Get contents of password variable in response file - install4j

I'm evaluating install4j. The installer I'm trying to create uses a passwort text field. The value of this field should be written to the response var file as encoded value. Additional the installer must allow two installation paths:
a normal path ("advanced") that allows the user to see every screen and check/enter every value - using this path, the password field works fine.
a simple path that should use all values of a former installation that was succesful, to allow the user to start an update installation without seeing all screens.
Using the simple path (without showing the screen that contains the password field) it seems that at installation time only the encoded variable ("passwordField".encoded) is available but not the "real" password variable. Is there a chance to get the "real" password variable without showing the screen that contains this variable - maybe by using some kind of "decoding method"?
Thank you very much for your help!

Add another password component with the same variable to a screen that is shown on the simple path and set its visibility expression to "false". Then that invisible component will update the variable with the decoded value.


Office URI schemes, new file from template(nft) not saving the file in provided location

We are creating a new file from template as specified in the Office Uri Schemes documentation.
As per the documentation we can give an optional parameter with |s to specify the default path offered as a save location when the file is first saved. The only restriction is that if the optional default save location is supplied, it must be pointing to the same host name as the template.
We are using Office 365 group drive to save the template and the default save location(for newly generated file) is also in the same group drive. But it is not picking the default save location as specified.
Following is the URI that we are testing.
The above url when opened generate a new file from template but it did not give the default save location specified in the command when we try to save the file.
Any help if how to fix this would be very helpful.
Are you sure about your save URL ? It looks truncated as Dest...
If it's correct, make sure that it ends with a forward slash, like this:
You also must make sure you have the correct permissions to write back to that particular document library

how to verify text present in placeholder in selenium IDE

I want to verify the text present in placeholder. I have located the element and i am using Assert text command. I've entered the same string in value. On executing it is showing actual value did not match
Use assertAttribute or verifyAttribute command.
verifyAttribute | css=#search#placeholder | Sample String
In the Target column of Selenium IDE, you need to provide the proper path of the element followed by an # sign
and then the name of the attribute. (placeholder in your case)
verifyAttibute will still continue running the test case once an
error is detected while using assertAttribute doesn't.
You need to understand that assertText function can only check static text on your webpage.
You must be getting an error message.
This is perfectly normal.
What can help in this situation is using the assertAttribute or verifyAttribute functions.
Both these functions perform the same task; the former stops the test after receiving an error message in the text box while verifyValue just records the error in the log and runs the next commands.
While giving the target, either specify the XPath or refer by using the name=name#placeholder format.
You can find the name value by inspecting the box with a firefox addon called Firepath which runs with another firefox tool called Firebug. Install them if you don't already have.
Hope this helps!
Xpath contains() is the best way.
Format : '//tag[contains(#attribute,"value")]'

Working with layout object attributes and variables in FileMaker

This is the first time I'm encountering GetLayoutObjectAttribute and I am having serious issues with it. My variable $web won't set. I think it's because PD_WebV isn't the right object name to refer to, but I don't know how to find the right object name. I can't find the objects name when I hit Edit Layout, so does anyone know how to find an layout objects name?
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
#execute if statements
After Edit:
After some troubleshooting, I found out that PD_WebV is the right object name to refer and it's refered to correctly, so my new question is why doesn't the script go to the line If[$Web="done"] and how could I fix it? Ss my If statement not evaluating something it should be? Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something completely different? Would the problem possibly have to do with my WebDirect sharing settings? Any guidance would help. Thanks.
After, After Edit:
So now that my application is getting past Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")], the variable $web only equals <HTML></HTML>. Does anyone know a way, without using javascript, to test the inside of the html tags?
Also, I printed the bounds of the webViewer PD_WebV that I can't locate on the layout but am referring to in the script. The bounds that are printed are different each time I run the script. Is the usual or unusual? My source is also about:blank so it doesn't look like I'm sourcing from a URL
Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something
completely different?
If you're doing:
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
then the only time
will return true is when the web page loaded into your web viewer contains exactly the string "done" (in practical terms, that's never).
I have already suggested in a comment that you test for:
PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" )
This is assuming you want the subsequent steps to execute only after the page has finished loading. The entire script would look something like this:
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
Exit Loop If [ PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" ) ]
End Loop
# execute statements
You might also want to add a counter to the loop and exit the script after n trials.
Ah, I reread your question.
To set the object name for your webviewer so that the GetLayoutObjectAttribute function works you need to set it in the Name field in the inspector when you have the webviewer selected.
After that your variable should populate.
Be aware
What it will populate with will be all of the html from the browser, i.e. not a boolean true/false liek your conditional suggests.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but to be able to determine a result from your web viewer you'll need to either parse the HTML to see if it's content contains what you're looking for or within the code you're setting the webviewer with, fire a javascript function that calls back to the FileMaker file using a FileMaker url.

Setting up email content in editable email notification for Jenkins jobs

I started out by writing html code in the "Default content" section but that is not meeting my requirements since all the information I want to include in the email (html) is not available.
My questions are :
How can I set an environment variable in post build actions that I can then use in the default content section ? Is that even possible ?
How can I the know the path of a file present in the workspace after the build is done. The path contains a folder that is named using timestamp and I was looking for a way to get to the build results folder for the current build easily. Is there a way ?
You can use ${ENV, var="VARNAME"} (where VARNAME is the environment variable that you want to reference) anywhere in your HTML
As for your build folder, if it's a random timestamp during the build, you can't reference it unless you save that value to a properties file and then read it with ${PROPFILE,file="FILENAME",property="PROPERTYNAME"}
If you are using Jenkins's build timestamp BUILD_ID then you can reference that as any other environment variable.

Obtaining transition properties in TALES expression

I've created a custom workflow in Plone, using Products.DCWorkflow. I've set the transition descriptions to a more verbose description of what just occurred and am trying to display them in a status message. I thought I would be able to do this using workflow variables, but I'm hitting what appears to be a permissions issue and don't understand why.
I've based my workflow on simple_publication_workflow, which provides a set of variables. I tried copying the approach used for the action variable, which has a default expression of transition/getId|nothing. I created an action_description variable, and added transition/description|nothing. With this, I get a None value returned. Without the |nothing option, the page redirects to https, indicating the user doesn't have the permissions required for a current action.
I've put a breakpoint into createExprContext in Products/DCWorkflow/, and as the same user I can see the information I want in sci.transition.description. So I tried replacing the previous default expression with python:transition.description, but I get the same apparent permission problem.
I'm wondering why this is happening? Why is transition/getId a valid expression for a workflow variable, while transition/description is not?