UILabel does not wrap (if I change default font size) - iphone

I am working on a simple storyboard prototype. My TableViewController uses Dynamic Prototype as Content.
I have a cell with 4 label of which two will be set in code (the label text). The height of the cell will be calculated in code too. The Line Breaks are set to Word Wrap and everything's working fine with the default values (System 17.0):
see here:
..but if I change the Font Size of the "Fantasy Street..." label it will not break any more instead it just will be cut off!
see here: with System Font 16
Lines are set to 0
Word Wrap is still active
.. I also tried to do it manually in code but no change.
Does anyone have an explanation for that?
****edited:** when I add
myLabel.frame = CGRectMake(t.origin.x, t.origin.y, t.size.width, t.size.height *2);
to the cellForRowAtIndexPath I still see the cut off label. But if I then scroll the table view so the label is outside the viewable area shortly it will be displayed with the complete text when it is visible again.
By the way, I am working with viewTags, so I don't have a dedicated Cell Class e.g. UILabel *myLabel = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:2];

You should check UILabel width; the width should be less than that of the value. Then like this:
(void) viewWillLayoutSubviews {
_landPhoneTips.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = _landPhoneTips.bounds.size.width;

I spent hours dealing with this identical problem before finally sorting it out last evening. After changing the font size, you must select the UILabel within the storyboard and select Edit > Size to Fit Content, even if you had already previously done so! In doing so you apparently reset some setting that gets messed up when changing the font size. Once done, the UILabel will wrap as it did previously.


UITableViewCell content moving around

I have an iPhone app in which I'm using a UITableView to format a set of text responses, one per row. I've set up the cell in the storyboard to have a label inside it, and set up a constraint saying that the label should be 10 points from the edge of the cell. I then set up a custom subclass of UITableViewCell, set the cell in the storyboard to be of that class, and connected the outlet.
However, when I load the table, I see the text in the cell moving slightly to the right under some circumstances: when I select the cell, or when I load additional cells into the table. In fact, in the latter case, sometimes everything gets shifted to the right, even cells which were already there!
What the heck is going on here? The only changes I'm making in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: are to the text in the label, and I'm always setting it. And I've unset "Indent While Editing" on the cell in the storyboard.
Answering some of the questions: I'm setting the view up using the storyboard. Xcode isn't reporting any ambiguity with the constraints. Also, here are the screenshots, before and after:
My guess is that the constraints for the label are ambiguous. Ambiguity can make UI components jump around for inexplicable reasons. You probably need to set more constraints for the label to define its position on both axes.
Or, maybe all you need to do is set the label to the "size that fits content" (intrinsic content size) under the Editor menu in IB.
Did you add a new label to the UITableViewCell, or are you working with the textLabel that already exists in it? If you added a new one, consider removing it and using the cell's existing textLabel property instead. If that's not an option for some reason, double-check that the label you've added is in the contentView of the cell, and that all the constraints are relative to the parent view, not to the cell itself.
Also, for debugging, you could set the cell's contentView background color to red (cell.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];) - this might give you a better sense of what's moving, the label or the whole view.
This is just a guess without seeing your code. I had a similar problem once, when the app reused an existing cell, the dimensions of the label were not correct. So, I had to remove the old label in my cellForRowAtIndexPath method, before adding a new label. Here's how I removed the old one:
UIView *oldLabel = [cell viewWithTag:3];
if (oldLabel != nil)
[oldLabel removeFromSuperview];
Then I added a new label like this:
[cell.contentView addSubview:newLabelOrWhatever];
It might be worth checking to see that your string content doesn't have a space prefixed on it. Also, you could verify the actual position of the label by setting the background color.
I had a similar issue when the label would move when the cell was selected. It was a custom cell that I was loading from a custom Nib.
In the Nib I had not set the backgroundView of the UITableViewCell (superclass) to any view. Once I set it (I set it to the ContentView) the issue stopped.
My auto-layout constrains seems fine and had no issues, so I'm assuming it was the above that fixed it.
If you have a custom subclass of UITableViewCell, try implementing layoutSubviews. Let me try from the top of my head:
static CGFloat const kLeftMargin = 10.0f;
- (void) layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
/* Prepare for processing */
CGSize cellSize = self.bounds.size;
/* Change the textLabel frame */
/* Compute the new label frame */
CGSize labelSize = self.textLabel.bounds.size;
CGFloat xCoor = kLeftMargin;
CGFloat yCoor = roundf((cellSize.height - labelSize.height) / 2.0f);
CGRect labelFrame = CGRectMake(xCoor, yCoor,
labelSize.width, labelSize.height);
/* Set the new label frame */
self.textLabel.frame = labelFrame;
Now, this isn't what is usually recommended (since a lot of people use Storyboards and NIBs), but from experience, if you want some correct layouting done, implement layoutSubviews.

