Tumblr development tools - plugins

I want to create Tumblr theme and ineteresting is there any IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse, PHPStorm) plugins or tools for development? Ideal is to preview my theme in browser without uploading it to Tumblr.

I found my own way to develop tumblr themes using PhpStorm (or possibly any other IDE) and avoid the manual copy pasting to see my updates. I wrote a simple javascript to execute in your browsers console (MIT licensed).
setInterval(function() {
jQuery.ajax('YOUR-URL-TO-THE-THEME-FILE', {cache: false}).success(function(html) {
var btn = jQuery("div[data-action='update_preview']").first();
if (html!=ace.edit('editor').getValue()) {
if (!btn.hasClass('disabled'))
Use JetBrains PhpStorm to edit your html theme file ( It is possible to use other editors, the only important thing is that the file has to be hosted on a (local or public) server. )
Click Open in browser in PhpStorm while viewing the file.
Your browser should open with an url like this: http://localhost:63342/TumblrTheme/index.html.
Paste this URL in the snippet above.
Open http://www.tumblr.com/customize/YOUR-BLOG-NAME.
Click Edit html.
Open your browsers javascript console.
Paste in the snippet above (remember changing the path to your theme file).
The preview now is auto-updated every second if the source has changed.
Published at this gist: https://gist.github.com/cmfcmf/7154536

In terms of resources there's a few that I've found.
Tumblr Boilerplate
There's also a TextMate bundle although it's a few years old.
Developing for Tumblr is a bit of a pain, the way I do it is by setting up a test tumblr to use, reblogging or posting each post type that I want (photo, photoset, audio, text, etc.). I work on the HTML locally and get it set up how I want it to, until I know I can do pretty much everything I need to achieve via CSS alone. I then host any assets (CSS/JS/etc.) on my server, use the theme editor on my test theme to update the HTML, and then anything I need to do can just be done on my remote assets. If I need to edit the HTML I do it locally then paste it back into the theme editor.
It's not the nicest way of working, but I've done about 4 themes that way and it works okay for me.


Live manipulation to a Localhost Webpage or a Local Html File in Flutter

How can I show a HTML+CSS file in a Flutter widget, while being able to manipulate the HTML or CSS (in file) and viewing the changes live?
Manipulating HTML:
I could use JavaScript to manipulate the HTML DOM of a loaded webpage, probably through localhost? Is there a better way to do it instead?
Manipulating CSS:
Searching around the internet I find JavaScript like "dom.getElementById('something').style.color = color.red". Though, how could I go for loading css on every change of the css file, if possible?
I hope my question is not vague. Please let me know of any issues or suggestions on this question.
The app is meant for desktop installs, though I wouldn't mind switching to working with flutter-web if need be.
Kind regards.

Visual Studio Code - Live Server - Html Displays but no CSS markup

I have used VSC with LiveServer for some years with only 1 problem, back a few years ago when either LiveServer or Windows10 had an update installed, next time I opened my HTML file in LiveServer, the HTML was rendered in a "basic" layout, and did not include my CSS Styles.
On an Internet search I found a solution for either this site or similar where I needed to add a line of code to either LS or Windows, sorry but I cant remember which. And all was well again until, now. The very same problem has returned, and no matter how much I search, I cant fine the solution.
There are plenty where there were errors in HTML or CSS, but this is occurring on files which haven't changed, and on new ones from the same master I use for my new pages. The screenshot included shows the HTML, LS as basic HTML and how the page loads on the browser directly. I am using Chrome, but have tried on Firefox with same results.
How LS displays and how it should be
You need to open your VS Code project from a directory that contains your HTML and CSS.
Your HTML document is in the root directory of your project (hence the URL being /filename) but you are trying to load CSS from ../../css/filename.
The project needs to be two directories higher for the webserver to include that path.

TinyMCE and Dynamics365

I have a TinyMCE editor working with Dynamics365. In it, I'm able to get images to copy and paste into the window. However, I'm wondering where these images get posted to and/or stored and what I need to do to bring them back up when the page is closed and reopened.
When I reopen the page I get a list of errors saying the images can't be found (makes sense).
When you copy and paste the image into TinyMCE what actual HTML are you getting before you save the content? What plugins are you loading in TinyMCE to help facilitate the copy/paste? There is a free paste plugin and a commercial powerpaste plugin - these would typically result in slightly different HTML depending on the source of what you are copying.
Knowing what sort of HTML you get after the paste would be the first step in determining possible solutions.
We are using URLs for inserting the images into the page.

Plone: TinyMCE upload files

I'm trying to find a solution for files uploading directly with TinyMCE. Imagine creating a list of pdf files by uploading them using a custom button.
Is there something already done I can use? collective.clipboardupload seems to be a solution only for images.
collective.quickupload serves us well for such purposes and has a very good UI.
You can add that gadget as a portlet and make it only visible in edit-mode via CSS.
In our case we assigned the portlet to a certain content-type ('Gallery') instead to a location.
MoxieManager may be what you're looking for. It's a premium plugin made by the same developers as TinyMCE itself.
Try to use reponsive file manager :

Is there a way to programmatically download a web page, for offline viewing, using WebKit?

What I'd like to be able to do is download any web page, and be able to view it offline.
It seems like html WebKit views cannot be converted to PDFs (on the Mac, you could 'print' a PDF, but that isn't possible on iPhone?).
So, the only way is to save the actual resources - save the html, the step thru each image, css, js file and save it locally. Then maybe alter the urls within the code so they point to the right place...etc ...etc...
Is there a standard way to do this?
Or, is there an open source project (in any programming lang) which does this kind of thing?
There's an excellent webkit html to pdf converter appropriately called wkhtmltopdf. Given the reources available on the iphone and its toolkits, I think it'd be easy to compile a version for the i-Phone ('think' being the operative word). We've managed to use the tool in a Windows, Linux and Solaris environment with absolutely no bugs. Here's the link: