how to verify text present in placeholder in selenium IDE - selenium-ide

I want to verify the text present in placeholder. I have located the element and i am using Assert text command. I've entered the same string in value. On executing it is showing actual value did not match

Use assertAttribute or verifyAttribute command.
verifyAttribute | css=#search#placeholder | Sample String
In the Target column of Selenium IDE, you need to provide the proper path of the element followed by an # sign
and then the name of the attribute. (placeholder in your case)
verifyAttibute will still continue running the test case once an
error is detected while using assertAttribute doesn't.

You need to understand that assertText function can only check static text on your webpage.
You must be getting an error message.
This is perfectly normal.
What can help in this situation is using the assertAttribute or verifyAttribute functions.
Both these functions perform the same task; the former stops the test after receiving an error message in the text box while verifyValue just records the error in the log and runs the next commands.
While giving the target, either specify the XPath or refer by using the name=name#placeholder format.
You can find the name value by inspecting the box with a firefox addon called Firepath which runs with another firefox tool called Firebug. Install them if you don't already have.
Hope this helps!

Xpath contains() is the best way.
Format : '//tag[contains(#attribute,"value")]'


I’m getting below error while I try to execute a workflow on Powercenter

Transformation Parse Warning [<<P M Parse Warning>> <<Invalid constant sun-expression>> <<Expression Error>> [TO_DATE]:invalid string for converting to Date
… t:TO_DATE(s:s:”,s:s:’YYYYMMDD’)
How can I solve this?
This is the first time I encounter this error. Normally, this is a daily routine for our job. The parameter is successfully added to the mapping and all the other things seem okay. I’d appreciate your help.
I tried to start the workflow and got this error.
You need to define a $$RUN_DATE in mapping. Currently its not defined in mapping or its null in parameter file.
You need to set a default value in mapping like 20221221 for today.
Or else you can set it up in a parameter file like this
Considering this is your daily routine and up till now it has been working fine, I assume this is not a new development and no recent changes have been made. Apparantly PowerCenter got an invalid value for the parameter.
Check you parameter file and how it gets generated.
Was the process of generating paramfile executed without issues?
Was there enough storage space?
Can you verify the paramfile contents?
Can you regenerate it?
Can you modify it and provide some value manually?
Feel free to get back with some updates for more help if your problem won't get resolved by checking the items on the list above.

testcase failed when getting variable output from bot using botium box

I am using botium-box. I have the following convo file:
Here the date is a variable and changes everyday so I have to change it everyday in convo file otherwise the testcase is failing.
I have tried few solutions:
setting SCRIPTING_ENABLE_MEMORY to true in advance settings and using
placeholder for variables. For eg.
I tried setting INTENT_CONFIDENCE to 70 in advance settings and using
in convo file. For eg:
I tried INTENT_CONFIDENCE directly in convo file without setting it in advance capabilities. For eg.
I tried using %s in place of variable. For eg.
Testcases are still failing. Is it a bug? Do I have to change any Botium settings? How can I do partial matching of responses?
Solution 1 should be working (see here and here). If it doesn't work, please attach log file for analysis.
Options 2 and 3 are for something totally different (verification of intent resolution confidence), and Option 4 is not a Botium feature.
What you can try as well: Botium by default does substring matching for assertions, so your convo file could look something like this:
what is the date today ?
Today is

get the current view which is displayed to user and verify

I am testing my eclipse rcp app GUI using a tool called RCPTT.
In rcptt, i want to check that a specific editor is opened or not.
right now i am using
get-view "Console" | get-table | is-disabled | verify-false
but this is wrong way to do verification.
using this code, if the console is not opened, than it click on console and do verification.
It passed all time.
So, is there any way to
- first get the current view(which view is displaying currently to user.)
- then verify this view.
You can not solve it within ECL, there's no support for this.
However you can solve it with Java code. It's not easy, could be a few hours of work.
1) Write a Java method that detects the name of the active View and returns it as a String
2) Make sure it's part of your application as a static class's static method
3) Invoke it from your ECL script with the invoke-static command
4) Compare the returned value in ECL script to what you've expected
Check methods parseComposites(), viewOrEditorIsFocused() and checkNextComposite() from this tutorial:
You do not need all the code from it and you need some editing too.
If you make an error/typo at points 2) or 3), then RCPTT-runner will simply throw an Exception without further explanation; be careful there.

$this->request->getArgument('group'); not working outside the plugin for breadcrums

I building an TYPO3 extension, withs contains a frond-end plugin. In the fluid template I'm using the following link. This links contains the argument named "group" to send the value "3" to the page.
<f:link.action pageUid="1" pluginName="PluginAds" controller="Ads" arguments="{group: 3}">
In the controller "PluginAds" under "AdsController" it works ok to get the value with the following action:
But I also want to use the argument "group" for generating the correct breadcrums link. But when I use the same code in a different controller I'm getting the error that the argument does not exists. Can anyone help on this?
Inspect with browser tools how does f:link.action constructs prefixes for params of your plugin, it's i.e.: tx_extkey_pluginsname[myparam]
Within the plugin's actions you can get myparam by
anyway anywhere else you need to get it as normal GET array, so it will be something like:
$pluginsParams = GeneralUtility::_GET('tx_extkey_pluginsname');
$myParam = $pluginsParams['myparam'];
Other thing is that you should always check if:
Before trying using it, otherwise it can lead you to null pointer exception.

Get contents of password variable in response file

I'm evaluating install4j. The installer I'm trying to create uses a passwort text field. The value of this field should be written to the response var file as encoded value. Additional the installer must allow two installation paths:
a normal path ("advanced") that allows the user to see every screen and check/enter every value - using this path, the password field works fine.
a simple path that should use all values of a former installation that was succesful, to allow the user to start an update installation without seeing all screens.
Using the simple path (without showing the screen that contains the password field) it seems that at installation time only the encoded variable ("passwordField".encoded) is available but not the "real" password variable. Is there a chance to get the "real" password variable without showing the screen that contains this variable - maybe by using some kind of "decoding method"?
Thank you very much for your help!
Add another password component with the same variable to a screen that is shown on the simple path and set its visibility expression to "false". Then that invisible component will update the variable with the decoded value.