Wordpress Plugin To Show Open Graph Read News Application On Facebook? - facebook

I have a basic idea about open graph and that it has come up with new to interact our blogs or news websites to come up on Facebook under news section.
I am developing a micro news website on wordpress (i have already almost completed the designing part!). My question is can anyone basically guide me to a plugin and/or tutorial to get this done so as if the prople read articles and news on the website it can be shown under the news section of his profile on facebook. Coz let's all agree this is one cheap form of advertisement and i dont want to miss on it!

If you use wordpress,
You can use the suite Facebook AWD all in one with the sub plugin Facebook AWD all in one Opengraph actions
You can find it here => http://facebook-awd.ahwebdev.fr
And the list of sub plugins => http://facebook-awd.ahwebdev.fr/plugins/
Action news.reads is configured on this website, you can test it. Loggin into the site using Facebook, And read some pages. After 11sec on a page the plugin will push the action on your timeline and store activity on your site to allow users to manage it.
Try it!

Please follow this DIY for adding og: meta tags to your wordpress blog.
Once you have that done, then you can use the Facebook like and Facebook comments plugins (see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins) on your articles.


Post content to Facebook Business Page - Timeline from external website?

Could somebody please provide a detailed step-by-step example on how to do the following?
I need to be able to post new content from our website directly to our Facebook Business Page - Timeline as the owner/administrator or via our Facebook App.
We have an extranet which supports multiple sites/domains, but would like the content from these various sites published automatically to our central Facebook Business page whenever we had content to our own sites.
We have like buttons on our pages, that allows users to like and post to their own walls, but we want to publish to our own business wall.
Is this possible?
Create an RSS-feed containing the posts you would like to share on your Facebook page.
Go to your Facebook page and use the top search box to search for 'RSS Graffiti'.
Follow the onscreen steps and you're done.

How can I like a post/comment in facebook fan page from my custom website

I am importing the posts and comments in my FB fan page to my custom website. I am importing using graph api. In the response array I am getting two types of action URL for "comments" and "likes".
See below :
Using this link in following code
<fb:like href="http://www.facebook.com/149263441795729/posts/240758399312899" width="450" height="80"/>
I get the following error
The page at http://www.facebook.com/149263441795729/posts/240758399312899 could not be reached.
How can I like these posts or comments from my website? Is there any solution for that?
I think--I'm no expert here--that redirects such as this are controlled by Facebook, with a cross-site scripting policy file on their servers that say whether or not they will allow redirects and to who. On my website for example I allow anybody to cross link, since I'm just a little guy, but I bet Facebook only allows it with preferred partners like various corporations, see the story below. That would be my best guess.
Facebook may be adding cross-linking to Foursquare, Yelp, Gowalla and more on Pages
Facebook appears to have added cross-linking between Pages and other location-based sites like Foursquare, Yelp, Gowalla and SCVNGR to its Pages, reports Scribbal. Tech evangelist Robert Scoble posted a notice on his Google+ profile earlier today that indicated a new partnership between Foursquare and Facebook as the Page for a place was shown to direct viewers to the comparable location on Foursquare.
The links appear off to the left underneath the ‘Like’ count and checkin count on a location’s page. The only question that remains is whether the users are activating these connections themselves or if it is something that is done automatically. This could be Facebook’s plan to integrate itself with other location sites now that it has distributed the Facebook Places features throughout its framework.
Facebook has been on a tear lately, adding the Subscribe button and smart Friends list features just this week, as well as Facebook integration into the new Skype for Mac. It is clearly making an effort to maintain its lead over Google+ as the preeminent social network and it doesn’t want lack of features to be a reason for anyone to quit it.
We have reached out to Facebook about this new feature and will update this post when we hear back.

tight integration between blog and facebook page

I have a self-hosted wordpress blog that I would like to get some more interaction with facebook users. Of course I can import the RSS to the page, and people will be able to post comments on fb, or click on the RSS link and post comments on the blog.
However, I would like to have all comments always be appearing on the blog – and potentially post blog entries to facebook so they get posted in full, and not just as a link to an RSS feed.
How is that possible?
You could look into the Facebook comments for Wordpress, I haven't used the plugin yet but I think it offers the solution you're looking for.
To publish your full articles on Facbook, take a look at the Facebook Static FBML. This Facebook application lets you import rss feeds wile keeping control over the layout.
Don't know if this is what your looking for but I would go with some plugins and the Facebook app.

Embedding elements of Facebook into website

I would like to do a couple of things with my website that would intergrate elements of Facebook.
The first is to embed my status (from a Facebook Fan Page) to my website
The second is to embed events that I've created on Facebook into my website and if possible allow users to RSVP instantly.
I know some basic html so all the help and any help would be great.
Thank You
try googling for the facebook social plugins where they give you plugin codes that you can insert in your site [plain html scripts] so that you get your facebook status etc..
may be you can check this

Simple Facebook Integration

I want to integrate a friends website (photographer) with Facebook. I've been trying to find the answer in the Facebook Developers guide, but it doesn't seem clear to me.
What would I need if:
I want to have a like button per photo album he has
I want to publish his news that he enters in my cms to his facebook wall
Do I need an application? Or can I accomplish this with plugins?
Thanks in advance.
the like button can just be added by inserting a code snipped
facebook will take care of the rest.
if you however want to do more with your liked pages like send updates and have statistics, you need to register an app and supply the app id as meta tag in your website. the open graph notation is used.
to publish news post you can obtain a permament token and publish using the graph api, but there are also alternative and probably easier methods
You should keep it simple and be able to accomplish these with just plugins... FB's documentation is quite rich:
In here it explains how to add the like button:
And this to post to his wall: