Obtaining transition properties in TALES expression - workflow

I've created a custom workflow in Plone, using Products.DCWorkflow. I've set the transition descriptions to a more verbose description of what just occurred and am trying to display them in a status message. I thought I would be able to do this using workflow variables, but I'm hitting what appears to be a permissions issue and don't understand why.
I've based my workflow on simple_publication_workflow, which provides a set of variables. I tried copying the approach used for the action variable, which has a default expression of transition/getId|nothing. I created an action_description variable, and added transition/description|nothing. With this, I get a None value returned. Without the |nothing option, the page redirects to https, indicating the user doesn't have the permissions required for a current action.
I've put a breakpoint into createExprContext in Products/DCWorkflow/Expression.py, and as the same user I can see the information I want in sci.transition.description. So I tried replacing the previous default expression with python:transition.description, but I get the same apparent permission problem.
I'm wondering why this is happening? Why is transition/getId a valid expression for a workflow variable, while transition/description is not?


Why does the Google Tag Manager automaticalls has a Trigger event for gtm.load for my custom variables?

So I want to Trigger my Tags when the user accept cookies, obviously.
I tried different approaches, JSVariable, Custom JS, First party cookie and datalayer variable.
Now I have them all set in Triggers, for example if the JSVariable is true or if the first party cookie contains the cookie value I set, or the datalayer variable contains filled.
Now in Debug mode these Triggers actually seem to work. They all get Ticks under firing triggers, but the Tags don't seem to Trigger because I get another Trigger for some reason which states
gtm.load equals [variableName] (for example: gtm.load equals myJSVariable) and it always has this red X.
I just don't seem to find an answer to this problem.
Thank you all very much
So if anyone experienceses something similar (in case I am not the only dummy):
When you type in the eventname, it is about WHEN to look for your variable basically.
So for example you would enter gtm.load, when the site has been completely loaded. Then GTM would look for your CustomVariable

Powershell IE automation how to pass flags to navigate method?

How can I pass flags to the InternetExplorer navigate method
Specifically, no cache or read or write to history
What Ive tried so far, but just basing this off the BrowserNavConstants enum. Im not sure how one would pass more than one flag, nor if this is even taking effect, as my script seems to be pulling a page from previous execution.
$brFlgs = 4
$ie.navigate("my-url-here",$brFlgs )

Azure DevOps - Can we reuse the value of a key in the same variable group?

I have lots of URL values and their keys. But there is no way to batch import the variables and the "value" controls are also not text boxes in the Variables Group page to perform chrome browser extensions assisted find and replace.
If this is possible, what is the syntax to refer to the key?
As in, I have a variable App.URL : www.contoso.com.
I am using the key to substitute value in my next variable like this Login.URL : $(App.URL)\Login and this doesn't work.
GitHub link : https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/vsts-docs/issues/3902#issuecomment-489694654
This isn't currently available, not sure if it will be. Can you create a task early in your pipeline that sets the variables you need in subsequent tasks/steps? This gives you more control as you can store the script along with your source. You could then use a pipeline variable for the environment you're in and let your script use that to set values appropriately.
See Set variables in scripts in the MS docs.
If it's not possible to re-architect your app to concatenate the url strings in the application, what the previous commenter said about creating a simple script to do that for you would be the way to go. Ie:
#full login url
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Login.URL]$fullLoginUrl
Otherwise, perhaps playing around with the run time vs compile time variables in YAML pipelines might be worth trying.

How to reset VSTS counter?

We have a need to reset VSTS counter. I do not see any way to do this through UI. There is a way to do it by directly invoking reset build counter REST API, but in order to do this, you need to know the counter id, which you should be able to find out by invoking get a definition REST API. Unfortunately, no matter what I do get a definition call does not return build definition counter.
What am I missing?
Scott Dallamura from Microsoft wrote this thread:
the counters feature was experimental and removed back in March of
this year. I'm not sure how it even got into the documentation, but
I'll make sure it gets cleaned up.
I also didn't success to get the counterId in an API call.
At workaround, you can reset the revision of the build number if you change the build definition name, you can just add/remove a character.
Instead of trying to reset the counter variable, you could create a new variable with a GUID prefix.
This solution creates duplicate counters which might not be ideal but this gives you the ability to revert back to the previous counter values, if necessary.
Please see the following YAML code snippet
#Change this Guid if you require a reset seed on the same value.
resetCounterGuid: 'efa9f3f5-57fb-4254-8a7a-06d5bb365173'
buildrevision: $[counter(format('{0}\\{1}',variables['resetCounterGuid'],variables['YOUR_DEFINED_VARIABLE']),0)]

Why doesn't elapsed_time() work from log_message() even if called from post_system hook?

If I try to log benchmark->elapsed_time() in post_system hook, it just logs {elapsed_time} as if I called it from a controller.
CodeIgniter documentation says:
"post_system Called after the final rendered page is sent to the browser, at the end of system execution after the finalized data is sent to the browser."
It also says you are supposed to echo the elapsed_time() in a view to show it to the user, but... how is it possible that elapsed_time() is still being calculated after sending the finalized data to the browser?
I feel being lied to.
People keep saying I should use my own marks and get the difference, but that's not the same as using this...
Turns out the documentation also says:
"If the first parameter is empty this function instead returns the {elapsed_time} pseudo-variable. This permits the full system execution time to be shown in a template. The output class will swap the real value for this variable."
I went to the Output class and found the 2 marks it is using: total_execution_time_start and total_execution_time_end and I can use those in the post_system hook.