.
Set the below key Path at
Identity Inspector --> User defined runtime attributes --> add new key value pair with below
titleLabel.textAlignment - NSNumber - 1
titleLabel.numberOfLines - NSNumber - 5 - or use "0" meaning "any number"
It will look like this:
Note that (2016) unfortunately it does not actually show the two or more lines of text in Storyboard (you see only the first one), but it works perfectly when you run in simulator or device.

For IB set Title to "Attributed" and select center alignment (like Alexander Danilov suggested)
But if you want to do it in code using Swift 4:
// center button text
yourButton.titleLabel?.textAlignment = .center
// enable multiline if needed
yourButton.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 0

Not all options are done using Interface Builder therefore you must do some of them by coding, and usually we do them inside the function viewDidLoad.
To center your text inside a button by code you can use the following:
button1.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentCenter;
You can use the same technique to align the text to any direction, for example to the left:
button1.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentLeft;
But this will take the text too much to the left and you might want to have some space before it keeping the alignment to the left, so you add an inset after the aligning code as follows:
button1.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 10, 0, 0);
In this case we are pushing the text from the Y axis by 10 points. I say here points not pixels because as you know Apple uses the points technique to measure distances to be able to adapt easily between normal display and retina display (where retina is 2 times the normal one).

I haven't tried it out yet, but I think a way to do it might be create a CGRect on top of your button, then use it as a frame, create a label, and then you can play with the label, set the textAlignment property to be UITextAlignmentCenter, and set the background color to be clear.
This works with uitableview but I don't know whether that will work for button. Hope this helps.


Display what AVSpeechSynthesizer is showing as subtitles with Swift

I have an array with quotations, and am using a button to start a random quotation playing from the array.
I'm wondering, how would I have the selected random quotation also displayed in the ViewController so that people can read what the speechsynthesizer is reading?
How would I have the selected random quotation also displayed in the ViewController so that people can read what the speechsynthesizer is reading?
The best way to highlight the vocalized word is using the speechSynthesizer:willSpeakRangeOfSpeechString:utterance: method of the AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate protocol.
Instead of copying and pasting the code snippet here, take a look at this complete and useful example (ObjC and Swift) that displays the vocalized word in a bold font with the speech synthesis. there some way of using Subtitles.sizeToFit() so that the Label is split into 3 or more rows, instead of just "one row till infinity"?
In the Xcode Interface Builder - Attributes Inspector, set the value of the label property Lines to 0 and adapt your constraints to get a multiline presentation.
Add a label to your view and and set the quote text to it
quoteLabel.text = randomQuote
To show your label on multiple rows add:
label.numberOfLines = 0

How do I fit a paragraph in a scroll view controller programmatically?

I'm building an app and it has a description of everyone on the roster section. The text seems to overrun the page and I do not know the code or way to make it fill programmatically.
I have tried changing the values on the line of code the UITextField is in.
let descriptionM = UITextField(frame: CGRect(x: xPosition+15, y:
500, width: 300, height: 50))
descriptionM.text = desc[i]
descriptionM.textColor =
descriptionM.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
descriptionM.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
I wanted the text which is an array above, to fill the certain page on the scroll view instead it runs over the right side of the view with only the first line readable.
I have tried different values but non have worked.
I have tried changing the values on the line of code the UITextField is in.
You're using the wrong tool for the job. Text fields only ever handle one line, which is why there are no properties that let you set the number of lines.
I wanted the text which is an array above, to fill the certain page on the scroll view instead it runs over the right side of the view with only the first line readable.
Views that display text on multiple lines include UILabel and UITextView. UILabel is really meant for just a few lines or less, and it sounds like you may need many lines, so you should switch to UITextView. Or, if you're displaying a number of distinct items rather than paragraphs of text, you could use a UITableView where each cell displays a single item using a UILabel, UITextField, or UITextView. Table views are great for presenting arrays of data.

UILabel does not wrap (if I change default font size)

I am working on a simple storyboard prototype. My TableViewController uses Dynamic Prototype as Content.
I have a cell with 4 label of which two will be set in code (the label text). The height of the cell will be calculated in code too. The Line Breaks are set to Word Wrap and everything's working fine with the default values (System 17.0):
see here:
..but if I change the Font Size of the "Fantasy Street..." label it will not break any more instead it just will be cut off!
see here: with System Font 16
Lines are set to 0
Word Wrap is still active
.. I also tried to do it manually in code but no change.
Does anyone have an explanation for that?
****edited:** when I add
myLabel.frame = CGRectMake(t.origin.x, t.origin.y, t.size.width, t.size.height *2);
to the cellForRowAtIndexPath I still see the cut off label. But if I then scroll the table view so the label is outside the viewable area shortly it will be displayed with the complete text when it is visible again.
By the way, I am working with viewTags, so I don't have a dedicated Cell Class e.g. UILabel *myLabel = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:2];
You should check UILabel width; the width should be less than that of the value. Then like this:
(void) viewWillLayoutSubviews {
_landPhoneTips.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = _landPhoneTips.bounds.size.width;
I spent hours dealing with this identical problem before finally sorting it out last evening. After changing the font size, you must select the UILabel within the storyboard and select Edit > Size to Fit Content, even if you had already previously done so! In doing so you apparently reset some setting that gets messed up when changing the font size. Once done, the UILabel will wrap as it did previously.

setting dynamic x coordinate of second lable in xcode objective c

i have a problem that i have two lables,
1) will contain a long text
2) this will be just More button (link)
so i want that when the first text ends then the second label starts right from where it end. but the problem is that the text is variable so i could not find any way to make it dynamic.
text of first row
"this is text of first label" "more"
text of second line
"test best" "more"
in the example the rows are of table view and two lables are separated by " so i want second label starting point from where the text in first lable ends
looking forward for some solution
Thanks & Regards!
NSString has some methods to calculate its size when displaying using given font (e.g. sizeWithFont: method) - you can use it to determine text width and place your more button accordingly (someZZZZ parameters must be available on runtime):
CGFloat firstLabelWidth = [firstLabel.text sizeWithFont:firstLabel.font].width;
CGFloat moreX = firstLabel.frame.origin.x + firstLabelWidth + someGap;
moreButton.frame = CGRectMake(moreX, moreY, someWidth, someHeight);
You may need to add some validation for cases when text in first label is too long to fit the screen etc, but in general this code should work.

How to get the same UITableViewCell layout as in the Address Book app?

I currently have a custom UITableViewCell which contains a few labels, and an image.
The "main" label is used to display people's names. Currently, I'm styling it in bold text.
What I'd like to do (to gain some space and readability), is to mimic the Address Book app cell style, that is: first name in light text, and family name in bold text.
Is there a way to do this using the same UILabel? Or, should I use 2 different UILabels? How should I layout them, without knowing their sizes?
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
See this sample code from atebits:
It does something similar to what you want.
You can use the built-in UITableViewCellStyleValue2. From the UITableViewCell.h header file:
UITableViewCellStyleValue2, // Right aligned label on left with blue
//text and left aligned label on right (Used in Phone/Contacts)
Pass this into your [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:...] method.
I think it's table view cell with UITableViewCellStyleDefault style. If you'd like to use different font attributes then you need to use different labels (because there is no attributed strings yet). To calculate size of these labels you should use following method:
- (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font minFontSize:(CGFloat)minFontSize actualFontSize:(CGFloat *)actualFontSize forWidth:(CGFloat)width lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode;
or any relevant from NSString(UIStringDrawing).
Also, you can use custom strings drawing instead of UILabel.