tight integration between blog and facebook page - facebook

I have a self-hosted wordpress blog that I would like to get some more interaction with facebook users. Of course I can import the RSS to the page, and people will be able to post comments on fb, or click on the RSS link and post comments on the blog.
However, I would like to have all comments always be appearing on the blog – and potentially post blog entries to facebook so they get posted in full, and not just as a link to an RSS feed.
How is that possible?

You could look into the Facebook comments for Wordpress, I haven't used the plugin yet but I think it offers the solution you're looking for.
To publish your full articles on Facbook, take a look at the Facebook Static FBML. This Facebook application lets you import rss feeds wile keeping control over the layout.
Don't know if this is what your looking for but I would go with some plugins and the Facebook app.


How do I publish a blog post to facebook so that the likes and comments are merged?

I have a wordpress blog. Is it possible to publish a link to facebook so that the published link on my facebook business page has the same like counter as the one on the blog?
Also, can the comments section be the same? (i.e. if I post the link on facebook, when someone comments, it automatically updates the comments section of the blog post and vice versa?)
This is not possible, each set of likes and comments are independent. There is no way to perform a merge of this data currently.
The Facebook Wordpress plugin provides essentially most of what you can do currently to link Wordpress to the Facebook API http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook
You can't link the like counter of your posts and pages to your Facebook page, why? They're all separate post and pages. It only makes sense.
What you can do? You can announce your post on Facebook (timeline or business page) and all can comment on it. You can add Facebook comments to your posts and pages. The commenter has the choice of that comment showing up in his Facebook timeline. People can "like" the post announcement, or the post itself if you have the Like button on it. They both act separately because for people to actually like your post, they have to visit the page. For analytics it makes sense because you want to know who is in your Facebook page and who actually clicks to visit your site. Both are not the same, and that's the point.
If you want to actually merge your site with Facebook, it will have to be in the form of a Facebook app. If that's the direction you want to take, I believe you can find some help here on the matter.

Wordpress Plugin To Show Open Graph Read News Application On Facebook?

I have a basic idea about open graph and that it has come up with new to interact our blogs or news websites to come up on Facebook under news section.
I am developing a micro news website on wordpress (i have already almost completed the designing part!). My question is can anyone basically guide me to a plugin and/or tutorial to get this done so as if the prople read articles and news on the website it can be shown under the news section of his profile on facebook. Coz let's all agree this is one cheap form of advertisement and i dont want to miss on it!
If you use wordpress,
You can use the suite Facebook AWD all in one with the sub plugin Facebook AWD all in one Opengraph actions
You can find it here => http://facebook-awd.ahwebdev.fr
And the list of sub plugins => http://facebook-awd.ahwebdev.fr/plugins/
Action news.reads is configured on this website, you can test it. Loggin into the site using Facebook, And read some pages. After 11sec on a page the plugin will push the action on your timeline and store activity on your site to allow users to manage it.
Try it!
Please follow this DIY for adding og: meta tags to your wordpress blog.
Once you have that done, then you can use the Facebook like and Facebook comments plugins (see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins) on your articles.

after post on wordpress commit to facebook and twitter

I have a blog
I have a page on:
Is there any way to send my new blog posts automatically on my social networking page?
There are plugins for facebook and twitter, some are more complicated than others to get going but they work, I've used these ones in the past
I'm not too sure on the others though

How to get Facebook to automatically publish articles when they are published on my site

I work for a tech blog and we are interested in having our stories published directly to Facebook when they are published on our site. How do I go about doing this?
For example, we publish article XXXX on our site, I want Facebook to automatically update our Facebook page with the title of that article, photo preview and link to the article. How can this be done?
There is a discussion on the WordPress website with more information.
A quick Google also revealed "Facebook Page Publish".
Personally for my blog, I have a plugin (Twitter Tools) that posts everything to Twitter, and my Twitter already posts everything to my Facebook.

Facebook Comment Plugin Synced with Page?

I'm using the Facebook Comment plugin for comments on my site. I was hoping that comments made to links shared on my Facebook Page would also show up on my website.
For example, if I share a link to a blog post on my Facebook Page, and someone comments directly to that shared link, that comment does not also appear on the website.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to sync these two?
I think comments are self-contained. You could maybe use the API to build something that shares comments on your page with comments on your blog.