iphone Custom table cell, UILabel needs to be scrollable

I have a custom table cell with a UILabel in. What I want can be done with two ways.
1- Find the height of the Label that contains long text and set the rowHeight to make the whole text visible.
2- Make the UILabel scrollable so the user can move the text up/down with his hand to read the whole string.
Can you please advice me on which one to do an how to do it?
If your text is static and won't change dynamically, you should use the first option. You can cache the result so whenever you refresh the table, you won't have to recalculate the text. You can use sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode to calculate the actual text size.
For the row height: you should use tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: and not rowHeight, since rowHeight will change the height for ALL rows - not only a single cell.
A far as a scrollable text view inside a table: in my opinion - it looks like a cheap solution in an app and makes it a bit amateur.
I recommend not using the first option in most cases as depending on the length of the string it could make your table cells huge.
As for the second option: You should be able to add a UIScrollView as a subview into the table view cells. The Scroll View can contain the fully sized text labels and let you scroll through them within a fixed size cell.
Do we have any example on how to do it? Im new to iphone, sorry for
bugging. – Panos 9 mins ago
UIScrollView *scroller = [[UIScrollView alloc]initWithFrame:cell.frame];
scroller.contentSize = CGSizeMake(280, 100);
UILabel *test = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 20)];
test.text = #"This would be your label.";
[scroller addSubview:test];
[cell addSubview:scroller];
This will make a UIScrollView and a label in the tablecell 'cell'. This will work, but I do not think this is the best solution, since it's gonna be a scrollview inside a tableview which already provides scrolling. My advice is to adjust the rowheigth.

Center Multi-Line Text on UIButton using IB

How do you center text line-by-line in a UIButton using Interface Builder? I am scouring the options and just don't see it. Here's the button:
You can't set the text to be centered in your nib. But you can change the alignment in your code:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.myButton.titleLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
I know this is an old question, but I came across it in my own attempt to center the multi-line text of a UIButton in IB. What I found is that by default, when "title" is set to "plain" and "line break" is set to "word wrap" the longest line of the title text is centered and the other lines are left justified to this line (similar to the OP's screen capture).
In order to have all the lines centered properly, "title" needs to be changed to "attributed." This provides many more options to customize the appearance of the title text. Center each of the lines of text (you can now actually change the alignment for each line individually). Also be sure to set "line breaking" to "word wrap" under "more..." above the text. There seems to be a bug with how this line breaking option behaves, at least in Xcode 4.5 at this time, because the text on the button in IB will look incorrect, truncating everything except the first line. It seems the "word wrap" and truncate options are interpreted backwards in IB, but if you run the app it behaves correctly in the simulator.
Actually you can do it in interface builder.
Just set Title to "Attributed" and then choose center alignment.
#from comments : To wrap you need to set Line Break to Character Wrap or Word Wrap.
P.S : This might not render in xcode. But, it will work at runtime.
You can set the center multiline text in UIButton through storyboard.
This is how you make the text have two or more lines.
Set the below key Path at
Identity Inspector --> User defined runtime attributes --> add new key value pair with below
titleLabel.textAlignment - NSNumber - 1
titleLabel.numberOfLines - NSNumber - 5 - or use "0" meaning "any number"
It will look like this:
Note that (2016) unfortunately it does not actually show the two or more lines of text in Storyboard (you see only the first one), but it works perfectly when you run in simulator or device.
For IB set Title to "Attributed" and select center alignment (like Alexander Danilov suggested)
But if you want to do it in code using Swift 4:
// center button text
yourButton.titleLabel?.textAlignment = .center
// enable multiline if needed
yourButton.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
Not all options are done using Interface Builder therefore you must do some of them by coding, and usually we do them inside the function viewDidLoad.
To center your text inside a button by code you can use the following:
button1.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentCenter;
You can use the same technique to align the text to any direction, for example to the left:
button1.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentLeft;
But this will take the text too much to the left and you might want to have some space before it keeping the alignment to the left, so you add an inset after the aligning code as follows:
button1.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 10, 0, 0);
In this case we are pushing the text from the Y axis by 10 points. I say here points not pixels because as you know Apple uses the points technique to measure distances to be able to adapt easily between normal display and retina display (where retina is 2 times the normal one).
I haven't tried it out yet, but I think a way to do it might be create a CGRect on top of your button, then use it as a frame, create a label, and then you can play with the label, set the textAlignment property to be UITextAlignmentCenter, and set the background color to be clear.
This works with uitableview but I don't know whether that will work for button. Hope this helps.

Hide a UITableView by setting row height to 0?

I just inherited code which hides/shows rows a UITableView by using the delegate heightForRowAtIndexPath method and returning height 0 for "hidden rows".
The code works, but it has me concerned there might be fraught with unforeseen complications. Can someone either ease my concerns or give me good reasons why this could cause problems (I couldn't find any issues with initial testing).
The table is fairly small <10 rows total and would require custom row heights even without this hidden row solution.
I do the same thing in the code I just worked on. I am not happy with different behaviour for different table view settings.
The alternative in my case is more complex (a model that adapts to what is visible or not).
For now, I put a //HACK comment on it and document a few peculiarities.
This is what I have found (iOS 5.0 tested):
Set tableView.rowHeight = 1; Zero will give a cell with zero height (as returned by tableView:tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:) some default height.
You must have a cell separator. If none is selected, then a default height is assigned to zero height rows. The height of 1 is included with the separator.
If your code works in a different way, it would be interesting to know how it is set up.
It would be cleaner to add and remove the rows between two beginUpdates and endUpdates calls, but I don't see why this 0-height method should not work.
If there are no UI-artifacts, that is (e.g. the Delete button showing up overflowing to the next cell).
I use this method of setting hidden cell heights to 0. It works well and also means I can animate the inclusion of new cells by expanding the cell height (such as adding a DatePicker Cell like the calendar app does).
A few things I have had to watch out for in iOS 7.1 are that very squashed text does still appear even when a cell height is = 0 so I've needed to remove cell text in that case. Also, I have change the size of the cell's separatorInset as that was appearing as well.

How to wrap the data in a label of a cell in iphone?

im passing huge data to a label of a cell.So i need to wrap the line.I tried the below methods ------- cell.textlabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; cell.textlabel.lineBreakMode =UILineBreakModeTailTruncation;By truncating the label also no use.In this way my problem didnt get solved.I want all the data to be displayed in the same font size also.If the label of a cell containg less data,the font size is different and if the label of a cell containing more data,the font size is small.Please help me out.....thanks in advance
you can find the uilabels expected size programetically and also appply the word wrap..please refer this.UILabel size according to text
there are two things you need to know when wrapping text to label.
1. numberOfLine on which you want to display the text
2. lineBreakMode.
most of the time we set numberOfLine = 0 when we need to wrap the text, but keep in mind that 0 indicate , uses as many line as needed to display the text. This will cause to push the label view beyond it's container view. So make sure you have used
cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeTailTruncation;