iPhone game "Paper Toss" programming physics [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have started looking into iPhone game programming. I want to build a game similar to Paper Toss that allow users to throw a paper in given dustbin at certain distance! I am totally new and trying to research on where to start with this. What could be the physics involved in user's selected direction and where should paper land etc etc. Could anyone please get me into right direction please. Thank you very much.

Physical factors involved:
Gravity (constant).
Projectile mass (probably constant), initial velocity (variable, depends on user input), and drag (constant).
Wind speed and direction (variable).
Starting location (probably constant).
Dustbin location (could be constant or variable).

You may also be able to benefit from an existing physics library, like Box2D. If you can get the numbers to "feel" right for the phone screen, it will handle forces (gravity, wind) and collisions (bouncing off the rim or other objects) for you. This is what I did in my "Hoops" game, which lets you shoot a basketball into a hoop.
I know someone who created a paper toss game using NME, and he was very happy with it. I created my Hoops game in a couple of days, in time for a "Hot Apps" competition that was running for webOS at the time.
The paper toss game isn't on there, but there's some screenshots for my Hoops game on this page:


how to make game like monster run in ios [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
hi iam new on game development can any one guide me how can i make the game like Monsters, Inc. Run.type game using level helper or any tutorial or software which you can guide me about this. Till now i just saw the toturial about level helper in which just shows righttoleft,lefttoright,uptodown,downtoup but i didn't find any tutorial or any thing in which player move right to left but also up and down when player change postion like in this game so can any one tell me here is the video link of the game too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTSZOKQUk7Q.
thanks in advance
You need to learn iOS development with COCOS2D and BOX2D. You can check one iOS game that i have worked in cocos2d.
But in your scenario you have to make complete map first. Some softwares are available for MAC. Then You have to learn one joyStick example with which you can handle your player. The movement of player will be dependent on JOYSTICK. JOYSTICK example is available on GitHub also.This link will help you.
Adding the Map to the Scene. means creation of whole map. You can see this tutorial.
Hope this will help you.

How to make a game like Panda Mania in Cocos2d? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I m new to this forum and in cocos2d world. I want to make a game like Panda Mania, in which I have to use swipe/fick to fire an arrow with force and gravity involve. I need some guideline how to progress in gaming world and what is the best option for achieving swipe/flick in iphone, should i use cocos2d or box2d for it.
Anam, like Ali mentioned, you are asking many things at once.
In general you can look for examples and see how things are done and go from there. A good page is www.raywenderlich.com
Also Cocos2D brings a good amount of examples that you can benefit from.
This tutorial comes to mind with your post: http://www.raywenderlich.com/14302/how-to-make-a-game-like-fruit-ninja-with-box2d-and-cocos2d-part-1
On the other hand, Cocos2D Vs Box2D may be a misdirected question because Box2D's main goal is to be a physics engine, not a general game engine like Cocos2d.
Depending on the game you can use them together, or use Cocos2D with Chipmunk or something else.
But many of the tutorials in Wenderlich's site will make this much more clear.

How can we control bass of music in iPhone sdk? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to control the bass of song played by user from iPod music library.
I've searched on Google and got some AudioMixer samples which were of no help, but now I have got bass library i.e. libbass.a from http://www.un4seen.com/ which I think is quite useful.
But I don't know how I should adjust the bass of the song using slider.
Recently I got one more sample regarding this. But here the issue in this sample is I'm getting all equalizer's types like Dance, Pop, Rock, Bass, Jazz, Acoustic, Classical etc preset/predefined in an array given by AudioUnit Framework. But I want implement only bass in an slider. And you would must know that to implement any thing in slider we need values. But here in my case i'm not getting any value for anyone of those equalizer's preset types.
If you want to really bring out the bass on tracks played in the iPod, set your values to boost frequencies around 60-80 Hz, while cutting out some mids around 100-400 Hz. Dont forget to slightly increase highs as well, say around 2800 + Hz. I'm not familiar with how the software is set up, but from a studio artist's experience, the above mentioned frequency adjustments will take out any muddy or muffled sounds and really open up the low end. To handle what your asking: set your slider between 60-100 Hz.
Best of luck!

Iphone Game development Esimate [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have been asked to give an estimate for an iphone game application.
I really have bad estimates for game application.
Can you share me links or stuff which will give me some idea of how long it will take me to develop the game.
I know this is very crude data, but some link that will give me database or share experiences about how much time other developers took for different games.
It really depends on your skills Amol.
Among other elements:
will you be doing the art assets, or are they given to you
are you designing the game, or just implementing it
do you "discover" Objective-C or are you an experienced iPhone or even Mac business application developer?
All these change your estimate drastically.
You also have to take into account the technique you will use:
pure OpenGL
which partly depends on the previous questions.
Then you need to know which frameworks you intend to use:
Core Graphics
Core Data
Game Center
and many other possibilities.
If the game is very simple, you probably won't need a database or a leaderboard. If you're implementing a huge tridimensional multiplayer online roleplaying game client, you might need a team to help you out.
You need to figure out the answers to all this before you can even put out a time estimate...

What do we need to build a multiplayer iPhone app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm doing some work right now for a small startup who wants to build a multiplayer game for the App Store. The basic idea is that users of the game can look to see if anyone else is online and enter a 2 player turn based game.
I have no experience with this kind of thing, so I'm not responsible for that part but we need to know the right kinds of questions to ask potential hires. Does apple provide a framework for what we're trying to achieve? What kind of experience would you expect somebody capable of setting this up and maintaining it to have? I know we'll need an SQL-server to manage accounts and stats and such, but beyond that I'm not too sure.
How would you get started tackling this?
I'd start by looking at Apple's Game Center, which was added in iOS 4: https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/gamecenter/
(You will need an Apple ID to see that page).
Game Center provides much of the framework you're looking for. (Note: it's less than a year old, so you may find limited experience with your interviewees).
Apple provides Game Center for turn-based multi-player gaming.
you can read about it here: