UI library (grid View, Metro style) - iphone

I wanted to know if there is a open source UI library in objective c for grid view like in ted.com or tile.js which is also an open source library for metro style UI used in apps like pulse.me.
Basically I want a grid view with cells of different sizes! I want to make something it on iOS for both iPad and iPhone.

In iOS 6.0 your best choice would be UICollectionView.

UICollectionView is available in Available in iOS 6.0 and later and therefore cannot be used if you want to support earlier version.
And as per your requirement you need to display a GridView
So to support earlier versions and get other cool features you can use other libraries here are some of the options:
1) KKGridView
2) UIGridView
3) AQGridView
4) NRGridView
5) MMGridView
6) WCGridView
I am currently using AQGridView so surely i recommend that as it is the least buggy and its functions are very similar to UITableView.
Also that If you are trying to do this without XIB it will be little bit difficult for you to handle it but you can create a view controller with Xib file to Create the interface of your choice. Here is the Video of how it can be done in the best possible way by Evadne Wu. And here is the Sample Project


How can I make a grid similar to iphone/ipads launcher screen?

I have seen a few grids made with UITableView but I don't really like how close together each cell is to the other. If there is a way of creating a grid system like the home screen on an iphone (the screen after it is unlocked) if would be great. I don't need an exact solution but a point in the right direction, maybe a set of libraries to look through would be great. I am running xcode 4.4.1
The key is UIScrollView has a paging mode (since could have more buttons than fit in the view). It's covered here's in Apple ocs:
If you use that, each 'page' would have n buttons/views that when clicked would call a protocol/delegate call back for the consumer with the data to handle and it would evenly layout the UIView/buttons across that page view. Contact me if you want my sample.
You probably don't want to require iOS6 as a minimum requirement but if you do, you can do as H2CO3 suggested in the comment and us UICollectionview. Here's a tutorial: http://www.raywenderlich.com/22324/beginning-uicollectionview-in-ios-6-part-12
There's also some open source launchers that you can look into their code. Here's some (I'm sure there's more).
Code is at: https://github.com/sarperdag/SESpringBoard
Also: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/openspringboard
Use UICollectionView. You can create grid type views using that. It is available in iOS 6.
If you can target iOS 6+, use UICollectionView. It's one of the best new things in iOS for years and it will be as important as UITableView.
The layout you're asking for is only a few lines of code.
NSHipster has a good explanation of UICollectionViews and Ray Wenderlich has a good tutorial.
(There's lots of example code out there, but here's a very simple example project I did recently for another question involving UICollectionViews)

navigation in UITableView in monotouch iPhone

i am new to iPad developer,
i have created two or three iPad application in objective c using Xcode 4.
but now i want to create iPad application using Monodeveloper tool in C# language...
in which, i want to do navigation,
when user selects any row of UITableVIew, on selection of row of tableView i want to navigate to a new Page..
i searched in google but i didn't got any syntax.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance !!
Using UITableView should be fairly identical to your previous ObjectiveC applications, i.e. you need to override the selected method and push your new view.
However there's a much simpler way of doing tables using MonoTouch, it's called MonoTouch.Dialog and it is now bundled with MonoTouch 5.2 (and more recent) releases.
There's a very complete sample application on github that will show you how to use most features and a great video tutorial from Xamarin's Seminars.

Trouble understanding universal apps, multiple view controllers

I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach writing a universal app. I'm not sure how to add some new files (for a new view), and how to add both iPhone and iPad view controllers. I'm using Xcode 4.2.
Your question is pretty vague (and general), but does this tutorial give you the information you need? http://blog.corywiles.com/creating-a-universal-ios-app-tutorial

What is the difference between a .xib file and a .storyboard?

Can someone explain in simple words the difference between .xib and .storyboard?
Apple introduced the concept of "storyboarding" in iOS5 SDK to simplify and better manage screens in your app. You can still use the .xib way of development.
Pre-storyboard, each UIViewController had an associated .xib with it. Storyboard achieves two things:
.storyboard is essentially one single file for all your screens in the app and it shows the flow of the screens. You can add segues/transitions between screens, this way. So, this minimizes the boilerplate code required to manage multiple screens.
Minimizes the overall number of files in an app.
You can avoid using Storyboard while creating a new project by leaving the "Use Storyboard" option unchecked.
You could refer this tutorial to get started.
Yes, you can still create a Window-based application for iOS 5. If you use the "empty project" template, you will see that a window is created for you in the app delegate. From there you can add XIB files as normal, or a new storyboard.
I'm assuming you mean "storyboards" rather than "timeline". Storyboards allow you to map out, visually, all of the views in your applications and how they interrelate. If you are just starting out with storyboards, there's an introduction to storyboards in the WWDC 2011 videos here. The 2011 Stanford iOS course on iTunes-U is also iOS 5-specific and covers storyboards and more.
A storyboard is like a canvas where you put all your .xib files. You no longer have any .xibs, you just have View Controllers directly on your canvas.
storyboard is a new feature available since the release of Xcode 4.2.
It offers a complete new way for iOS developer to create and design
user interface. Before the introduction of Storyboard, it’s especially
hard for beginner to create navigation (and tab) interface. Every
interface is stored in a separate xib file. On top of it, you have to
write code to link all interfaces together and describe how the
navigation works.
With Storyboards, all screens are stored in a single file. This gives
you a conceptual overview of the visual representation for the app and
shows you how the screens are connected. Xcode provides a built-in
editor to layout the Storyboards. You can define the transition (known
as segues) between various screens simply using point and click. This
doesn’t mean you do not need to write code for the user interface. But
Storyboards significantly reduce the amount of code you need to write.
Source: http://www.appcoda.com/use-storyboards-to-build-navigation-controller-and-table-view/
Xib files are used with a single UIView.
2)It's very difficult to implement complex auto-layouts in xib.
3)It's utilizes more memory as compared to storyboard and quiet slow.
It is compatible from iOS5 and onwards
You can do localizations for different languages and countries using
different XIBs .
It's difficult to use same Xib to support multiple devices.
1)You can layout all your Scenes like View Controllers, Nav Controllers, TabBar Controllers, etc in a single storyboard.
2)You can use Auto Layout easily that defines mathematical relationships between elements defining their position and sizing.
3)Usually fast and allocates less memory.
4)It's not compatible prior to iOS 5 .
5)"Dynamic" and "Prototype" cells can be used easily.
6)Storyboards best to use for the apps with a small to medium amount of screens.
The best Answer I have seen : Xib Vs Storyboard in iOS
XIB and Storyboard are used for creating interfaces for users.
One important point is,xibs are used for creating a single view(it has single file owner at the top of the xib file), but in-case for viewcontroller, multiple screens can be added and its flow can also be monitored(it has separate file owners).

Where are the standard looking iOS controls\styles in Delphi XE2?

We are currently in the process of evaluating Delphi XE2, and as you would expect I've started with FireMonkey as OS X and iOS development is of great interest. I've seen a couple of walkthrough's where people have created iOS apps using XE2 and I've managed to do the same, however the bread and butter of 'business applications' on an iPhone (which is how iOS support is being marketed) are buttons, lists, grids and connectivity (REST?).
Anyway, once you've created your iOS HD project the TButton initially looks green, whereas the TSpeedButton and TToolbar looks exactly like it should (blue gradient). The TToolbar doesnt have any way of adding buttons, presumably this is just a Panel, then?
Has anyone created styles for FM iOS HD apps, or do any of the wrappers allow direct creation of the standard iPhone controls?
I apologise if that sounds a little backwards given that I am attempting to evaluate using the trial version (which among other things doesnt provide the source, for obvious reasons!).
FireMonkey does not have standard iOS or OS X components. It draws all the components on its own, using a complicated set of layered sub-components, which are all editable with the FMX style editor in the IDE (or with a text editor outside the IDE).
So you can mimic the iOS or OS X components with the styles you get with the product or with your own custom styles. But to use the original UIKit/Cocoa Touch components, you'll have to use the FreePascal translations and conversions of the original Apple headers, and not FMX.
There is no designer for such UIs, unless you want to use Xcode 4.x. I don't know if FreePascal can load and use .xib files, though (although, why not? Probably just not automatically). You can, of course, create and place such components in code, at runtime.
So you either:
use FMX and design your own styles or modify the existing styles to your need, or
use Xcode and .xib files. Not sure how to do that with FreePascal.
FWIW, you can place any FMX component on any other FMX component (e.g. also a textbox on a button on an arcdial on a list item in a listbox), so it should be possible to place buttons on a toolbar. You probably have to take care of their alignment and arrangement, though, and probably also for their behaviour. Use a TLayout, Padding, Margins and alignment for that.